Title: Adobe Systems XML Registry Workshop
1Adobe Systems XML Registry Workshop
Name Duane Nickull Title Senior Standards
2Presenter Duane Nickull
- Senior Standards Strategist, Adobe Systems Inc.
- Former Team Lead UN/CEFACT eBusiness
Architecture Group (UEB Architecture) - Former Co-lead/Chief Editor - ebXML Technical
Architecture v 1.0 - Former W3C Web Services Architecture Group
member. - UN/CEFACT OASIS Joint Coordination Committee
Special Technical Liaison W3C. - dnickull_at_adobe.com
3News Release (relevant)
- Adobe Extends Commitment to XML Standards with
Acquisition of Yellow Dragon Software - Acquired Technology Assets Enable Native ebXML
Support in Adobe's Intelligent Document Platform
and Streamline Collaboration Across the Extended
Enterprise - http//biz.yahoo.com/bw/031110/105289_1.html
4 Agenda - Day 1
900 930 Introduction, Agenda and statement of
objectives - Introduce ourselves and state
specific objectives from this course to the
instructor. - Any concerns they have or
specific questions may be addressed at this time.
- Course outline. 930 1100 Part 1 An
Introspective Analysis of Service Oriented
Architectures - A brief history of how Service
Oriented Architectures evolved. - ebXML,
UN/CEFACTs eBusiness Architecture and Web
Services Architectures as three reference models.
- Show how Registries are positioned within
these architectures.
5 Agenda - Day 1
- 1100 1120 Break
- 1120 1230 Part 2 An Introspective Analysis
of Service Oriented Architectures - - A continuation of the earlier session with
more specific delving into Registry Systems. Each
SOA places different demands of the Registry
facility and those functional requirements are
examined in details. - 1230 QA
- 1240 1340 lunch break
- 1340 1500 Registry Functionality and
Architecture - Explore the major facilities of
a Registry/Repository System - - Show how a Registry functions.
- - Examine relationship of registries to
repositories - - Tightly bound vs. loosely coupled models
- - Registry Interfaces for humans and
applications. - - Registry architecture (server-client models,
API, security)
6 Agenda - Day 1
- 1500 1520 Break
- 1520 1645 The Business Use case for Registry
Adoption - Factors that make registry systems favored for
adoption within specific enterprise
architectures. - - List of some registry use cases.
- - Factors that drive their adoption.
- - Specific registry adoption strategies and the
benefits that may be realized. - 1645 1700 Q A
7 Agenda - Day 2
- 900 1045 ebXML Registry a specific look at
the ebXML Registry Model - - A specific look at ebXML Registry
- - Identify the major specifications that
constrain an ebXML Registry, capabilities and
deployment models. - - Discuss a few reference implementations.
- - Overview of Registry Services Specification
(RSS) - - Overview of Registry Information Model (RIM)
- 1045- 1105 Break
- 1105 1200 UDDI Registry
- - A specific look at the UDDI Registry
Specifications - Overview of what a UDDI
Registry does.- How UDDI differs from an ebXML
Registry. - 1200 QA
- 1210 1300 Lunch Break
8 Agenda - Day 2
- 1300 1500 ISO 11179 model for metadata
Registries - International Standards
Organizations (ISO) 11179 specification for
metadata registries. - The work of ISO and its
relationship ebXML and UDDI. - Ontology efforts
are also explored to discuss how semantic
discovery may be possible using XML syntax and
Registries. - Meta facilities management covered
include classification structures and schemes,
associations and relationships between different
Registries. - Automatic semantic discovery and
dynamic configuration of system interfaces based
on discovery of registry artifacts. - 1500 1645 Setting up a Registry System -
Live demonstration of setting up a
Registry/repository environment. - - Configuration of Registry. - Granting
privileges to the Registry Authority (RA)-
Creating the top-level classification scheme - - Adding the first artifacts to the Registry.
- 1465 1700 Q A
9 Agenda - Day 3
- 900 Recap of Day One and two any unanswered
questions, comments etc. - 915 1045 Programmatic Registry clients -
Examples of programmatic access to the
Registry.- Acquiring and configuring the
libraries. - - Write a simple REST client that can perform
simple registry tasks from a line command. -
Java based client will demonstrate many of the
registry features including sending proper
credentials to access the Registry content. - 1045- 1105 Break
- 1105 1245 Mastering the Registry environment
- Continuation of the morning session.-
Registry Client Functionality- Training the
attendees of usage of registry facilities. - - Registry authoritys roles and
responsibilities, user accounts and
administration, preventing unauthorized access,
protecting registry content, locking content from
use, administration of classification schemes
10 Agenda - Day 3
- 1245 1300 QA
- 1300 1400 Interactive Lunch break
- 1400 1515 Registry Federation,
De-centralization and future work. Work that is
on-going within the applicable Registry standards
bodies and upcoming features for new registry
work. A brief discussion about the political
landscape with software vendors and who is
backing different Registry initiatives. - 1515 1535 - Break
- 1535 1645 Deployment strategies for IT
workers W- Once a Registry system has been
decided on for deployment, work begins to make
other departments aware of the Registry and help
them begin using it. Carefully planning the
Registry implementation by collecting
requirements and calculating registry usage will
benefit all and ensure a successful
implementation. The pre-deployment planning and
post deployment training will be highlited by
showing actual functionality - 1645 1700 Final Q A
11Round table
- Introductions.
- What do you expect to get out of this class?
- Specific registry projects?
- Company / Department / Sign in sheet.
- Any concerns they have or specific questions may
be addressed at this time. - Any questions on the schedule.
- Additional topics? (time permitting)
12An Introspective Analysis of Service Oriented
- Understanding the technological and cultural
factors driving their adoption
13First - Business factors for Services
Cultural Shift
SOA eBusiness Processes over WWW
System Integration
Business to Customer
Internet Based Delivery
Local Networks
Protocols / Standards
14Competitive Marketplace
1954 2004
Source BancBoston Robertson Stevens
15Business Interaction Models
B to C
B to B
16The Shift to N-Tier
Internet/ Enterprise
Distributed Production Web Aware/Web
Scale eCommerce
Corporate Applications (Often departmental)
Mainframe Apps Mini-Computer Apps
17Second Technical Services
- A program often resides on one system.
- Old style -gt Spaghetti code no structure, no
classes procedural and linear execution. - GWBasic, early Cobol, Pascal, Fortran
- Object-Oriented programming is the early roots of
Service Oriented Architecture. - Classes ecapsulate logic and data.
- They can call each other as services - Accessor
and Mutator or get() and set().
18A simple program (object-oriented)
- public class HelloOttawa
- public static void main(String args)
- System.out.println("Hello Ottawa!")
Calls a method() of the class
Imports another class
Import HelloOttawa public class
HowAreYouOttawa public static void
main(String args)
HelloOttawa() System.out.println("How are
19The basis for Service Oriented
This class offers a service
- public class HelloOttawa
- public static void main(String args)
- System.out.println("Hello Ottawa!")
Import HelloOttawa public class
HowAreYouOttawa public static void
main(String args)
HelloOttawa() System.out.println("How are
This class uses the service
20Service Oriented Architecture expanded
- What if the two classes are not on the same
machine? - How can one class find another?
- How can a class send its information to the
other class? - Do the two classes have to be on the same
network? - Distributed Computing!!!!
21A new class() multiplies two numbers
- public class Multiply
- public static void main(String args)
- if (args.length ! 2)
- System.out.println( "Usage java "
Multiply.class.getName() " ltinteger agt ltinteger
bgt") - System.exit(-1)
- try
- int a Integer.parseInt(args0)
- int b Integer.parseInt(args1)
- int result a b
- System.out.println(a " times " b "
" result) -
- catch (Exception e)
- System.err.println("Error encountered "
- e.getMessage())
- System.exit(-1)
22Calling a service (RPC)
- Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
- Calling a functional piece of logic that resides
Multiply (5.45, 1.63)
ConvertCurrency(5.45, USD, CAD)
Multiply() class
ConvertCurrency() class
Result comes back
23Service Oriented components
- A transport mechanism is required that can
- Take a payload in a machine readable manner.
- Route it to the Service
- Provide sufficient information to allow the
service to return an answer.
24XML-RPC transport for RPC
- XML-Remote Procedure Call
- Precursor to SOAP
- Very lightweight
- Usually used within a Local Area Network (LAN)
- Used for non-critical applications (messages may
get lost, timeouts, no ack required). - More was needed.
25Why XML?
- If we want to use the multiply class, we need to
provide parameters (arguments) to the service
along with the type of service call. -
- Example multiple (4,5)
- XML provides a way to do this that is not
dependant on programming language, operating
system or code styles. - Possible to have a CurrencyConversion() class
running on Linux in ANSI C calling the
Multiply() class running in Java on Windows. XML
is the go-between. Standardized encodings.
26Data Serialization Problem
Int array4 -9, 0, -2, 1
The receiving machine must have the same view
of the data as the sending app. If the
receiving machine sees it as a set of unsigned
integers, the logical view changes..
Unsigned integers
Array Size
Index_0 value
Index_1 value
Index_2 value
Index_3 value
- Now add in
- - multibyte integers characters
- - bit ordering uncertainties
- Message serialization should not depend on
language, compiler or platform characteristics.
29Real World Problems
- NAMEFliegel
- DATE 01.01.01
- FILEsystem//fliegel.jpg
ST323712990413 V17039610D104NSCACL LS010
Field delimiters, grouping delimiters, what
constitutes containment, white space handling,
end of line handling, recoverable error when
parsing, data validation, data typing/masks,
enumerated types..
30A quick look at XML.
lt?xml version1.0 encodingUTF-8?gt
ltelement2gt lt/element2gt
ltelement1 attributeThis is the largest
31Benefits of XML and related standards
- Lower costs and reduced errors.
- Global standard wide usage.
- Consistent data conduct.
- Increase speed of deployment.
- Free Parsers in most languages.
- Allows flexibility in future
- Provide investment protection.
Key Champion awareness and recognition of the
value of standards. The first step is knowledge.
32XML Solution to array problem
- lt?xml version1.0 encodingUTF-8?gt
- ltarray size4gt
- ltinteger value-9/gt
- ltinteger value 0/gt
- ltinteger value-2/gt
- ltinteger value 1/gt
- lt/arraygt
33XML Solution to Multiply() problem
- ltparametersgt
- ltservicegtMultiplylt/servicegt
- ltinteger value5/gt
- ltinteger value 4/gt
- lt/parametersgt
ltanswergt ltinteger value20/gt lt/answergt
Service publisher
Service User
34Remote Service -gt Web Service
- Call services over http.
- Use XML for marking up parameters and returns.
- Can use Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) or
ebXML Messaging (or others). - Web Services services accessed via the Web.
- Synchronous and Asynchronous
- Loosely coupled systems have evolved.
35How do I find/describe services?
36Web Service Description Language
- WSDL provides a simple description of the service
offered. - WSDL is missing many things semantics, trading
partners agreements, constraints on who can use
the service, etc. - WSDL is a very simple, partial solution to a big
problem and does not tackle all issues. - Still works in many cases.
37Business Service Interface (BSI)
- UN/CEFACT term (Abstract Architectural).
- For Business applications, there are standards
that can be used to describe Service endpoints. - ebXML uses CPPs.
- CPPs point at payloads (with semantics)
- CPPs points at Business Processes (and
collaborations) - More on WSDL, CPP later.
38Service descriptions
How do I discover them?
40Service Oriented Architecture
- Need to define an Architecture to show these
interactions. - 3 main SOA examples to look at
- Web Services Architecture Group (WSAG) W3C
- UN/CEFACT eBusiness Architecture United Nations
CEFACT TMG group. - Coming up after break!
41The ebXML SOA Architecture
- Reliance on Registry systems.
42Company or Government Use Cases
- A company can have a service much like a code
method(). - Companies can offer business services for those
who wish to purchase services, validate
credentials etc. - Government users may wish to associate an owner
with a vehicle license plate, a registered owner
with a firearm or validate permit information. - A process may be associated with roles and
43ebXML Service Oriented Architecture
44Architecture Concepts
- Business Processes and associated Core Components
(in XML). - A mechanism for registering and storing them
(Registry) - A mechanism for declaring a Trading Partners
capabilities and they can do/support (CPP) - A way to convey semantics and agree on meanings
of Business Payloads (Core Components, BIEs)
45Architecture Concepts
- A mechanism for describing a Trading Partner
Agreement (CPA). - A standardized messaging service (ebXML MS)
- A standardized methodology/process for modeling
the real world business and translating it into
46ebXML uses EDI Reference Model
UML Models
47ebXML FSV implementation
48ebXML Registry / Repository
- The Registry is the heart of ebXML.
- Powerful system of Registries and distributed
Repositories. - Loosely coupled.
- Registries contain pointers and meta infromation
(Metadata) - The Registry Services exposed by the interfaces
have set methods().
- The Registry is the heart of ebXML.
- Powerful system of Registries and Distributed
Repositories. - Loosely coupled.
- Registries contain pointers and meta information.
Meta information constrained by Registry
Information Model (RIM) - The Registry Services exposed by the interfaces
have set metadata for expressing queries and
I / O
49ebXML Registry Item Examples
- Registry systems can give you information about
many types of ebXML and even non-ebXML documents. - - CPP and CPA
- - Business Process Documents
- - Core Components and CC Aggregates
- DTDs and Schemas (Assembly documents)
- Other non-xml or non-ebxml artifacts.
50ebXML Business information
Collaboration Protocol Profile (CPP)
Supported Business Process
Bridge to Legacy Data
ltltConstructed Fromgtgt
DTDs Schemas?
DTDs Schemas?
DTDs Schemas?
ltltConstructed Fromgtgt
XML Representations
Business Information Entities
ltltConstructed Fromgtgt
Core Comp.
Core Comp.
Core Comp.
Core Comp.
Core Comp.
Core Comp.
Core Comp
51Core Components
- A Core Component captures information about a
real world (business) concept. - A Core Component can be atomic or aggregate.
- It is Core because it occurs in many different
areas of industry/business information exchange. - Think ISO 11179 Data Elements!
52Core Components driven by UMM
53Core Components BIEs are
54Business Process
- Choreography of a bilateral (or more?)
engagement. - Must maintain state at both ends.
- Constraints imposed on forward progress in
process. - Examples - gt real world vs. virtual.
- Points at Payloads to be used at modeling time
(Design Phase) and at Runtime Phase. - Work on going.
- BPEL (Business Process Execution Language).
55Web Services Architecture
- Developed from RPC, XM-RPC, WSDL and associated
56Quick Introduction to Web Services
- Web Services usually refers to a group of loosely
coupled components like WSDL, SOAP, WSCI etc. - Has risen from the ground up (technically driven)
- Derived from XML-RPC
- Same basic principles as ebXML.
57I want to offer a service
1. This application offers functionality that
others can use
2. I make it available via a SOAP interface
usually in a servlet container
3. I describe the servicein a Web Services
Description Language (WSDL) instance doc (XML
4. I register that service in a UDDI or ebXML
Registry so others can locate and use it.
58Web Service simple model
59Web Service expanded model
60WSAG principles
- An interoperability architecture.
- Not intended for individual Web services
- Not dependant on WSDL, SOAP, ebXML MS or any
other technology. - to provide a global perspective on the networked
service architecture. - Other specifications, such as SOAP 1.2 and WSDL
give detailed recommendations for specific
61WSAG relationships
62WSAG major goals
- Interoperability between Web services,
- Integration with the World Wide Web,
- Reliability of Web services,
- Security of Web services,
- Scalability and extensibility of Web services,
and - Manageability of Web services.
63WSAG major non-goals
- To prescribe a specific programming model or
programming technology - To constrain the internal architecture and
implementation of specific Web services - To demonstrate how Web services are constructed
- To be specific about how messages or other
descriptions are formatted (ebXML, AS1?) - To determine specific technologies for messaging,
discovery, choreography etc.
64Web Services major components
65The UN/CEFACT Architecture
- Building on top of ebXML and Web Services.
66Key Architecture Principles
- Platform independence.
- Event driven and Service Oriented Architecture.
- Facilitation of multiple concurrent and/or
different implementations. - Component based architecture allowing eBusiness
components to be added, deleted or modified. - Allows proprietary protocol support, including
custom extensions for industry standards. This
refers to, but is not constrained by, electronic
message payloads. - Custom workflow, information and syntax
definitions are allowed in support of unique
business rules and requirements, as may be
defined by users. - Incremental phased implementation.
67(No Transcript)
68Business Service Interface
- All details of a service interface.
- Can be adapted for non-business.
- Most BSI information will likely be registered in
a Registry.
69Runtime Stack uses BSI artifacts.
70State Management
71The UN/CEFACT Modeling Methodology
72The UMM Meta-model
73UMM - expanded
74What can UMM give us?
- Data in payloads, transport details in message
envelope and verbs in BP artifacts. - Higher probability of interoperability between
vocabularies. - Alignment of semantics.
- Smart, re-useable processes.
- A complete view of choreography and state.
- A statement of intent.
75What UMM means for a Registry
- All UML relationships must be capable of being
expressed in RIM (registry information Model). - UML diagrams stored in Registry (note What type
of file?) - XMI can be used within Registry.
- UML artifacts related to XML, EDI or other
expressions of the SAME thing.
76SOAs are
- Event driven.
- Platform neutral.
- Service oriented.
- Registry centric.
- Payload agnostic.
- Infrastructures.
77Q A SOAs Break
78Registry Functionality in Architecture
1300 1430
79Goals of this Module
- Explore the major facilities of a
Registry/Repository System - Show how a Registry functions.
- Examine relationship of registries to
repositories - Tightly bound vs. loosely coupled models
- Registry Interfaces for humans and applications.
- Registry architecture (server-client models, API,
80What is a Registry?
- An XML registry is an infrastructure that enables
the registration and discovery of services,
ontology's or other artifacts for information
sharing. - It is a neutral third party that facilitates
dynamic and loosely coupled interactions. - A registry is available to organizations as a
shared resource, often in the form of a web-based
81Relationship of Registry standards
82Content Management System (CMS)
- Can manage any artifact throughout its entire
lifecycle. - Does a better job for WS discovery than UDDI.
- Allows sharing re-use.
- Facilitates either Metadata OR instances.
83Registry Architecture Examples
84Registry Facilities
85Registry Facilities (cont.)
86Registry Facilities (cont.)
87Discovery via a Registry
88Client Server model
- Life Cycle Management interface provides a
collection of methods for managing objects within
the Registry. - Query Management Interface that controls the
discovery and retrieval of information from the
Registry. - RC Registry Client
- (Optional) Administrative Management manage
users, accounts, etc beyond RIM.
89Registry Architecture
Managed Objects
RSS Messaging
RSS Messaging
Registry Side
Client Side
90XML Elements
- XML elements can reference items from a Registry.
- Examples
- ltLastNamegt
- ltNomDeFamillegt
- ltNamegt
- lt?gt
- All are the same item!!!
91Registry Item Examples
- XML elements in business messages can reference
items in a registry. - Examples
- ltLastName UIDmyrep1236gt
- ltNomDeFamille UIDmyrep1236gt
- ltName UIDmyrep1236gt
- lt? UIDmyrep1236gt
- All are the same item!!!
92Registry Usage for Metadata Look-up
- XML Elements in document instances contain
pointers to Repository Items. - Most Registry Items are metadata not instances
of data.
lt?xml version1.0gt lt ? UIDFooRep12345gt Duane
lt/ ? gt
Document Instance
Managed object
Managed object
Managed object
93Registry Actors
94Registry Actor Relationships
95UN/CEFACT Implementation Phase
96UN/CEFACT Discovery Phase
97Relationship of Registries-Repositories
- One Registry can access several repositories.
- De-centralized model means content does not have
to reside on same server as Registry. - One Registry can use programmatic access or HTTP
interface to point at content on another Registry.
98Relationship of Registries-Repositories
Registry Client
Registry Server
Registry Client
99Relationship of Registries-Repositories
Registry Client
Registry Server
100Registry usage summary
- Registries are agents for discovery
- Repositories hold content
- Relationship can be more than 11
- Offer interfaces for actors
- Permission based privileges
- Agnostic to content
- Audit trails and more..
- Fundamental building blocks of a SOA!
101Business Use Case for Registry
130 245
102In Search of the Silver Bullet
- Flexible Integration Tools
- XML Syntax
- Metadata Interchange (semantics?)
- Internet Marketplaces
- Standards (EDI, XML)
- Published Interfaces in a Registry (ebXML or
UDDI) - Low cost for coming online.
103More Partners More Complexity
I ( n (n-1)) ( r (r-1))
I Integration work R number of systems N
number of applications
104Registry-Centric Concept of Operations
Ad Hoc
105Challenges of e-business today
- XML initiatives underway for specific industries
- attempts at verbatim translation of EDI to XML
- Consensus required on common requirements
- No core infrastructure means
- Incompatibility
- Reinvention the norm
- Segregated pockets of communication
106More than B2B
- Use cases shared with non-eBusiness users.
- Registries facilitate sharing of information
across multiple domains. - eGovernment starting to rely on Registry (US,
Korea, Australia, Hong Kong (2001-2) - Austria, Spain (2004).
- CDC initiative for information sharing of disease
outbreaks (Registry centric). - Security/Intelligence initiatives.
107ebXML Registry Vision
- A semantic registry is the key foundation block
upon which global electronic business exchanges
will be built.
K. Fessenden
108Traditional EDI
Each arrow is a project
More than 400 initiatives
110Business Service Interface (BSI)
Need to Register a BSI to automate business
Connection across industry boundaries
111BSI Approach Business Centric
Each participant needs to specify their own
Who, What, Why and How?
Standards parlance
Business Terms
Organisation(s) Industry / Service Business
process Context factors Transaction
interchanges Information details Messaging details
CPPA, WSDL, eCo BPSS, BPEL, WSCI etc. Metadata
Content Assembly XML content structure Semantics
Registry ebMS, CPA, WS-RM
112Profile Registration Maintenance
Organisation Business process Information Technolo
Own Capabilities and Requirements to trading
113Registry for Metadata Interchange
- Allows tools to make use of semantic crosswalk
mechanisms (easier integration of new and
existing systems). - Easy to re-integrate if someone changes their
BSI. (add one element?) - Exchanges can take a first step of checking to
see if the BSI has changed. - Dynamic configuration possible in some cases.
- Maintenance of existing relationships/interfaces
more likely as primary use case.
114Information Sharing Use Case
Canadian Law Enforcement Web Service
LE WS Registry
US Law Enforcement
115Registry Supports Data Models
- A Person has a XXXX Attribute.
- Who asserts that information?
- What Date was that information gathered (weight)?
- What amount of trust do I place on that
information? - What additional information MUST be associated
with the assertion.
116CPSIN Data Model
117Standards Example Deployment
One View to User Organizations
Request Federation Make Associations Synch User
Groups Local content control
Federation Server
OAG Registry
Content Classification
STAR Registry
OAG staff approve
Element Definitions
STAR staff
Transaction Assembly
Element Definitions
Transaction Assembly
118Use Case Registry Driven eForms
119E forms layers - Implementation
RequestForm() Validate() ConvertToXML() SendFormIn
Client Layer
End users
ValidateForm() UseFormInfo() Archive() ProcessForm
2nd Tier (Server) Layer
Government users
3rd Tier (Other Agency) Layer
ReceiveData() QueryRegistry() Archive() ProcessDat
ReceiveData() QueryRegistry() Archive() ProcessDat
Nth Tier (UnKnown Users) Layer
120Implementation Sequence
Schema, DTD Registry UID Definitions
End User requests form
Build Form
Receive eForms data
Query for form structure
Process() Archive()
Info Server
Other Agencies
Nth Tier (UnKnown Users)
121Receiving Unknown Data
- When an application receives Data from an eForm
that it does not understand, the UID can be
resolved to dynamically write transformation or
viewing templates.
Proprietary Data Format marked with UIDs
Data Transformation
Received data
Compliant XML Syntax XSL or CSS
Resolve UIDs From Registry
122Eforms data and ROI
RequestForm() Validate() ConvertToXML() SendormInf
No ROI / Small ROI
Client Layer
End users
ValidateForm() UseFormInfo() Archive() ProcessForm
2nd Tier (Server) Layer
Moderate ROI
Government users
3rd Tier (Other Agency) Layer
ReceiveData() QueryRegistry() Archive() ProcessDat
Large ROI
Nth Tier (UnKnown Users) Layer
ReceiveData() QueryRegistry() Archive() ProcessDat
123The Many to Many Challenge
Trading Partners
Divisions of the Corporation
124Goal Single face Solution
Trading Partners
Single Interface
125eForms workflow support.
- A primary goal of many architectures.
126eForms Publishing Processing
127ROI for adoption of Registry driven eForms
- Life Management of eForms requires no further
integration at client. - Changes published in Registry are reflected
instantly to 1,000s of forms. - Instance data is data type consistent with
applications. - Registry Access control policy for instance data
drives workflow. - Flexible classification schemes and context
mechanisms promote reuse of metadata.
128Assembly Mechanism
- A Registry Use Case - Binding Data together
129What is assembly
- Meta-data to bind multiple objects together.
- In UML, is often proprietary.
- In ebXML, will likely be XML based.
- Context specific assembly of Metadata.
- Like a schema to create a schema (meta-metadata).
- Supported by Registry/Repository.
- Blueprint for creating a .xsd schema.
- Work in progress within OASIS (CAM, UBL) and
130Content Assembly
Courtesy of OASIS CAM
131Assembly Scenario
XML Serializations
Content Assembly Document
Assembly Utility
XML Schema
eForms, PDF, HTML etc.
Instance Data
132Sample Assembly template
lt? xml version"1.0" ?gt ltAssemblyGuide
ltDataElement root"true" name"Being" gt
ltDataElement name"BeingTypeIdentifier"
l" /gt ltDataElement name"GenderIdentifier"
er.xml" /gt ltDataElement name"BeingBirthYear"
ear.xml" /gt ltDataElement name"BeingBirthMonth
" useDataElement"0018-BeingBirt
hMonth.xml" /gt ltDataElement
/gt lt/DataElementgt lt/AssemblyGuidegt
133Assembly explained
134Registry supported Assembly
- CAM guide will be fed into CAM application.
- CAM application will make several round trips to
the registry to get() the metadata fragments it
needs to complete an Aggregation. - Will use Context as classification to retrieve
correct registry Object (Data Element) - Most likely in XML.
- CAM application will produce a context specific
135eForms Assembly
eForms Server
- Receives data
- Receives eForm template
- Populates template
- with data
- Generates form
- Signs form
- Extracts content andmetadata
- Archives statements
End user - eForms Presentation
Archiving Registryand Repository
Template Registryand Repository
eForms Design Tool (uses Assembly-type Documents)
Allows designers to quickly publish new eForms
136Basic Architectural needs for eForms.
- A Metadata Registry generally compliant with
ISO/IEC 11179 (UDDI is not an option but can be
used to find registry). - Registry uses a web service interface.
- eForms application that can utilize a network
connection to query a Registry. - eForms Design tool to build form metadata.
- Data modeling experience.
- eForms rendering tool
- Secure reliable messaging system
- Context an essential element of defining
138Context demonstrated.
- 0 (What is this round shape?)
- 4 5 0
- 0ne m0re f0r the r0ad.
- T0tal 0.36. (one concept two contexts)
- Real world example for data
- Monetary amount becomes
- Invoice Total (in context of settlement, role of
invoicer) or - PO total (in context of procurement, role of
139Context defines meaning
- Stock what does it mean?
- I called my broker to buy stock.
- Making soup? Start with a good stock.
- The rancher has lots of livestock.
- Examples
- YEAR (Core Component) becomes
- BEING.BIRTH.YEAR (Business Information Entity)
140Context Categories
- Geo-political
- Industry
- Product
- Official constraints
- Business Process Role
- Supporting Role
- Systems Capabilities
141Sample XML Context Declaration
lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"UTF-8"
?gt ltContextAssertion homeRegistry"http//ebxml.my
3f" gt lt!--Category ( Geopolitical
ProcessRole SupportingRole
SystemCapability )--gt
ltDeclaration category"Geopolitical"
value"CA-ON" /gt ltDeclaration
value"9221" commonName"Justice,
Public Order, and Safety Activities" /gt
ltDeclaration category"SystemCapability"
value"xml_schema_xsd" /gt lt/ContextAssertiongt
142Registry support for Context
- ebXML Registry Specification shows how RIM can be
used to facilitate contextual classifications of
Registry content. - Not yet supported in UDDI
- ISO 11179 fully supports context as necessity for
accurate data element classifications. Model
ported to ebXML RIM 1.0. - Context Declarations can be submitted as content
to Registry as Registry Objects of type type
def (user defined).
143Q A
- Q A for day one.
- Look forward to Day 2.