Title: France: 1791-1795
1France 1791-1795
- Legislative Assembly
- National Convention
- Reign of Terror
- Thermidorian Reaction
2Why didnt the French Revolution end with the
creation of a new Constitution and Government in
- What factors prevented the resolution of the
revolutionary fervor?
3Why? International Phase
- Emigres abroad
- Girondins (party of international revolution)
- Marquis de Condorcet
- Declare war on Austria April 1792 Expansion
(Avignon, German lands) - Treaty of Pillnitz (Prussian allies with Austria)
- Conservatism Edmund Burke
- Reflections on the Revolution in France
4The Political Spectrum
The Plain(swing votes)
Montagnards(The Mountain)
Source Susan Pojer HGHS
5(No Transcript)
6(No Transcript)
7European Reaction
8The Jacobins
Sans-Culottes Parisian Working class
9Paris Commune Aug 1792
- Revolutionary municipal government
- Demanded greater democracy
- September Massacres (prompted by propaganda)
- Worsening economic conditions fueled civil unrest
- Losses on the battlefield (Brunswick Manifesto-
July 1792) stirred patriotic excitement
10The Radical Second French Revolution Overview
- The National Convention
- 1792-1794
- Girondin Rule
- Jacobin Rule
- Reign of Terror
- Thermidorian Reaction
11What sparked the radical turn of the French
Revolution in 1792?
12The Death of Maratby Jacques Louis David, 1793
13The Assassination of Maratby Charlotte Corday
Paul JacquesAimeeBaudry, 19c
14National Convention
15Executed the King and Queen
- January 1793
- Marie Executed in October 1793
16New Government, Again!
- New Constitution
- National Convention
- real democratic reforms
- Universal male suffrage, abolition of slavery,
end of all manorial policies (as liberal as it
will become!) - Military Success (Levee in Masse)
- Differing views intenstify
17Maximillian Robespierre(1758 1794)
The Incorruptible? To punish the oppressors of
humanity is clemency to forgive them is
barbarity. Maximilien Robespierre, 1794
18Georges Danton
19Reign of Terror 9.1793 - 7.1794
- Committee of Public Safety (12 members)
- Revolutionary Courts
- Guillotine
- De-Christianization (New Calendar)
- Law of General Maximum Economic Controls
- Law of Suspects restrictions liberties (speech,
press, assembly) - Gave republicanism a bad name!
20Temple of Reason
21The Reign of Terror
Let terror be the order of the day! The
government in a revolution is the despotism of
liberty against tyranny.
- Estimates have
- 16,594 executed by guillotine (2,639 in Paris),
- another 25,000 in summary executions across
22Different Social Classes Executed
23Thermidorian Reaction
- July 1794
- Executed Robespierre and 83 associates
- Began the reversal radical democratic policies
(universal male suffrage, abolition of slavery) - Established the Directory in October 1795
- Enter Napoleon