- For Parents, Sunday-School Servants and Educators
- Ontario did it
- Quebec is doing it
- that will be mandatory in all Quebec schools
- September 2017
4Implementation schedule
- From 2015 to 2017, some 15 volunteer schools will
implement the programs defined by the Ministère. - The pilot projects will make it possible to
adjust the learning content and staff training if
necessary. - Once these improvements are made, sexuality
education could become compulsory in all schools.
- The 2017-2018 school year
- Sexuality education could be extended to all
schools starting in the 2017-2018 school year.
5Highlights of Quebec Curriculum(Very Explicit
Encourages Exploring Sexual Freedom)
- 1. Sexual growth and body image
- 2. Identify gender stereotype, roles and social
norms - 3. Emotional and romantic life
- 4. Sexual assault, violence and activities
- 5. Pregnancy and birth
- 6. General understanding of sexuality
- Added for High Schools
- 7. STBBIs and Pregnancy Sexually Transmitted and
Blood-borne Infection Prevention
6In the Quebec Curriculum,
- There is some good content
- Ex Sexual Assault Awareness Violence
Detection -
- BUT,
- Most of the Content is overly explicit sexually
and will create confusion and Encourage sin more
than awareness
7Examples of Potentially Confusing/Inappropriate
Teachings from the Quebec Sexual Education
8Sunday School Objectives
- Adopt a Life of Holiness
- Appreciate Gods Creation
- Feel at ease to talk to a Servant /Parent
9??? Source of the Problem ???
Genders Male Female Male, Female, 3rd Gender not male not female, Personal preference...
Marriage Husband Wife ? ?
Sex Holy Inside Marriage Personal Preference, Open relationships
Freedom To do good according to God To do what one feels it is good
Purpose Health and Salvation Sickness and Death
Strategy Commandments Human Rights
11Society Rejection of God
- Romans 128
- (NKJV) they did not like to retain God in their
knowledge, - ???? ?????????????? ???? ???????? ????? ???
?????????????? - (FLS) Comme ils ne se sont pas souciés de
connaître Dieu
12War against the Truth
- Romans 125
- (NKJV) who exchanged the truth of God for the
lie, - ????????? ????????????? ????? ????? ???????????.
- eux qui ont changé la vérité de Dieu en mensonge,
13War against the Truth
- 1 Timothy 41
- (NKJV) the Spirit expressly says that in latter
times some will depart from the faith, giving
heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of
demons, - ???????? ??????? ???????? ??????? ???
???????????? ??????????? ????????? ?????? ????
??????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????
???????????? ??????????? - l'Esprit dit expressément que, dans les derniers
temps, quelques-uns abandonneront la foi, pour
s'attacher à des esprits séducteurs et à des
doctrines de démons,
- 2 Timothy 313
- (NKJV) evil men and impostors will grow worse
and worse, deceiving and being deceived. - ???????? ??????????? ???????????????
???????????????? ????? ????????? ??????????
????????????. - les homme méchants et imposteurs avanceront
toujours plus dans le mal, égarants les autres et
égarés eux-mêmes.
15Impact on Gods Children Pressure - ???
- Mark 1319
- (NKJV) For in those days there will be
tribulation, such as has not been since the
beginning of the creation which God created until
this time, nor ever shall be. - ???????? ??????? ??? ?????? ?????????? ????? ????
?????? ???????? ?????? ?????????? ????????????
??????? ????????? ??????? ????? ????? ??????
???????. - Car la détresse, en ces jours, sera telle qu'il
n'y en a point eu de semblable depuis le
commencement du monde que Dieu a créé jusqu'à
présent, et qu'il n'y en aura jamais.
16Impact on Gods Children
- 2 Timothy 312
- all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will
suffer persecution. - ??????? ????????? ?????????? ???? ?????????
???????????? ??? ?????????? ???????
?????????????. - tous ceux qui veulent vivre pieusement en Jésus
Christ seront persécutés.
17The Message to our Children
- Matthew 244
- (NKJV) And Jesus answered and said to them
"Take heed that no one deceives you. - ????????? ??????? ????????? ??? ???????????
??????. - Jésus leur répondit Prenez garde que personne ne
vous séduise.
18The Message to our Children
- Romans 122
- (NKJV) do not be conformed to this world, but be
transformed by the renewing of your mind, that
you may prove what is that good and acceptable
and perfect will of God. - ??? ??????????? ????? ????????? ???? ???????????
???? ?????????? ??????????? ?????????????
?????????????? ??? ???? ????????? ?????
???????????? ?????????????? ????????????. - Ne vous conformez pas au siècle présent, mais
soyez transformés par le renouvellement de
l'intelligence, afin que vous discerniez quelle
est la volonté de Dieu, ce qui est bon, agréable
et parfait.
19Evil People will Reap what they sow
- Romans 127
- (NKJV) receiving in themselves the penalty of
their error which was due. - ?????????? ??? ???????????? ??????? ???????????
??????????. - recevant en eux-mêmes le salaire que méritait
leur égarement.
20The Concern of the Church
- 2 Corinthians 113
- (NKJV) But I fear, lest somehow, as the serpent
deceived Eve by his craftiness, so your minds may
be corrupted from the simplicity that is in
Christ. - ???????????? ??????? ??????? ????? ????????
?????????? ???????? ???????????? ??????? ????????
????????????? ???? ???????????? ??????? ???
??????????. - Toutefois, de même que le serpent séduisit Eve
par sa ruse, je crains que vos pensées ne se
corrompent et ne se détournent de la simplicité à
l'égard de Christ.
21Our Attitude
- 2 Corinthians 215
- (NKJV) For we are to God the fragrance of
Christ among those who are being saved and among
those who are perishing. - ????????? ????????? ?????????? ????????????
???????? ??? ????????? ??????????? ?????
????????? ???????????. - Nous sommes, en effet, pour Dieu la bonne odeur
de Christ, parmi ceux qui sont sauvés et parmi
ceux qui périssent
22Dear Parents
- Remember the commandments given you the day your
children were baptized - ?????? ?????? ???? ???? ???
- ??? ??????? ???????
23Parents Responsibility towards their Children
- Proverbs 226
- Train up a child in the way he should go, And
when he is old he will not depart from it. - ????? ????????? ??? ????????? ??????? ?????
??????? ??? ??????? ??????. - Instruis l'enfant selon la voie qu'il doit
suivre Et quand il sera vieux, il ne s'en
détournera pas.
24Parents Responsibility towards their Children
- Deuteronomy 1118-19
- "Therefore you shall lay up these words of mine
in your heart and in your soul, and bind them as
a sign on your hand, and they shall be as
frontlets between your eyes. You shall teach them
to your children, speaking of them when you sit
in your house, when you walk by the way, when you
lie down, and when you rise up. - ???????? ?????????? ?????? ???? ???????????
????????????? ????????????? ???????? ????
??????????? ????????? ????????? ??????
??????????? ????????????? ????????????
?????????????? ????? ????? ??????????? ???
??????????? ??????? ????????? ??? ??????????
??????? ?????????? ??????? ??????????. - Mettez dans votre coeur et dans votre âme ces
paroles que je vous dis. Vous les lierez comme un
signe sur vos mains, et elles seront comme des
fronteaux entre vos yeux. Vous les enseignerez à
vos enfants, et vous leur en parlerez quand tu
seras dans ta maison, quand tu iras en voyage,
quand tu te coucheras et quand tu te lèveras.
25What are you going to do?
- Do not be shy to discuss controversial issues
with your children - For those who are SHY or BUSY,
- Ask yourself ?
26What is better?
- 1- Get informed
- 2- Find courage
- 3- Discuss and guide your children
- 1- Ignore the problem
- 2- Remain shy
- 3- Lose your children
27When did our Church decide to take action?
- Parents concern about the Ministry of Education
program. We got a sample of Québec sexual
education program in secondary 7 8 from one of
the CONCERNED parent. - It was clear that the Church needed to take
action about this subject because of the growing
dangers of the influence of the society on our
children (friends, books, internet,
Anti-Christian Politics, and media).
28General Coordinator Talaat AtallaSpiritual
Overseer Fr. Tadros El-Masry
- Servants and Parents Committee
- 1. Christine Mikhail, MD
- 2. Myriam Ghobriel, Psychotherapist
- Teachers
- 3,4. Mariam Yousef Neveen Asham
- 5. Marlina Farag, Nurse
- Dr. Soheir Atalla
- Mariam Matta
- Shary Ayad
- Nagy Basha
- Noha Awad
- Germine Demitri
- A Webpage in our Church Website was designed to
include - Articles , books, presentations, sermons,
videos, cartoons, etc..
30On Going Effort
- Regular Committee Meetings
- Research to get more Christian guides in 3
languages to enhance our web site. - Parents and servants self education, all what you
want to know is on the web. - A new book About Purity Bishop Youssef in SUS is
in print. - Biblical references to purity , chastity and
sexual immoralities Verses Project are almost
done - Kindergarten lessons were adapted to answer our
Quebec curriculum
31Still to be done
- Thorough Study of the Quebec Curriculum year by
year - Use
- the Western Canada purity program
- and
- the SUSCOPTS Purity program when it will come out
- To
- develop lessons to be Integrated in our current
Sunday school program that will correct the
damage that the Quebec curriculum will do as well
as build the Christian understanding of Purity
and sexual Health in our Children
32Our Teaching Strategy
- Because there are Difficulties, discomforts and
embarrassment of dealing with these sensitive and
delicate issues (parents and servants) in our
conservative and traditional culture. - ? The Focus group professionals will teach the
difficult and complicated lessons in the
curriculum - Simpler topics will be incorporated in some of
our Sunday School curriculum - ? Can be taught by the Sunday School servants
- Servants Meeting General Training started about
the psycho-emotional and sexual development of
33Western Canada Coptic Orthodox Diocese Christian
program Lesson structure
- Every Lesson has 2 parts
- Part 1 Introduction of the Issue
- Summary and reference (page.. Section) of the
controversial issue in the government curriculum - School Teachers Statement
- What should the Student retain from the lesson
- Part 2 Christian Corrective lesson
- Lesson from the Christian Perspective
- Material to be retained by the student
- Discussion Supported by biblical verses, ready
QA, parent discipline - References and Resources
34Questions and Comments