Parent Involvement - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Parent Involvement


Parent Involvement Introduction to Home/School Compacts What is a Compact? A written commitment/agreement indicating how all members of a school community: parents ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Parent Involvement

Parent Involvement
  • Introduction to
  • Home/School Compacts

What is a Compact?
  • A written commitment/agreement indicating how
    all members of a school community parents,
    teachers, principals, students, and concerned
    community members, agree to share responsibility
    for student learning.

Purpose of Compact
  • A compact defines the job description and
    development of a partnership between the school,
    parent and student and how all will share the
    responsibility to improve student achievement by
  • Student learning
  • Communication and
  • Building partnerships with trainings and
  • volunteering.

Compact Requirements
  • Title I Part A
  • In addition to adopting a school parental
    involvement policy, each school shall jointly
    develop a school-parent compact with parents,
    which needs to target
  • The schools responsibility to provide
    high-quality curriculum and instruction school
  • The importance of ongoing communication between
    parents and teachers through, at a minimum,
    annual conference, reports on students progress,
    access to staff, and opportunities to volunteer
    and participate in and observe the educational
    program school section and
  • The parents responsibility to support their
    childrens learning parent section.

Description of Responsibilities
  • The schools responsibility section must have
  • How the school will provide high-quality
    curriculum and instruction
  • How to present a supportive and effective
    learning environment and
  • Others as needed.
  • The parents responsibility section must have
  • How families will support their childrens
    learning environment
  • How parents can participate in making decisions
    relating to their childs success and
  • Others as needed.
  • The students responsibility section must have
  • How students can communicate with family and
    school staff about any problems or extra help
    needed and
  • Others as needed.

Planning for the Compact
  • Create a Committee school personnel,
    parents/family members and students (middle
  • Create Compact establish your compact with
    shared responsibility
  • Implement Compact publicize compact, have all
    parties sign agreement
  • Evaluate and Modify Yearly On a yearly basis
    evaluate compact for improvements or statements
    not working
  • District Goal should align with District vision
    and mission statements

District Goal
Strategizing together
  • When writing your compact keep these
    suggestions in mind
  • Compacts define responsibilities to all
    participating partners
  • Compacts should be specific to schools academic
  • The compact should represent the ideas of the
    entire school community
  • Offer clear statements
  • Include information that helps staff, parents and
    students to understand what is expected
  • Number of responsibilities should be equal for
    all partners
  • Statements should support all groups and
  • Be specific in your statements i.e. how often
    homework should be done, read how many minutes.

Sample of a Elementary Compact
  • As a Member of the School I Pledge
  • Provide high-quality curriculum and instruction.
  • Communicate regularly with families about student
    progress through annual conferences, report on
    student progress, provide access to staff and an
    opportunity to volunteer and participate in and
    observe the educational program.
  • Provide meaningful, daily homework assignments to
    reinforce and extend learning (30 minutes for
    grades 1-3 and 60 minutes for grades 4-6).
  • Actively work with families and school staff to
    make schools accessible and a welcoming place for
    families which helps each student achieve the
    school's high academic standards.
  • Endeavor to motivate students to learn.
  • Have high expectations and help every child to
    develop a love of learning.
  • Provide a safe and caring learning environment.
  • Respect students, staff and families of different
    cultural backgrounds.
  • As a Parent I Pledge to
  • Communicate the importance of education and
    learning to my child.
  • Ensure that my child attends school every day,
    gets adequate sleep, regular medical attention
    and proper nutrition.
  • Participate at school in activities such as
    school decision making, volunteering and/or
    attending parent-teacher conferences.
  • Regularly monitor my child's progress in school.
  • Communicate with the teacher or the school when I
    have a concern.
  • Read to my child or encourage my child to read
    every day (20 minutes K-3, and 30 minutes for
    grades 4-6).
  • Provide a quiet time and place for homework and
    limit TV viewing.
  • Respect the staff, students, and families of
    different cultural backgrounds.

Sample of a Middle/Jr. High Compact
  • As a staff member, I will
  • Provide high-quality curriculum and instruction.
  • Endeavor to motivate my students to learn.
  • Have high expectations and help every child to
    develop a love of learning.
  • Communicate regularly with families about student
  • Provide a warm, safe, and caring learning
  • Provide meaningful, daily homework assignments to
    reinforce and extend learning (30 minutes for
  • grades 1-3 and 60 minutes for grades 4-6).
  • Participate in professional development
    opportunities that improve teaching and learning
  • support the formation of partnerships with
    families and the community.
  • Actively participate in collaborative decision
    making and consistently work with families and my
  • school colleagues to make schools accessible and
  • places for families which help each student
    achieve the school's high academic standards.
  • Respect the school, students, staff and families.
  • As a student, I will
  • Come to school ready to learn and work hard.
  • Bring necessary materials, completed assignments
    and homework.
  • Know and follow school and class rules.
  • Ask for help when I need it.

Publicize the Compact
  • Use the compact in all areas of your school
    programs such as
  • School newsletter
  • Website
  • Community events/assemblies
  • Back to School Night
  • Parent/Teacher Conference Week and/or
  • PTA/Booster club meetings.

Yearly evaluation of your Compact
  • The compact is an evolving action plan. It
    focuses on all parties doing their equal part.
    Here are a few ideas to help schools evaluate the
  • School data to evaluate whether your compact is
    helping achieve the academic goal
  • Parents, teachers, and students (Middle/Jr. High)
    should be included
  • Committee should review each bullet for
    effectiveness and
  • Committee should ensure that compact aligns with
    District and school plans.
  • Schools are required to review the compacts each
    year and
  • approve at the School Site Council Meeting.

Evaluating Questionnaire
  • Ask your compact partners to answer these
  • questions to see how well the compact is working
  • Is your staff, family, and students aware that
    the compact exists?
  • Do partners know their commitments under the
    compact and are they fulfilling them?
  • Is the compact used frequently in
    parent-teacher meetings and in other ways?
  • How do parents, teachers, community members,
    and students use the compact?
  • Are resources, including those from Title I,
    designated to help achieve the aims of your
  • compact? How much? Are there any other possible
    resources available?
  • Does your school community feel that the
    compact is a reasonably balanced statement of
  • responsibilities for student learning and
    school performance?
  • Are there any new initiatives in the school,
    community, or District that could link with your
    compact to
  • strengthen its impact?

Strengthen your Compact
  • Use the following worksheet to design an
    improvement plan.
  • Area identified for improvement
  • Why improvement is needed (based on progress
    towards standards and local, state, and
  • national comparisons)
  • __________________________________________________
  • Improvement strategies How will the committee
    strengthen the actions for this area?
  • What specific actions will be taken with
    reference to learning, to communication, and
  • to volunteering and training? How will each
    partner contribute to the effort?
  • 1. _______________________________________________
  • ______________________________________________
  • 2. _______________________________________________
  • _______________________________________________
  • 3. _______________________________________________
  • _______________________________________________

  • In order to make a compact successful all
  • partners need to put statements into action.
  • The compacts success depends on the
  • commitment all partners have for student
  • achievement.
  • For assistance please contact your Parent
    Involvement Liaison
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