Title: Local District 5 Principals Meeting
1Local District 5 Principals Meeting
- Changing Board Policy
- Central Offices
- Local Districts
- Plan of Action, Review
- Data and Achievement
- CAHSEE Pass Rates
- Healthy Food Initiatives
- Opening School
3Changing Board Policy
- Central Offices
- Central Support System to provide tactical
support - Functions
- Monitoring and implementing standards
- Coordinate the collection and dissemination of
information and data - Conduct research
- Developing and implementing technology
- Coordinate basic operational services, e.g.,
transportation - Coordinate state and federal compliance
4Changing Board Policy
- Local Districts
- More autonomous with control over resources
- Guiding Principles
- Improving student achievement
- Developing a new culture of accountability
- Engaging parents and community
- Providing local communities with more control
- Tapping the expertise of best educators
5Changing Board Policy
- Local Districts
- Establishment of the Parent Community Advisory
Committee - To include parents, community members, one high
school student and six ex-officio members - Purpose
- Share and receive information, by the LDS
- Provide input and suggestion to the LDS
- Review the effectiveness of the LDS relative to
his/her engagement and interaction with the
entire LD community
6PCAC Parent Component Election
7Changing Board Policy
- Local Districts
- Schools, autonomy and flexibility
- Consider what it is that you need to expedite the
achievement of your students - Flexibility regarding specific guidelines will be
considered - Superintendent Brewer and Deputy Superintendent
Cortines are open to suggestions from the field
regarding this
8Plan of Action, Review
9Plan of Action
- High Academic Achievement
- Graduation Rate
- Counseling
- Parent/Community Involvement
- Safe and orderly Schools
101) High Academic Achievement
- Benchmarks
- By August 15th, each LD will present a plan of
action ensuring that English Learners develop
English proficiency - By September 5th, each LD will identify promising
practices - By October 15th, each LD will present a plan
focusing on MS ELA and math standards, HS A-G
implementation, PD, and increasing gifted and
talented programs
112) Graduation Rate
- Benchmarks
- By September 5th, each school will identify,
monitor and provide assistance to students who
are - Below basic or moving from basic to below basic
on the CST - 9th graders not on tract to graduate
- 10th graders not passing the CAHSEE
- Any student with five or more absences in the
current year or nine or more absences in the
previous year
123) Effective Individual Counseling
- Benchmarks
- Principals will
- Certify to LDS that their school counselors,
college counselors, and career advisers have
received intensive training in the ICP and the
IGP - Ensure that parent and/or student conferences are
documented on the SIS - PD for all administrators will be conducted in
master schedule construction
134) Strong Parent, Community and School Connections
- Benchmarks
- By September 5th, all schools will make certain
that there is a welcoming environment for parents
and community members - A Parent Satisfaction Survey will administered in
Spring 2009 - LD Offices will identify methods to actively
reach out to local business and civic groups - Schools will provide parents with relevant and
timely information regarding school operations
145) Safe and Orderly Schools
- Benchmarks
- The school district and each school will
communicate continually with school police, local
law enforcement and community to establish
effective levels of security in and around
schools - LD will identify schools with the most need for
the pilot mapping program
15Data and Achievement
16 17(No Transcript)
18(No Transcript)
19(No Transcript)
20(No Transcript)
21(No Transcript)
22(No Transcript)
23(No Transcript)
24- 2008 CST Results for
- High Priority Schools
25(No Transcript)
26(No Transcript)
27(No Transcript)
28(No Transcript)
29 30(No Transcript)
31API Median Scores, 1999 to 2008
32Performance by Subgroup2007 Base API to 2008
Growth API
33(No Transcript)
34Percent At or Above Proficient
35Percent At or Above Proficient
36Local District 5 Schools with an API Growth Score
of 800 or Above
37- 2008-09 Title 1 Program Improvement Status Report
38Local District 5Program Improvement
On Hold
392007-08 Local District 5 Title I Schools that
Made 2008 AYP and Maintaining Prior Year PI
402007-2008 Title I SchoolsExited PI Status
41- CAHSEE Results
- As of May 2008
42CAHSEE Pass Rates
43CAHSEE Pass Rates
44CAHSEE Pass Rates - Progress
45CAHSEE Pass Rates - Option Schools
46 47Initiatives
- Motion to Promote Healthy Beverage Sales in the
LAUSD, adopted on August 27, 2002 - Obesity Prevention Motion, adopted on October 28,
2003 - Cafeteria Improvement Motion, adopted on December
13, 2005
48First Days of School
49- Rigoberto Rodriguez
- 28th Street
50- Michael Summe
- Garfield High School
51 52- Teresa Hurtado
- Griffith Middle School
53- Lupe Buenrostro
- Robert Hill Lane Elementary
54- Nora Gonzalez
- Brooklyn Elementary
55- Rafael Escobar
- Interim
- Kennedy Elementary School
56 57- Roberto Salazar
- Huntington Drive
58- Jose Torres
- Lincoln High School
59 60Congratulations
- To all the Local District 5 principals who used
their energy, leadership and motivational skills
on behalf of students. Your efforts have
resulted in significant improved test results.
61Elementary SchoolsAPI Increase 10 - 19
62Elementary SchoolsAPI Increase 21 - 29
63Elementary SchoolsAPI Increase 30 - 39
64Elementary SchoolsAPI Increase 41 - 57
65Elementary SchoolsAPI Increase 60
66Middle SchoolsAPI Increase 11 - 29
67Middle SchoolsAPI Increase 37 - 44
68High SchoolsAPI Increase 11 - 31
69High SchoolsAPI Increase 44 - 59
70Option SchoolsAPI Increase 34 - 36
71Option SchoolsAPI Increase 93
- From Deputy Superintendent Cortines
- I always begin to reminisce at this time of the
year. I began my teaching career in September
1956. Part of my success, I believe, was due to
the support and attention that the principal and
assistant principal gave me. Several times during
the first week of school, the principal checked
on me. Indeed, it was a frustrating first week
because I had 44 children in my class. The
principal, assistant principal, and central
office supervisor, continued their visits and
check-ins. This made me feel like I was not
alone and there was always someone there to help
me on the good and bad days.