Title: Parenting and Paternity Awareness
1Parenting and Paternity Awareness
Characteristics of Relationship Stages
Created by T Stivers Schindewolf Intermediate
State Mandated Course
2Name one quality that you consider a must in the
following healthy relationships between
Stages of Relationships
- Mutual acquaintances
- Best friend relationship
- First boyfriend relationship mainly by phone
- Boyfriend group dating relationship
- Casual dating relationship
- Seriously dating relationship (exclusive)
- Committed engagement relationship
- Married relationship
- Parents together
3What one point came up in the video clip that was
a surprise to you or seemed especially important?
Watch segment 11
4Evaluate the relationship of Angie and Michael to
identify the positives and negatives.
Activity Characteristics of a healthy
Positives are the good and healthy things
(pluses) Negatives are the challenges or problems
See discussion questions
5You will be in small groups to discuss the story.
Identify the things that are positive or healthy
(the plusses) in the relationship.Identify the
challenges or negatives (minuses) in the
relationship. Choose a recorder and a
reporter.You have 5 minutes with a 2 minute
See pg. 49 questions for class discussion