Title: Parenting and Paternity Awareness
1Parenting and Paternity Awareness
- Dating Relationships and Violence
- Sessions 13
Created by T Stivers Schindewolf Intermediate
State Mandated Course
2Relationship Abuse and Violence
- What is relationship violence?
How often do you think it occurs?
Does it happen to girls and guys?
3Relationship violence is any hurtful or unwanted
act inflicted on a partner with the intention,
either real or perceived, of causing pain or
Abuse can be
- Physical
- Verbal
- Emotional/psychological
- Financial
- Sexual
4It is a choice that one partner makes to exert
power or control over the other person.
- Can be done by a woman or a man
- Usually injury occurs to the female.
5Read Maria Wears My Jacket and give 1-5
Add statistics 6-10
6In pairs
- Divide the pairs in half.
Identify 3 things someone can do if he or she is
in a relationship and is experiencing one of the
early signs of abuse or violence.
Identify 3 things someone can do if he or she is
in a relationship and is experiencing one of the
clear signs of abuse or violence.
7Create a Danger Continuum
Warning Signs of possible violence?
Just Fine
Not Good
- Are there any cards you think should be moved?
- What kinds of behaviors can we agree are not at
all dangerous? - Which are dangerous and clear signs of abuse or
violence in a relationship?
9- So what do you do about abuse?
10National hotline 1-800-799-SAFE
If you are in a relationship that could become
violent or is violent, REMEMBER
- Violence does not just stop or go away!
- Changing your behavior will not stop the other
persons abuse. - YOU are not responsible for the abuse.
- That person needs counseling or help.
- Seek help. Confide in a trusted adult.
- Contact the police or local domestic center
- www.ndvh.org
11How to help a friend who might be an abuser
- Talk to the person privately about his or her use
of violence - Try to get your friend to understand that it is
both WRONG and ILLEGAL - Let your friend know that you will not be around
them if they continue this.
12Texas Council on Family Violencewww.tcfv.orgFa
mily Violence Programwww.hhsc.state.tx.usRed
Flags Programwww.knowtheredflags.com
13Keeping your commitment and enjoying a very
successful marriage relationship is doable!
View Session 14 video clip and Segment 17 on
Media Player as conclusion