New Beginnings: Single-Parent Families, Remarriages, and Blended Families - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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New Beginnings: Single-Parent Families, Remarriages, and Blended Families


* Lesbian and Gay Single Parents Lesbians and gay men may have become parents in a previous heterosexual relationship or using ... second-parent adoptions are rare. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: New Beginnings: Single-Parent Families, Remarriages, and Blended Families

New Beginnings Single-ParentFamilies,
Remarriages, and Blended Families
  • Chapter 14

Chapter Outline
  • Single-Parent Families
  • Binuclear Families
  • Remarriages
  • Blended Families
  • Stepparenting

Single-Parent Families
  • Created by divorce, births to unmarried mothers,
    or the death of a spouse
  • Usually female headed
  • Many single-parent homes actually contain two
    cohabiting adults, one of which is the parent
  • These can include homes headed by lesbians and
    gay men.
  • These families are often economically

Single-Parent Families
  • Births to Unwed Mothers
  • Single-parent families created by births to unwed
    mothers are more common than those created by
  • These families receive little social support.
  • Headed by Mothers (sometimes fathers)
  • Over 85 of single-parent families are headed by
  • Given the gender discrimination in wages and
    jobs, single mothers are much more likely to be
    in poverty than are single fathers.

Single-Parent Families
  • Ethnicity
  • African American single-parent families are more
    likely to be in poverty than are Hispanic or
    Caucasian families.
  • Poverty
  • Female-headed single-parent families are
    disproportionately represented among those in
  • Diversity of Living Arrangements
  • Single-parent families need greater flexibility
    with child care and housing arrangements.

Single-Parent Families
  • Diversity of Living Arrangements
  • Single-parent families can take many forms
    including the parents outside romantic partner
    or live-in partner.
  • Social Father a male relative, family
    associate, or mothers partner who demonstrates
    father-like behavior
  • Private Safety Nets support from social
    networks that they can fall back on in times of
    financial need

Single-Parent Families
  • Transitional Form
  • Single-parent families tend to be a transitional
    family form that can precede marriage or occur
    after divorce.
  • Intentional Single-Parent Families
  • Some women who have not found a suitable partner
    will intentionally become single-parents.

Lesbian and Gay Single Parents
  • Lesbians and gay men may have become parents in a
    previous heterosexual relationship or using
    donors, artificial reproductive technologies or
    by adopting.
  • The lack of marriage rights in the majority of
    states leaves gay men and lesbians as legal
    single parents even though there is likely to be
    a partner present.
  • Children in these relationships only have one
    legal adoptive or biological parent
    second-parent adoptions are rare.

Children in Single-Parent Families
  • Research has found some negative outcomes for
    children in single-parent families such as
    behavioral problems, academic performance, and
    mental and physical health.
  • Children may need to cope with their parents
    loneliness, depression, and increased stress.
  • Possible positive outcomes include a child
    learning more responsibility, spending a large
    amount of time with their custodial parent, and
    feeling less pressure to conform to normal gender

Successful Single Parents
  • Accept responsibilities and challenges for
  • Parenting as first priority.
  • Consistent, non-punitive parenting
  • Emphasis on open communication
  • Fostering individuality supported by the family
  • Recognition of the need for self-nurturance
  • Dedication to rituals and traditions

Single-Parent Family Strengths
  • Ability to take on expressive and instrumental
  • Growing as a person by accepting the changes in
    his/her life.
  • Good communication skills can develop trust and a
    sense of honesty.
  • Coordinating all of the familys activities is a
    normal daily occurence.
  • Persons may develop the ability to be financially

Binuclear Families
  • The binuclear family consists of two nuclear
    familiesthe maternal nuclear family headed by
    the mother (the ex-wife) and the paternal one
    headed by the father (the ex-husband).
  • These families include both single-parent
    families and stepfamilies.
  • Former Spouses as Co-Parents
  • Ex-spouses must put aside any anger and
    resentment felt during the divorce and focus
    their energy on working together to raise their

Binuclear Families
  • The Remarried Family
  • A remarried couple must navigate the complexities
    of married life while also considering the
  • Parent-Child Subsystem
  • A former single parent must renegotiate their
    roles as they incorporate a new adult into
    parenting their children.
  • Sibling, Half-Sibling, and Step-Sibling Subsystem
  • Children must accept one another as family and
    share the attention of their parent.

  • Courtship differs between first marriages and
  • Courtship may trigger old wounds, fears, or
    regrets but the partners may have more realistic
    expectations for this relationship.
  • Many divorced persons choose to cohabit with
    their partner before remarriage or in place of
  • Single parents, however eager they are to find a
    new partner, their children usually remain the
    central figure in their lives.

  • Remarriage
  • A marriage in which one or both partners have
    previously been married.
  • Men tend to remarry at higher rates than women.

  • Children lower the probability of marriage for
    both men and women but even more so for women.
  • Initiators are more likely to remarry than
  • Womens odds of remarrying decrease as they age
    due to the cultural association of youthfulness
    with attractiveness and their likelihood of being
  • Women and men who are employed and socialize with
    coworkers are more likely to remarry than those
    who are not.

Characteristics of Remarriage
  • Marital Satisfaction
  • People seem to be as satisfied in second
    marriages as they do in first yet divorce is more
    likely in second marriages.
  • Remarriages are incomplete institutions
    (Cherlin, 1981)
  • They lack societal social norms and behavioral
  • Remarriages are subjected to different stresses
    than are first marriages.
  • These include children from previous

Blended Families
  • Commonly referred to as stepfamilies, these
    families consist of two adults and their children
    attempting to blend into one fully functioning

Blended Families
  • Structural Differences
  • Almost all members have lost an important
  • One biological parent typically lives outside the
  • The relationship with the parent and his/her
    children pre-dates the relationship between the
    new spouses.
  • Stepparent roles are ill-defined and lack models.
  • Many children are also part of a non-custodial
    parents household.
  • Children also have at least one extra set of

Blended Families
  • Developmental Stages
  • Early Stages
  • Fantasy Stage new stepparents expect to
    instantly love and be loved by their stepchildren
  • Immersion Stage - Reality sets in
  • Awareness Stage Each family member must
    understand that their family has changed.
  • Middle Stages
  • Mobilization Family members recognize
    differences and openly resolve conflict.
  • Action The family takes steps in recognizing
    themselves as a family.

Blended Families
  • Later Stages
  • Contact The relationships between family
    members become genuine.
  • Resolution - The family becomes solid and is no
    longer characterized by earlier troubles.

  • Women
  • Research indicates that stepfamily life is more
    difficult for women than for men due to the
    cultural expectations for women as parents and
  • Due to the likelihood of contact with the
    childrens biological mother, child rearing
    becomes very difficult for the stepmother.
  • Men
  • Fathers are not as likely to have custody of
    their children. This can result in guilt that
    they are not parenting their own children.
  • Stepfathers tend to have more limited and less
    positive relationship with their stepchildren.
  • Parental claiming embracing stepchildren as if
    they were biological children

  • Children
  • Children in stepfamilies have a higher risk of
    having behavioral, psychological, and academic
  • Conflict
  • Favoritism, or preferring one child over others
  • Divided loyalties can force children to take
    sides against one that they love
  • Discipline can be difficult to manage among
    biological and non-biological parents.
  • Money, goods, and services can be divided
    unequally among family members.

Strengths of Stepfamilies
  • Family Functions
  • Stepfamilies can successfully fill traditional
    family functions (i.e. love, support,
    socialization, etc.)
  • Benefits for Children
  • Additional role models and exposure to new ideas
  • Gain the extra support of a stepparent and step-
    or half-siblings
  • Gain an extended kin network
  • Improved economic situation
  • Happily married parents
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