Programming with TCP/IP - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Programming with TCP/IP


Title: Programming with TCP/IP Author: Johnny S.K. Wong, modified by Armin R. Mikler Last modified by: Armin R. Mikler Created Date: 2/15/1998 4:47:26 PM – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Programming with TCP/IP

Programming with TCP/IP
  • by
  • Armin R. Mikler

Client Server Computing
  • Although the Internet provides a basic
    communication service, the protocol software
    cannot initiate contact with, or accept contact
    from, a remote computer. Instead, two application
    programs must participate in any communication
    with one application initiates communication and
    the one accepts it.

  • In network applications, a SERVER application
    waits passively for contact after informing local
    protocol software that a specific type of message
    is expected, while a CLIENT application initiates
    communication actively by sending a matched type
    of message.

Identifying A Particular Service
  • Transport protocols assign each service a unique
  • Both client and server specify the service
    identifier protocol software uses the identifier
    to direct each incoming request to the correct
  • In TCP/IP, TCP uses 16-bit integer values known
    as protocol port numbers to identify services.

Concurrent Server
  • Concurrent execution is fundamental to servers
    because concurrency permits multiple clients to
    obtain a given service without having to wait for
    the server to finish previous requests.
  • In concurrent server designs, the server creates
    a new thread or process to handle each client.
  • Transport protocols assign an identifier to each
    client as well as to each service.
  • Protocol software on the servers machine uses
    the combination of client and server identifiers
    to choose the correct copy of a concurrent server.

The Socket API
  • The interface between an application program and
    the communication protocols in an operating
    system (OS) is known as the Application Program
    Interface or API.
  • Sockets provide an implementation of the SAP
    (Service Access Point) abstraction at the
    Transport Layer in the TCP/IP protocol suite,
    which is part of the BSD Unix.

  • A socket library can provide applications with a
    socket API on an operating system that does not
    provide native sockets (e.g. Windows 3.1). When
    an application calls one of the socket
    procedures, control passes to a library routine
    that makes one or more calls to the underlying OS
    to implement the socket function.
  • A socket may be thought of as a generalization of
    the BSD Unix file access mechanism
    (open-read-write-close) that provides an
    end-point for communication.

  • When an application creates a socket, the
    application is given a small integer descriptor
    used to reference the socket. If a system uses
    the same descriptor space for sockets and other
    I/O, a single application can be used for network
    communication as well as for local data transfer.
  • An application must supply many details for each
    socket by specifying many parameters and options
    (e.g. an application must choose a particular
    protocol, provide address of remote machine,
    specify whether it is a client or server, etc.)

  • To avoid having a single socket function with
    separate parameters for each options, designers
    of the socket API chose to define many functions,
    each with a few parameters.

Functions needed
  • Specify local and remote communication endpoints
  • Initiate a connection
  • Wait for incoming connection
  • Send and receive data
  • Terminate a connection gracefully
  • Error handling

Socket system calls for connection-oriented proto
Not necessary in UDP!!
  • Data communication between two hosts on the
    Internet require the five components of what is
    called an association to be initialized
    protocol,local-addr, local-process,
    foreign-addr, foreign-process
  • The different system calls for sockets provides
    values for one or more of these components.

Socket system call
  • The first system call any process wishing to do
    network I/O has to call is the socket system
  • int sockfd socket (int family, int type, int
  • Examples of Family include
  • Examples of Type include

  • The protocol argument is typically zero, but may
    be specified to request an actual protocol like
    UDP, TCP, ICMP, etc.
  • The socket system call just fills in one element
    of the five-tuple weve looked at - the protocol.
    The remaining are filled in by the other calls as
    shown in the figure.

Specifying an Endpoint Address
  • Remember that the sockets API is generic
  • There must be a generic way to specify endpoint
  • TCP/IP requires an IP address and a port number
    for each endpoint address.
  • Other protocol suites(families) may use other
  • Generic socket addresses
  • (The C function that make up the sockets API
    expect structures of type sockaddr.)
  • struct sockaddr
  • unsigned short sa_family
    //specifies the address type
  • char sa_data14
    //specifies the address value

AF_INET--TCP/IP address
  • For AF_INET we need
  • 16 bit port number
  • 32 bit IP address (IPv4 only)
  • struct sockaddr_in
  • short sin_family
  • unsigned short sin_port
  • struct in_addr sin_addr
  • char sin_zero8
  • how these fields to be set and interpreted?

Network Byte Order Functions
  • Example
  • struct sockaddr_in sin
  • sin.sin_family AF_INET
  • sin.sin_port htons(9999)
  • sin.sin_addr.s_addr inet_addr
  • unsigned short htons(unsigned short)
  • unsigned short ntohs(unsigned short)
  • unsigned long htonl(unsigned long)
  • unsigned long ntohl(unsigned long)

Bind System Call
  • The bind system call assigns an address to an
    unnamed socket. Example
  • int bind(int sockfd, struct sockaddr_in myaddr,
    int addrlen)

  • What is bind used for ?
  • Servers (both connection oriented and
    connectionless) NEED to register their well-known
    address to be able to accept connection requests.
  • A client can register a specific address for
  • A connectionless client NEEDS to assure that it
    is bound to some unique address, so that the
    server has a valid return address to send its
    responses to However, it does not have to bind
    to a particular port! WHY?

  • The bind system call provides the values for the
    local_addr and local_process elements in the
    five_tuple in an association.
  • An address for the Internet domain sockets is a
    combination of a hostname and a port number, as
    shown below
  • struct sockaddr_in
  • short sin_family /typically AF_INET/
  • u_short sin_port / 16 bit port number, network
    byte ordered /
  • struct in_addr sin_addr / 32 bit netid/hostid,
    network byte ordered /
  • char sin_zero8 / unused/

Connect/Listen/Accept System Calls
  • Connect
  • A client process connects a socket descriptor
    after a socket system call to establish a
    connection with the server.
  • int connect(int sockfd, struct sockaddr_in
    servaddr, int addrlen)
  • For a connection-oriented client, the connect
    (along with an accept at the server side) assigns
    all four addresses and process components of the

  • Listen
  • The listen system call is used by a
    connection-oriented server to indicate it is
    willing to receive connections.
  • int listen(int socket, int qlength)
  • allows servers to prepare a socket for incoming
  • puts the socket in a passive mode ready to accept
  • informs the OS that the protocol software should
    enqueue multiple simultaneous requests that
    arrive at the socket
  • applies only to sockets that have selected
    reliable stream delivery service

  • Accept
  • After the connection-oriented server executes a
    listen, it waits for connection requests from
    client(s) in the accept system call, e.g.,
    newsockfd accept(sockfd, peer, addrlen)
  • needs to wait for a connection
  • blocks until a connection request arrives
  • addrlen is a pointer to an integer
  • when a request arrives , the system fills in
    argument addr with the address of the client that
    has placed the request and sets addrlen to the
    length of the address.
  • system creates a new socket, returns the new
    socket descriptor

  • accept returns a new socket descriptor, which has
    all five components of the association specified
    - three (protocol, local addr, local_process) are
    inherited from the existing sockfd (which
    however has its foreign address and process
    components unspecified, and hence can be re-used
    to accept another request. This scenario is
    typical for concurrent servers.

Sending and Receiving Data
  • Heres how you might read from a socket
  • num_read read(sockfd, buff_ptr, num_bytes)
  • And heres how you read from an open file
    descriptor in Unix
  • num_read read(fildes, buff_ptr, num_bytes)
  • There are other ways (with different parameters)
    to send and receive data read, readv, recv,
    recvfrom, recvmsg to receive data through a
    socket and write, writev, send, sendto, sendmsg
    to send data through a socket.

sendto()--UDP Sockets
  • int sendto(int socket, char buffer, int length,
    int flags,
    struct sockaddr destination_address, int
  • For example
  • struct sockaddr_in sin
  • sin.sin_family AF_INET
  • sin.sin_port htons(12345)
  • sin.sin_addr.s_addr inet_addr("")
  • char msg "Hello, World"
  • sendto(s, msg, strlen(msg)1, 0, (struct sockaddr
    )sin, sizeof(sin))

recvfrom()--UDP Sockets
  • Int recvfrom(int socket, char buffer, int
    length, int flags, struct
    sockaddr sender_address, int
  • For example
  • struct sockaddr_in sin
  • char msg10000
  • int ret
  • int sin_length
  • sin_length sizeof(sin)
  • ret recvfrom(s, msg, 10000, 0, (struct sockaddr
    )sin, sin_length)
  • printf("d bytes received from s (port d)\n",
    ret, inet_ntoa(sin.sin_addr),

send() and recv() -- TCP Sockets
  • int send(int s, const char msg, int len, int
  • connected socket
  • argument flags controls the transmission.
  • allows the sender to specify that the message
    should be sent out-of- band messages correspond
    to TCPs urgent data
  • allows the caller to request that the message be
    sent without using local routine tables (take
    control of routine)
  • int recv(int s, char buf, int len, int flags)
  • connected socket
  • argument flags allow the caller to control the
  • look ahead by extracting a copy of the next
    incoming message without removing the message
    from the socket

close() and shutdown()
  • close(int socket)
  • For UDP sockets, this will release the ownership
    on the local port that is bound to this socket
  • For TCP, this will initiate a two-way shutdown
    between both hosts before giving up port
  • shutdown(int socket, int how)
  • f the how field is 0, this will disallow further
    reading (recv) from the socket.
  • If the how field is 1, subsequent writes (send)
    will be disallowed. The socket will still need to
    be passed to close.

Relationship Between Sockets and File Descriptors
  • Socket handles are integer values. In UNIX,
    socket handles can be passed to most of the
    low-level POSIX I/O functions.
  • read(s, buffer, buff_length) //s could be a
    file descriptor too
  • write(s, buffer, buff_length)
  • Calling read on an open socket is equivalent to
    recv and recvfrom
  • if the socket is UDP, then information about the
    sender of the datagram will not be returned
  • Similarly the write function call is equivalent
    to send and sendto
  • UDP sockets may call connect to use send and
  • use the socket library functions instead of the
    file I/O equivalents.

Utility Functions
  • unsigned int inet_addr(char str)
  • str represents an IP address(dotted-quad
    notation) inet_addr will return it's equivalent
    32-bit value in network byte order.
  • This value can be passed into the sin_addr.s_addr
    field of a socketaddr_in structure
  • -1 is returned if the string can not be
  • char inet_ntoa(struct in_addr ip)
  • Converts the 32-bit value which is assumed to be
    in network byte order and contained in ip to a
  • The pointer returned by inet_ntoa contains this
    string. However, subsequent calls to inet_ntoa
    will always return the same pointer, so copying
    the string to another buffer is recommended
    before calling again.

Utility Functions ( contd )
  • int gethostname(char name, int length)
  • Copies the name (up to length bytes) of the
    hostname of the local computer into the character
    array pointed to by name
  • struct hostent gethostbyname(char strHost)
  • int select (int nfds, fd_set readfds, fd_set
    writefds, fd_set exceptfds, const struct
    timeval timeout)

Other Socket API
  • JAVA
  • platform independence
  • Java API for network programming
  • Pakage
  • classes
  • Socket
  • ServerSocket
  • DatagramSocket
  • DatagramPacket
  • InetAddress
  • etc.
  • compile and run

  • Include files
  • include ltsys/types.hgt include
    ltsys/socket.hgt include ltnetinet/in.hgt
    include ltarpa/inet.hgt include
    ltnetdb.hgt include ltunistd.hgt inclu
    de ltsignal.hgt include ltstdio.hgt
    include ltfcntl.hgt
    include lterrno.h include
    ltsys/time.hgt include ltstdlib.hgt inclu
    de ltmemory.hgt
  • Compiling and Linking
  • Under most versions of UNIX (Linux, BSD, SunOS,
    IRIX) compiling is done as usual
  • gcc my_socket_program.c -o my_socket_program
  • Solaris
  • cc my_socket_program.c -o my_socket_program
    -lsocket -lnsl
  • Programming tips
  • always check the return value for each function
  • consult the UNIX on-line manual pages ("man") for
    a complete description

  • Network Application Programming Interface (API)
  • TCP/IP basic
  • UNIX/C Sockets
  • socket() bind() connect() listen()
    accept() sendto() recvfrom() send() recv()
    read() write()
  • some utility functions
  • Java Socket API
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