Title: TCP/IP Assignment Help
1TCP/IP Assignment Help
2TCP/IP means Transmission Control Protocol and
Internet Protocol. It is the network model that
transmits the data from source to destination
over network. It contains various set of rules
that describe the movement of data between the
source and destination or the internet.
NETWORK ACCESS LAYER Network Access Layer is the
first layer of the four layer TCP/IP model. It is
the combination of Data Link and Physical layers
of the OSI reference model. It defines how data
is sent through the network . Network Access
layer uses a physical address to identify hosts
and to deliver data.
4 INTERNET LAYER Internet Layer is the second
layer of the four layer TCP/IP model. The
position of Internet layer is between Network
Access Layer and Transport layer. This layer
converts data into data packets . That data
packets are called IP datagrams. It defines the
protocols which are responsible for logical
transmission of data over the entire network
5TRANSPORT LAYER Transport Layer is the third
layer of the four layer TCP/IP model. The
position of the Transport layer is between
Application layer and Internet layer. It is
responsible for data transmission from source to
destination. It has two protocols i.e TCP and
UDP APPLICATION LAYER Application layer is the
top most layer of four layer TCP/IP model.
Application layer defines TCP/IP application
protocols and how host programs interface with
Transport layer services to use the network. This
Layer contains all the functionality of
application, Presentation and session layer of
OSI model.
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