Origins of Judaism - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Origins of Judaism


... first names? One in ... one of the prophets and leaders of the Jewish religion Pharaoh Ramesses II sent his army to stop the Israelites ... Judaism Presentation ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Origins of Judaism

Origins of Judaism
The History of the Ancient Israelites
Essential Questions
  • What is Judaism and how is it similar to, and
    different from your beliefs?
  • What is the origin of Judaism?
  • What ancient people were important to Judaism?
  • How does Judaism impact life today?

Jewish Families
  • Why do you think that Jewish parents often give
    their children (2) first names?
  • One in native language and one in Hebrew
  • Remind them that they are connected to the past
  • Each generation is responsible for carrying on
    the religious traditions of Judaism

Your Trip to the Middle East
You are There
  • On your visit to Jerusalem, you and your
    family arrive at the First Temple. You have read
    in your guidebook about this temple in the Hebrew
    bible. David chose the site for the temple, but
    it was completed by his son, Solomon, the
    greatest king of Israel in 957 BCE. You have
    learned a lot about Judaism from your tour guide.
    You have learned that Solomon inherited a
    kingdom. He had a good trading partner called the
    Phoenicians. The Phoenicians were excellent sea
    traders. Your guide tells you that Solomon even
    used Phoenician sailors for his own merchant
    fleet. He traded with other people for cedar wood
    to build his temple. Before you continue your
    tour, you decide to learn more about Judaism!

1. What is it?
2. What was it used for?
3. Was it important?
Gods Covenant with Abraham
The crouching figure is Abraham, one of the
founders of the Jewish religion
The stars symbolize Gods promise to Abraham
Your descendants shall be as numerous as the
God commanded Abraham to leave Mesopotamia and go
to the land of Canaan
Abraham kneels as a sign of respect as God
promises to make him the father of a nation of
people in Canaan
Enslavement of the Israelites
This is an overseer, hired by the Pharaoh Ahmose
to force the Israelites to perform backbreaking
The Israelites were constantly guarded and were
often severely beaten with whips.
The Israelites had to move huge stones, which
were used to build palaces and cities.
The Egyptians enslaved the Israelites forcing
them to perform much of the building of their
The Exodus from Egypt
Moses raised his staff and God parted the waters
of the Red Sea so that the Israelites could
escape the Egyptian army.
This is Moses, one of the prophets and leaders of
the Jewish religion
Pharaoh Ramesses II sent his army to stop the
Israelites from leaving Egypt
Following Gods orders, Moses led the Israelites
out of Egypt and back to Canaan in an event known
as the Exodus
When the Egyptian army pursued the Israelites,
Moses raised his staff a second time closing the
waters and drowning the army
Moses on the Mount
Moses received the Ten Commandments from God on
Mount Sinai
The Ten Commandments were engraved on two stone
tablets. They are the ten original laws of Judaism
The Ten Commandments were to be kept in a special
shrine called and Ark and kept inside a special
tent called a Tabernacle
The first and most important of all the
Commandments told the Israelites to worship only
one god. (monotheism)
God promised to protect the Israelites as long as
they lived by the Ten Commandments
Joshuas conquest of Jericho
Jericho was the first city the Israelites
encountered after returning to Canaan
This is Joshua, leader of the Israelites after
the death of Moses
On the 7th day, the city of Jericho was conquered
when the Israelites blew on their trumpets and
the city walls crumbled
The Israelites carried the Ark of the Covenant
and circled the walls of Jericho for seven days
The Torah
The coverings and rollers are often decorated
Torah comes from the Hebrew word that means, to
Contains the first five books of the Hebrew bible
It is against Jewish law to touch the parchment
paper that the Torah is written on
Provide guidance and laws for the Jewish people
It is a very sacred, or holy text.
Ancient Phoenicians
Developed a simple alphabet with 22 characters
Bartered or traded throughout the Mediterranean
Purple dye made expensive clothing. Purple became
symbol for wealth and royalty
Great Sea power and Israels trading partner
Judaism Today
  • Practiced by 13. 2 million people today. 41 live
    in Israel, 40 in the US. (2007 census).
  • Still read the Torah.
  • Worship in synagogues.
  • Jewish holidays like Passover to celebrate the
    escape from Egypt
  • Rabbis teach the Jewish people.

Storyteller Project
  • Overview Having good storytellers was a way that
    ancient people were able to pass down tales of
    heroes, fantastic deeds, and accomplishments made
    by their ancestors. Storytelling was a respected
    skill and often was part of their beliefs.
  • Task You are being given the opportunity to use
    your creativity and imagination to show what you
    have learned in the unit on Judaism. You are
    going to write a story using the key vocabulary
    terms from unit 4 to tell the story of Judaism.
    You may choose any genre that youd like, or you
    feel comfortable with. Your stories can range
    from wacky all the way to serious, but they need
    to be coherent, or make sense. In addition, the
    vocabulary words cannot just be mentioned but
    have to be used properly and in the correct
  • Steps
  • Listen to the story that Mr. Norton will read to
    you in class.
  • Use the list of vocabulary terms from below. Make
    sure you have definitions you understand.
  • Decide on a genre to write your story from.
  • This can be any length from a couple of
    paragraphs to a couple of pages
  • Make sure the vocabulary words are used correctly
    and in proper context, not just mentioned!
  • Word box covenant, monotheism,, descendent,
    barter, Canaan, Ten Commandments, Judaism, Torah,

  • Historyalive

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