Title: Conditional Expectation for Continuous Random Variables
1Conditional Expectation for Continuous Random
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7This gives us the Law of Total Probability for
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13Example 7.18
147.4 The Bivariate Normal
We begin be recalling the univariate normal. Let
? denote the standard N(0,1) density
Then the N(m,s2) density can be written as
15For the bivariate normal, we start in a similar
way. For
If ? 0, then
is the product of two univariate standard normals.
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18We show that the standard bivariate density
integrates to one. First, for all ? lt 1,
19We show that the standard bivariate density
integrates to one. First, for all ? lt 1,
20We show that the standard bivariate density
integrates to one. First, for all ? lt 1,
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we see that X and Y are independent if and only
if they are uncorrelated (? 0) since this is
the condition for the density to factor.
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