Bivariate Probability Distribution - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Bivariate Probability Distribution


Bivariate Probability Distributions. Joint Discrete Random Variables ... The joint (or bivariate) probability mass distribution for Y1 and Y2 is given by ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Bivariate Probability Distribution

Chapter 5
  • Bivariate Probability Distribution

Section 5.2
  • Bivariate Probability Distributions

Bivariate Probability Distributions
  • Joint Discrete Random Variables
  • Joint cumulative distribution function (cdf)
  • Joint probability mass function (pmf) p(y1,y2)
  • Joint Continuous Random Variables
  • Joint cumulative distribution function (cdf)
  • Joint probability density function (pdf) p(y1,y2)

Joint probability mass function (pmf)
  • Definition 5.1 Let Y1 and Y2 be discrete random
    variables. The joint (or bivariate) probability
    mass distribution for Y1 and Y2 is given by
  • p(y1,y2)P(Y1y1, Y2y2)
  • where -??y1 ??, -??y2 ??
  • The function p(y1,y2) is called the joint
    probability mass function (pmf) of Y1 and Y2 .

Properties of pmf
  • Theorem 5.1 If Y1 and Y2 be discrete random
    variables with joint probability mass
    distribution p(y1,y2), then
  • (1) p(y1,y2) ?0 for all y1,y2
  • (2) ?y1 ?y2 p(y1,y2) 1, where the sum is over
    all values (y1,y2) that are assigned nonzero

Cumulative distribution function( cdf)
  • Definition 5.2 For any random variables Y1 and
    Y2, the joint (bivariate) distribution function
    (or cumulative distribution function, cdf)
    F(y1,y2) is given by
  • F(y1,y2)P(Y1?y1, Y2?y2)
  • where -??y1 ??, -??y2 ??

Joint Probability Density Function (pdf)
  • Definition 5.3 Let Y1 and Y2 be continuous
    random variables with joint distribution function
    F(y1,y2). If there exists a nonnegative function
    f(y1,y2) such that
  • then Y1 and Y2 are said to be jointly continuous
    random variables. The function f(y1,y2) is called
    the joint probability density function (pdf).

Properties of cdf
  • Theorem 5.2 If Y1 and Y2 are random variables
    with joint cumulative distribution function
    F(y1,y2), then
  • (1) F(-?,-?)F(-?,y2)F(y1,-?)0
  • (2) F(?, ?)1
  • (3) If y1?y1 and y2?y2, then
  • F(y1,y2)-F(y1,y2)-F(y1,y2)F(y1,y2) ?0

Properties of pdf
  • Theorem 5.3 If Y1 and Y2 are jointly continuous
    random variables with a joint density function
    (pdf) given by f(y1,y2), then
  • (1) f(y1,y2) ?0 for all y1, y2
  • (2)

Section 5.3
  • Marginal Probability Distribution
  • Conditional Probability Distribution

Marginal Probability Functions
  • Definition 5.4
  • (1) Let Y1 and Y2 be jointly discrete random
    variables with joint probability mass function
    p(y1,y2). Then the marginal probability functions
    of Y1 and Y2, respectively, are given by
  • (2) Let Y1 and Y2 be jointly continuous random
    variables with joint density function f(y1,y2).
    Then the marginal density function of Y1 and Y2,
    respectively, are given by

Conditional Discrete Probability Function
  • Definition 5.5 If Y1 and Y2 are discrete random
    variables with joint probability mass
    distribution p(y1,y2) and marginal probability
    function p1(y1) and p2(y2), respectively, then
    the conditional discrete probability function of
    Y1 given Y2 is

Conditional Cumulative Distribution Function
  • Definition 5.6 If Y1 and Y2 are jointly
    continuous random variables with joint
    probability density function f(y1,y2), then the
    conditional cumulative distribution function of
    Y1 given Y2y2 is

Conditional Probability Density Function
  • Definition 5.7 If Y1 and Y2 are jointly
    continuous random variables with joint
    probability density function f(y1,y2) and
    marginal density function f1(y1) and
    f2(y2),respectively. For any y2 such that
    f2(y2)gt0, the conditional density function of Y1
    given Y2y2 is given by
  • and, for any y1 such that f1(y1)gt0, the
    conditional density of Y2 given Y1y1 is given by

Section 5.4
  • Independent Random Variables

Independent Random Variables
  • Definition 5.8 Let Y1 and Y2 have marginal
    cumulative distribution function F1(y1)and
    F2(y2), respectively, and Y1 and Y2 have joint
    cumulative distribution function F(y1, y2). Then
    Y1 and Y2 are said to be independent if only if
  • F(y1, y2) F1(y1) F2(y2)
  • for every pair of real numbers (y1, y2).

Properties of Independent Random Variables
  • Theorem 5.4 If Y1 and Y2 are discrete random
    variables with joint probability mass
    distribution p(y1,y2) and marginal probability
    function p1(y1) and p2(y2), respectively, then Y1
    and Y2 are the independent if only if
  • p(y1,y2) p1(y1) p2(y2)
  • for all pairs of real numbers (y1,y2).
  • If Y1 and Y2 are continuous random variables with
    joint probability density function f(y1,y2) and
    marginal densities functions f1(y1) and
    f2(y2),respectively, then Y1 and Y2 are
    independent if only if
  • f(y1,y2) f1(y1) f2(y2)
  • for all pairs of real numbers (y1,y2).

Theorem for Independence
  • If Y1 and Y2 have joint probability density
    function f(y1,y2) and
  • f(y1,y2)gt0, if a y1 b and cy2d
  • f(y1,y2)0, elsewhere
  • Then Y1 and Y2 are independent if only if
  • f(y1,y2) g(y1) h(y2)
  • where g(y1) is a nonnegative function of y1
    alone and h(y2) is nonnegative function of y2

Section 5.5
  • Expected Value of Function of Random Variables

Expected Value of Function of Random Variables
  • Definition 5.9
  • (1) Let g(Y1,Y2 ) be a function of the discrete
    random variables, Y1,Y2 with joint probability
    mass function p(y1,y2). Then the expected value
    of g(Y1,Y2 ) is
  • (2) If Y1 and Y2 are continuous random variables
    with joint density function f(y1,y2). Then the
    expected value of g(Y1,Y2 ) is

Section 5.6
  • Properties of Expected Value

Properties of Expected Value
  • Theorem 5.6 Let c be a constant, then Ecc
  • Theorem 5.7 Let g(Y1,Y2 ) be a function of the
    random variables Y1 and Y2, and let c be a
    constant. Then
  • Theorem 5.8 Let g1(Y1,Y2 ), g2(Y1,Y2 ),,
    gk(Y1,Y2 ) be functions of random variables Y1
    and Y2, and let c1, c2,, c1 be constants. Then

Expectation of Independent Random Variables
  • Let Y1 and Y2 be independent random variables and
    g(Y1) and h(Y2) be functions of only Y1 and Y2,
    respectively. Then
  • provided that the expectations exists.

Section 5.7
  • Covariance of Two Random Variables

Covariance and Correlation Coefficient
  • Definition 5.10 If Y1 and Y2 are random
    variables with means and standard deviations
    ?1,?1 and ?2, ?2, respectively, the covariance of
    Y1 and Y2 is given by
  • Cov(Y1,Y2)E(Y1- ?1)(Y2- ?2)
  • Correlation Coefficient
  • Values of ? and Interpretation -1 ? 1

Calculation of Covariance
  • Theorem 5.10 Let Y1 and Y2 are random variables
    with means ?1 and ?2 , respectively, then
  • Cov(Y1,Y2)E(Y1- ?1)(Y2- ?2)
  • EY1Y2 - EY1EY2

Covariance of Independent Random Variables
  • Theorem 5.11 Let Y1 and Y2 are independent
    random variables , then
  • Cov(Y1,Y2)0
  • If the covariance of two random variables is
    zero, the variables need not be independent.

  • p253 5.75, 5.77, 5.78, 5.81

Section 5.8
  • Expected Value and Variance of Linear Functions
    of Random Variables

Expected Value and Variance of Linear Functions
of Random Variables
  • Let Y1,Y2 , Yn and X1, X2 ,Xm be random
    variables with EYi?i and EXj?j. Define
  • for constants a1, a2 , an and b1, b2 , bm.
    Then the following hold
  • (a)
  • (b)
  • (c)

Expected Value and Variance of Linear Functions
of Two Random Variables
  • Let Y1,Y2 be random variables with EY1?1 and
    EY2?2. Define
  • for constants a1, a2. Then the following hold
  • (a)
  • (b)
  • Special case a1a21, then

  • p261 5.87,5.89,5.92.
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