Title: Infectious Pulmonary Diseases--An Overview
1Infectious Pulmonary Diseases--An Overview
- Al Heuer, PhD, MBA, RRT, RPFT
- Professor
- Rutgers- School of Health Related Professions
2Learning Objectives
- Describe the etiology and pathophysiology of
pulmonary infectious diseases - Children
- Adults
- Review the manifestations of such diseases.
- Discuss the treatment of such diseases
- Provide resources how to find additional
3Brief History Evolution of Infectious Disease
- Over 100 years ago, there were little to no
knowledge of infectious disease. - The prevailing belief was that disease was caused
by bad air or night air known as the miasma
theory . - In 1676, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek discovered
bacteria, but he did not know it caused disease - However, in 1928, Alexander Fleming discovered
4Key Terms in Pulmonary Infectious Disease
- Virus-RNA/DNA, Protein Coat and a Lipid Envelope
- Bacteria-Cells which can independently multiply
- Other microbes Protozoa
- Pathogenic-Ability to cause disease
- Virulence-Ability to cause severe disease
- Transmission-Route of spreading
- Sterilization Vs. Disinfection
5Diseases Well Focus on Today
- Pediatric Respiratory Disease
- Croup
- Epiglottitis
- Bronchiolititis- respiratory syncytial virus
- Adult Diseases
- TB
- Pneumonia Viral Bacterial
- Others Pulmonic Plague
- Viral Infection
- Parainfluenza
- Influenza
- Adenovirus
- Gradual onset
- Affects children 6 months to 3 years-old
- Swelling and inflammation of subglottic
structures. - Larynx
- Trachea
- Larger Bronchi
- Can affect mid-sized and smaller airways
8Croup--Clinical Manifestations
- Slow onset, like a cold
- Brassy/barking cough
- Horseness Audible stridor
- Neck X-Ray Steeple Sign
- If Severe
- Tachycardia/tachypnea
- Retractions
- Decrease in SPO2
- ABG Hypoxemia Respiratory Acidosis
9Steeple Sign-Often Found in Croup
- Cool Mist w/oxygen via tent or face mask
- Reassurance--Parental presence
- Racemic Epinephrine via SVN or IPPB
- 6 Y.O. or less 0.25 mls of 2.25 w/NSS
- More than 6 Y.O. 0.5mls w/NSS
- Systemic Steroids Dextramethasone
- 0.3 to 0.6 mg/KG
- Intubation Mainly if respiratory failure
present e.g., muscle fatigue, change in
sensorium, cyanosis, ABG results.
- Bacterial infection
- Most common microorganisms
- Staphylococcus Aureus
- Group A B Streptococci
- Strep Pneumoniae
- Other causes
- thermal injury
- caustic ingestion
- radiation exposure
- Supra-glottic swelling
- Epigottis turns bright, cherry red swollen
- Inflamation leads to a/w narrowing and dysphagia
- If severe, a/w can become completely obstructed
13Epiglottitis--Clinical Manifestations
- Patient appears acutely ill
- Rapid Onset
- Affects mainly children 1 - 5 years old
- Drooling, sore throat, dysphagia
- Stridor hoarseness w/diminished breath sounds
in lung regions - High fever
- Lateral neck x-ray Balloon-shaped
epiglottis/thumb sign
14Lateral Neck X-RayThumb Sign
- Minimal patient stimulation-keep patient calm!
- Cool mist aerosol w/suppl O2
- Antibiotics and fluids (steroids generally not
effective) - If severe obstruction, intubation shouldnt be
attempted in ER - Intubate patient in OR as trach may be necessary
and patient may need to be paralyzed
16Epiglottitis Vs. Croup
- Epiglottitis
- Bacterial
- Rapid On-set
- Profound illness
- Hospitalization common required.
- Pt. may be drooling and leaning forward with
compromised speech - May need emergent care and airway management.
- Croup
- Viral
- More gradual onset
- Mild to moderate illness
- Occasionally requires hospitalization
- Mainly supportive care
- EtiologyCaused by respiratory syncytial virus
(RSV) - Pathophysiology Inflamed upper and lower
airways, excessive mucus. - Clinical manifestations
- Usually follows a URI
- Slight fever and cough worsen to dyspnea,
tachypnea - Inspiratory and expiratory wheezing may develop
- Radiograph shows hyperinflation and consolidation
- Prophylaxis Immunization recommended BPD infants
- Treatment
- Supportive Hydration, nutrition, rest,
monitoring - Humidified supplemental oxygen, HF nasal cannula
- Bronchodilators and mucous clearance (CPT,
mucolytics) - If severe Intubation and mechanical ventilation
with prolonged expiration time.
18Adult Infectious Pulmonary Diseases
- TB
- Pneumonia
- Viral
- Bacterial
- Others
- Pulmonic Plague
- Microorganism- Mycobacterium family
- Airborne transmission of droplet nuclei
- Droplet nuclei settle into the lungs and can
start the infection - Risk of infection is determined by many factors
- Length of exposure
- Immune status
- Acid-fast bacilli are inhaled and begin to
multiply - Bacilli may migrate to kidneys, brain and bones
- 6-8 weeks after infection-immune system often
localizes and contains infection. - TB Infection Vs TB Disease
- TB Infection Bacilli become inactive but remain
- TB Disease Active bacilli are not stopped by
immune system and continue to multiply.
21TB-Clinical Manifestations
- Positive Mantoux Test (PPD)-5mm,10mm,15mm
- CXR-Lesion in apical or posterior upper lobe.
Affinity for higher oxygen environment - Positive sputum culture.
- Laboratory data Increased bands, elevated
alkaline phosphate - Signs/Symptoms--Productive Cough, chest pain,
hemoptisis, weakness, weight loss, fever/chills,
night sweats.
22TB Lesion in Right Apex
- Antibiotics Cure most cases
- 6-month Isoniazid, Rifampin and initially,
pyrazinamide - 9-month Isoniazid and Rifampin
- Other ABX combinations for multiple drug
resistant (MDR) strains. - Supportive
- Proper rest and nutrition
- Avoid high risk activities
- First Two-Months
- Isoniazid-INH
- Rifampin
- Pyrazinomide
- Ethambutal
- Next Five-Six Months
- Rifampin
- Community Acquired vs nosocomial
- Pathogens
- Bacterial
- Viral
- Other--fungal, rickettesia
- Route - Often Inhalation of microbes or
aspiration of stomach contents or other
substances - Microbes
- Bacteria
- Viral
- Other-Fungus-coccidiodes valley fever
27Pneumonia-Clinical Findings
- Acutely ill patient
- Hypoxemia possible cyanosis
- CXR-Consolidation
- Unilateral Chest expansion
- Dull percussion note
- Decreased breath sounds /or rhonchi
- Cough-Productive or non-productive
- Sputum- Green, yellow, brown, red
28Types of Bacterial Pneumonia
- Gram positive - aerobic
- Gram negative - aerobic
- Anaerobic
- Mycobateria
29Gram stain will showBacilli (rods) or Cocci
(round)Positive (blue) or Negative (red)
30Gram Stain - E. coli
31Lower Lobe pneumonia
- Supportive
- Oxygen therapy
- Rest
- Proper hydration nutrition
- Isolate the microbe - Sputum CS
- Antibiotics/antimicrobials
- Bronchodilators
- HIV- Viral infection via bodily fluid exchange
- Helper T-Cells are invaded and destroyed
- Helper T-Cells have the CD-4 antigen on the
surface. - Immune system is compromised Helper T-cell count
of 800-1200/ml drops lt 600/ml. - Opportunistic Infections take hold
- Pneumocystis Carinii PCP Now renamed as
pneumocystis jirrevecii pneumonia and it is a
protozoal-like microbe.
- PCP-An opportunistic Protozoal Infection
- Generally only affects immunosuppressed
- Chemotherapy
- Organ Transplantation/Immunosuppressant Drugs
35PCP--DX Clinical Manifestations
- High Index of Suspicion
- HX of
- IVDA or other high risk behavior
- Immunosuppression due to other causes (Chemo,
organ transplantation) - DX via Sputum staining
- Silver staining
- Obtained via BAL
- Review of Labs
- Positive HIV antibodies (HIV positive)
- Reduced CD 4 Count (w/AIDS)
36PCP--DX Clinical Manifestations (cont.)
- Fever/Chills
- Malaise
- Weight loss
- Lymphadenopathy
- Dyspnea/SOB
- Early-Ground Glass Appearance
- Later-Diffuse infiltrates, lymph node enlargement
37Initial Treatment
- Oxygen for Hypoxemia
- Bronchodilators for bronchoconstriction
- Mucolytics, for mucous plugging
- Supportive Therapy
- Nutrition, hydration, rest
- Monitoring
- Vital signs
- Pulse oximetry
- Is Os
- Chart review for Relevant Orders and Advanced
Directive and/or DNR
- Prophylaxis
- 1st choice--Daily administration of SMX-TMP
(Triamethoprim-Sulfomethoxazole) - 2nd choice--Pantamidine (if cant tolerate sulfa)
- Active Disease
- 1st Choice--TMP-SMX
- 2nd choice--Pantamidine
- 90 recovery rate
39Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)
- Occurrence 2003 Outbreak, 8,000 cases Worldwide,
Several Hundred in N. America. - 23 of victims were healthcare workers.
- Etiology/Pathophysiology Airborne transmission
via respiratory droplets of Coronavirus
(SARS-CoV). - Clinical Manifestations High Fever, body aches,
dry cough progressing to pneumonia. - Diagnosis Sputum, nasal secretions analysis.
- Treatment Antiviral Meds and supportive therapy.
- Natural Occurrence 3-4,000 cases/Yr. in US.
- Etiology/Pathophysiology Virus found in the
urine and feces of rodents, mainly mice. Does
not make the mouse sick. Humans get sick if they
inhale dust containing mouse excrement. 2 5
day incubation period. - Clinical Manifestations Flu-like symptoms, rapid
progression to Respiratory Failure. Approx. 50
mortality. - Diagnosis Blood tests for antigen or virus.
- Treatment Ribavirin, Supportive care.
41Pulmonic Plague (Yersinia Pestis)
- Natural Occurrence 5 - 15 cases/Yr. in US.
- Etiology/Pathophysiology Bacteria commonly
spread by aerosol droplets. 1 6 day incubation
period. - Clinical Manifestations High fever, chills,
hemoptysis, shock, stridor, B/S crackles, ARF.
High mortality (gt 75) with late diagnosis. - Diagnosis Gram stain, CS, Immunoassay for
capsulated antigen - Treatment Streptomycin 30 mg/kg/day IM. Oral
Doxycycline or Ciprofloxin. No vaccine.
42Smallpox (Variola Major)
- Natural Occurrence Last case in Somalia, 1977.
- Etiology Viral infection with an incubation
period of 7 17 days - Most contagious in early rash phase.
- Clinical Manifestations Fever, back pain,
vomiting, malaise, headache, rigors papules to
pustular vessicles face/ extremities. - Diagnosis Modified silver stain, PCR and viral
isolation IHC - Treatment Immediate vaccination (if exposure lt 5
days) and supportive care.
43Inhaled Anthrax (Bacillus Anthraxis)
- Etiology
- Natural Occurrence Few via Inhalation.
- Mostly transmitted via livestock. No Known
Human-to-Human Transmission - Clinical Manifestations Fever, malaise, cough,
mild chest discomfort later dyspnea,
diaphoresis, stridor, cyanosis, hypotension,
hemorrhagic meningitis. 50 Mortality, with
treatment. - Diagnosis Mediastinal widening w/o infiltrates
on CXR, Serology, Gram stain, PCR - Treatment Supportive care, Doxycycline 200 mg IV
then 100 mg IV Q12 hr. Vaccine - high risk
44What RTs and other Healthcare Professionals Can
and Should Do
- Protect Thy Self and Patient.
- Proper use of Protective Equipment Seal mask
from bridge of nose downdont pinch nose. - Get Vaccinated
- Handwashing!!!
- Get Educated Understand Prevention and Disease
Identification. - Educate homecare patients Disease Recognition,
Vaccination, Prevention, Infection Control and
Contingency Planning. - Be Aware If It Seems Unusual, Maybe it Is!!!
- Report suspicious cases per plan or protocol.
- Consider joining the US Dept of Health Human
Services Disaster Response Team (Visit HHS
45Take Home Messages- Avoiding Ethical Problems
- Use proper Infection Control Techniques
- Maintain and index of suspicion
- If it does not look right, take special
precautions and communicate with other members of
the health care team. - Identify and utilize practical resources
- Participate in all appropriate training
- Exercise common sense and good judgment.
- Dont let your ego get in the way.
- If you have questionsor need addl infoAsk!
46Selected References
- Guideline for Hand Hygiene in Health-care
Settings. MMWR 2002 vol. 51. - The Centers of Disease Control and Prevention --
httpwww.cdc.gov - Egans Fundamentals of Respiratory Care, ed 10
2012. - Clinical Assessment in Respiratory Care, ed. 5,
2010. - AARC www.aarc.org/education/aarc
- Pubmed
- Medline