Title: Infectious Diseases After Natural Disasters
1Infectious Diseases After Natural Disasters
- Christian Sandrock, MD, MPH
- California Preparedness Education Network
- Funded by HRSA Grant T01HP01405
A program of the California Area Health
Education Centers
- Covers the 9 San Francisco Bay Area counties
- It is a program of the Health Education and
Training Center (South Bay AHEC), a division of
the Community Health Partnership - Community Health Partnership is a consortium of
community clinics that works to strengthen the
healthcare safetynet for the medically underserved
- Folder contents
- Sign-in sheet with degree/job function and
license number (if applicable) - Please FILL OUT the participant data form and the
evaluation form and TURN IN by the end of the
- 1. Recognize the risk of infectious diseases
after natural disasters - 2. Recognize the indications of infectious
diseases after natural disasters - 3. Meet immediate care needs of patients
- 4. Alert appropriate authorities
- 5. Participate in response
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- The role of infectious diseases in natural
disasters - Factors leading to a disease outbreak after a
disaster - Review some of the common and rare diseases after
a natural disaster
- Historically, infectious disease epidemics have
high mortality - Disasters have potential for social disruption
and death - Epidemics compounded when infrastructure breaks
down - Can a natural disaster lead to an epidemic of an
infectious disease? - If so, how?
9Phases of Disaster
- Impact Phase (0-4 days)
- Extrication
- Immediate soft tissue infections
- Post impact Phase (4 days- 4 weeks)
- Airborne, foodborne, waterborne and vector
diseases - Recovery phase (after 4 weeks)
- Those with long incubation and of chronic
disease, vectorborne
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11Factors for Disease Transmission After a Disaster
- Environmental considerations
- Endemic organisms
- Population characteristics
- Pre- event structure and public health
- Type and magnitude of the disaster
12Environmental Considerations
- Climate
- Cold- airborne
- Warm- waterborne
- Season (USA)
- Winter- influenza
- Summer- enterovirus
- Rainfall
- El Nino years increase malaria
- Drought-malnutrition-disease
- Geography
- Isolation from resources
13Endemic organisms
- Infectious organisms endemic to a region will be
present after the disaster - Agents not endemic before the event are UNLIKELY
to be present after - Rare disease may be more common
- Deliberate introduction could change this factor
14Endemic Organisms
- Northridge Earthquake
- Ninefold increase in coccidiomycosis (Valley
fever) from January- March 1994 - Mount St. Helens
- Giardiasis outbreak in 1980 after increased
runoff in Red Lodge, Montana from increased ash
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16Population Characteristics
- Density
- Displaced populations
- Refugee camps
- Age
- Increased elderly or children
- Chronic Disease
- Malnutrition
- DM, heart disease
- transplantation
17Population Characteristics
- Education
- Less responsive to disaster teams
- Religion
- Polio in Nigeria, 2004
- Hygiene
- Underlying health education of public
- Trauma
- Penetrating, blunt, burns
- Stress
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20Pre-event resources
- Sanitation
- Primary health care and nutrition
- Disaster preparedness
- Disease surveillance
- Equipment and medications
- Transportation
- Roads
- Medical infrastructure
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25Type of disaster
- Earthquake
- Crush and penetrating injuries
- Hurricane (Monsoon, Typhoon) and Flooding
- Water contamination, vector borne diseases
- Tornado
- Crush
- Volcano
- Water contamination, airway diseases
- Magnitude
- Bigger can mean more likelihood for epidemics
- Missouri 1993
- Increase reports if E.D. visits due to illness
- 20 respiratory,17 GI
- Iowa 1993
- No reports of GI or respiratory increase due to
sanitation measures - Florida Hurricane Andrew
- Heavy mosquito spraying lead to no change in
encephalitis rates
27Dominican Republic, 1979
- Hurricane David and Fredrick on Aug 31 and Sept
5th 1979 - gt2,300 dead immediately
- Marked increase in all diseases measured 6 months
after the hurricane - Thyphoid fever
- Gastroenteritis
- Measles
- Viral hepatitis
28Epidemics after Disasters
29Epidemics after Disasters
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31Summary of Factors
- Many factors play a role in disease development
and outbreaks - Change of disease not likely to play role
- Change and cessation of public health measures
play a big role
32What infections would we see today?
- Endemic organisms
- Post-impact phase
- Recovery Phase
33Post-Impact Phase Infections
- Crush and penetrating trauma
- Skin and soft tissue disruption (MRSA)
- Muscle/tissue necrosis
- Toxin production disease
- Burns
- Waterborne
- Gastroenteritis
- Cholera
- Non-cholera dysentery
- Hepatitis
- Rare diseases
34Post-Impact Phase Infections
- Vector borne
- Malaria
- WNV, other viral encephalitis
- Dengue and Yellow fever
- Typhus
- Respiratory
- Viral
- Rare disease
- Other
- Blood transfusions
35Recovery Phase Infections
- These agents need a longer incubation period
- TB
- Schistosomiasis
- Lieshmaniasis
- Leptospirosis
- Nosocomial infections of chronic disease
36What effects skin and soft tissue infections?
- Crush and penetrating injuries
- ABCs
- Establish airway
- Circulation
- Stabilize
- BP support
- Respiratory support
- Diagnose extent of injuries
- Radiology
- Diagnostic procedures
- Corrective action
- CT, fracture stabilization, transfusion
- Surgery if necessary
37What effects skin and soft tissue infections?
- Post-traumatic Care
- Hypoxia from pulmonary contusion, ARDS, VAP
- Coagulopathy
- Renal failure
- Ulcer disease
- Soft tissue infections
- Cellulitis
- Necrotizing fasciitis
- Post op wound infection
- Burn care
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- Skin infection involving the subcutaneous tissue
- Predisposing factors
- Lymphatic compromise
- Site of entry
- Obesity
- DM
- Dirty/contaminated wound
42Cellulitis- Microbiology
- Streptococcus
- Staphylococcus (MRSA)
- Worse in shelters
- Special circumstances
- Water exposure
- Aeromonas (MMWR 2005 Sept54(38)961 and Clin
Infect Dis 2005 Nov41(10)93) - Vibrio vulnificus (MMWR 2005 Sept54(38)961)
- E coli, Klebsiella, Pseudomonas (Lakartidningen
2005 Nov102(48)3660) - Myroides, Bergeyella, Sphingomonas
- Mucormycosis (Ann Acad Med Singapore 2005)
43Cellulitis- Microbiology
- Animal bites
- Pasteurella multocida
- DM
- Other gram negatives
- Asia
- Increased resistance (Lakartidningen 2005
Nov102(48)3660) - Leprosy (Emerg Infect Dis 2005 Oct11(10)1591-3)
- Chemical dermatitis (MMWR 2005 Sept54(38)961)
- Pathogenicity
- Not well understood
- Venous and lymphatic compromise
- Bacterial invasion with endo/exotoxin release
- Cytokine release
- Symptoms
- Systemic- F/C/M
- Redness, swelling
- Tenderness, edema
- May have ulcer or abscess
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- Treatment
- Antibiotics (MRSA)
- B-lactam
- Clindamycin
- Linezolid
- Vancomycin
- Limb elevation
- Systemic support
- Surgical consultation
- Abscess
- Occular
- Necrotizing fasciitis evaluation
48Necrotizing Fasciitis
- Fulminant destruction of tissue
- Systemic toxicity
- Very high mortality
- Much larger bacterial load than cellulitis
- Travels through fascial plain
- Much less inflammation from necrosis, vessel
thrombosis, and bacterial factors
49Necrotizing Fasciitis
- Two types
- Type I
- Largely mixed aerobic and anaerobic infection
- Seen in post surgical patients
- DM, PVD big risk factors
- Examples
- Cervical necrotizing fasciitis (Ludwigs angina)
- Fourniers gangrene
- Type II
- Group A strep
- Large exotoxin production or M protein
- Any age group or without portal of entry
- Pain
- May mimic post surgical changes
- Skin changes
- Thick or woody in nature
- Minimal erythema
- Bullae
- Systemic symptoms
- Fevers, chills
- Rapid sepsis
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- Surgical Debridement!!!!!!!!
- aggressive and explorative
- Wide tissue excision
- Antibiotics
- B- lactam antibiotics
- Clindamycin for toxin production
- Gram negative/anaerobic coverage
- Hyperbaric O2
- Supportive care
58Toxin Diseases
- Tetnus
- Rare due to vaccination
- 1 Million die per year in developing world
- 4 clinical patterns
- Generalized
- Local
- Cephalic
- Neonatal
- Spores of C. tetani enter the tissue
- Produce metalloprotease, tetanospasmin
- Retrograde movement into CNS
- Blocks neurotransmission by cleaving protein
responsible for neuroexocytosis - Disinhibition of motor cortex
- Extensive spasm
- Needs the right factors to produce
- Penetrating injury with spore delivery
- Co-infection with other bacteria
- Devitalized tissue
- Localized ischemia
- Can have water contamination as part of entry
(Ann Acad Med Singapore 200534(9)582)
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62Tetanus Treatment
- Wound management
- Halts toxin production
- Tetanus antitoxin and vaccine
- Neutralized unbound toxin
- Benzodiazepines and paralytics
- Treats spasms
- B-blockers
- Treats autonomic dysfunction of late disease
- Supportive care
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64Waterborne disease
- Viral gastroenteritis
- Norovirus (MMWR 2005 Oct54(40)1016)
- Cholera
- Gram negative bacterium Vibrio cholerae
- Severe water diarrhea with 50 mortality if
untreated - 190 serrotypes but only O1 and O139 cause human
epidemics - Bacterial model for toxin mediated disease
- 2 cases isolated after Katrina with minimal
disease (MMWR Nov 2005)
65Cholera pathophysiology
- Enter the small bowel and colonize
- Pilus required
- Hemagglutanins
- Acessory colonizing factor
- Porin like proteins
- Produces toxin
- A with 5 B subunits
- A cleaves to A1, activates adenylate cyclase
- Leads to increase Cl secreation and decreased Na
- Majority are asymptomatic
- Some with develop rapid diarrhea
- Diarrhea most severe days 1-2, stops by day 6
- May loose 100 body weight in 2 days
- Children, elderly at risk
- Death in 2 -48 hours (18 average)
67Cholera Treatment
- Oral rehydration- per liter
- 3.5g NaCl
- 2.9g NaHCO3
- 1.5g KCl
- 20g glucose
- IV rehydration
- Antibiotics- not necessary
- Lessens diarrhea by one day
- Vaccine- no evidence
- Public health prevention
68Non cholera dysentery
- Giardia
- E. Coli
- Toxin Mediate food poisoning
- Salmonella
- Shigella
- Campylobacter
- Yersinia
- Viral hepatitis
- Viral Gastroenteritis
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73Respiratory Illness
- Viral
- Most common cause of infectious illness after
Midwest floods over past 20 years - More common is shelter setting (unpublished)
- TB
- 25 mortality in camps in Africa and Asia
- Worsened by drought
- Community acquired bacterial pneumonia
- Mainly theoretical, no data
74Recent experiences
- Meliodosis (Emerg Infect Dis 2005
Oct11(10)1639) - Necrotizing pneumonia
- Multidrug resistant TB (Emerg Infect Dis 2005
Oct11(10)1591-3) - Atypical mycobacterial pneumonia (Emerg Infect
Dis 2005 Oct11(10)1591-3)
75Vector borne disease
- Malaria
- Common after flooding (Prehospital disaster Med
200217(3)126) - Brackish water increases Anopheles (Malar J
20054(1)30) - Well controlled with mosquito abatement
- Encephalitis
- No documented increase in US but heavy abatement
programs - West Nile?
76General disaster reminders
- Vaccinations are the mainstay of outbreak control
in many situations - Dead bodies pose little to no infectious disease
risk (Rev Panam Salud 200415(5)297-9) - Early surveillance and hygiene can stem outbreaks
- Infectious diseases may play a role in the post
disaster period - These diseases will vary depending on many
factors - If the disease if not present before the
disaster, it will not be there after
- Early recognition of certain diseases in disaster
setting important - Halting infrastructure and response has led to
most increases in infectious diseases - If deployed, know where you are going and what is
- Please remember to complete
- Personal data sheet
- Evaluation
- Sign-in sheet (include your degree or job
function AND your license number if applicable to
receive CEUs)
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