Title: Welcome to 8th Grade Information Night
1Welcome to 8th Grade Information Night
- The high school journey begins!
2(No Transcript)
3Hudson City School District
- Our Vision
- ...is to empower students to achieve uncharted
levels of success.
4HHS Department of Guidance Counseling
- We EMBRACE that vision!
- We are passionate about what we do.
5Who makes up the Department of Guidance and
- A-Cla Mrs. Cori Melling
- Cle-Hai Mrs. Kelsey Haggerty Haj-Lom Miss
Jill Okey - Lon-Pa Mrs. Nicole Carmichael
- Pe-So Mrs. Jen Chadima Sp-Z Ms. Shelley
Laudato -
- Social Worker Mrs. Julie Schultz
- Student Assistance Mrs. Kelsey Haggerty
Program Coordinator -
6Who are the Administrators?
- Principal Mr. Brian Wilch
- Freshmen Mrs. Natalie Wininger (12th P-Z)
- Sophomores Mrs. Maureen Schreiner
- (12th Han-O)
- Juniors Mr. Bryan Bedford
- (12th A-Ham)
7How do we accomplish our vision?
- Guidance offers many resources to students,
primarily through classroom guidance. - Wealth of information
- Professional knowledge
- Naviance
- HHS Guidance website
- Outstanding website Resources
- Advice from our governing bodies state
89th grade
- Freshmen Orientation Day
- Freshmen Mentoring Program
- Adjustment to high school
- Classroom Guidance
- Career Assessment Naviance, ACT Aspire, and more
- Community First Career Panels/Intern for a Day
- 9th Grade Information Night for students
910th grade beyond
- Career Exploration
- Six District Compact College Tech Prep
- Community First Career Panels/Intern for a Day
- Curriculum Offerings/Scheduling
- Grade level scheduling seminars
1010th grade beyond
- Parent Student Nights
- Held for each grade level
- Classroom Guidance
- Investigating career interests, college searches,
resume building - PSAT, ACT, SAT information and interpretation
- Career Interests Inventories linked to Career
Clusters and College Majors through Naviance - Junior and Senior Workshops aimed at college
11Your high school journey begins !
12How does a student know what classes to take?
- Parent Night Feb. 1st
- Classroom Scheduling Seminars 1.29.16
- Recommendation from teachers
- Online Registration from home
- Student Curriculum Guide
13What is a Typical Freshman Load?
- (seven class maximum, six class minimum)
- English 9/Honors English 9
- Algebra 1, Geometry, Honors Geometry, Algebra 2,
or - Honors Algebra 2
- US History, Honors US History, or AP US History
- Physical Science, Biology, Honors Biology
- Foundations of PE (sem.) Health (sem.)
- Pick Two
- World Lang., Band, Choir, Orchestra, Elective,
Study Hall - Limits for students who have failed an 8th
grade class
14Graduation Requirements
15What Do Colleges Prefer?
- Minimum recommended college prep load
- 4 English
- 4 Math (through Algebra 2)
- 3 Science
- 3 Social Studies
- 2 World Language (recommend 3)
- 1 Visual/Performing Arts
16What should struggling students do?
- ASK!
- Talk with teacher!
- Visit the Math Lab
- Visit the Writing Center
- Utilize ARC (Academic Resource Center)
- Utilize AST (After School Tutoring)
- Private Tutor list on Hudson website
17How do students meet with their counselor?
- Schedule time with secretaries during study hall
or lunch time - Come in on Friday (walk-in day) during study hall
or lunch - Explorer Period (walk-in)
- Email counselor if you have trouble scheduling a
time - Come in immediately in case of emergency tell
secretary it is urgent - Leave counselor a Blue Note
18What Guidance Information Tools are Available?
- Naviance
- Guidance Website
- Classroom Guidance Programs
- Evening Programs for Parents Students
- SunGard Home Access Center (HAC)
- BlackBoard/E-mails
19(No Transcript)
- Colleges
- College search
- Admission information/requirements
- Build list of colleges to apply to, request
teacher recommendations - Careers
- Interest Inventories to match you to careers
- Learn about Career Areas and Options
- About Me
- Create a Resume
- Set goals
- Track Involvement Academic Credentials
- My Planner
- Search Tasks and To Do List Items for yourself
- Plan ahead
21Are there other academic opportunities for
- College Tech Prep Initiative Programs
- 25 programs available for Juniors Seniors
- Students visit in 10th grade
- These programs may be taken with a college prep
curriculum - College Credit Plus
- Dual Credit at University of Akron, Kent State
University, Hiram College, Cuyahoga Community
College - Typically taken Junior Senior Year
- For more information, attend mandatory CCP info
night Monday, February 22nd at 700 PM in the
22What are some activities available to students?
- Mens/Womens Sports
- Hudson offers 24 teams
- Some have tryouts make cuts, some do not
- 8th grade students
- Informational meetings for Fall Sports at Middle
School this Spring - HHS offers a wide variety of extracurricular
opportunities - Students will learn about these activities during
August orientation
23What does a student need to be academically
eligible for sports?
- Fall athletes
- Freshmen must have passing grades in 5 classes
- (P.E. does not count)
- Eligibility is based on grades from the quarter
preceding the season - Summer School grades may not be used
- Students must have over a 2.0 GPA for the quarter
- 1.2 to 2.0 requires a study table
- An F in any class requires a study table
24How does the daily schedule work?
- Students have seven 50 minute class periods 30
minutes for lunch - Periods around the lunch time are shortened and
combined to form one full period (i.e.-a student
may have 4/5 period class (30 min. 20 min. 50
min) - Therefore, we show a 10 period day
25What are some factors parents should consider?
- Honor your childs gifts, strengths, and passions
- Students should be challenged but not overwhelmed
- Encourage your child to get involved in school
26Thank you for attending this evenings program.
27Empower students to achieve uncharted levels of