Title: Welcome to 1st Grade Open House!
1Welcome to 1st Grade Open House!
2Miss Albaneses Background
- 8th year at Southgate teaching 1st grade
- Teach Post-K during the summer
- Grew up in Guilderland currently live in Latham
- Bachelors Degree in Inclusive Elementary and
Special Education from Syracuse University - (May 2005)
- Masters Degree as a Reading Specialist from
Columbia University (December 2006)
3Mrs. DennisBackground
- Twenty years teaching in the district
- Bachelors Degree from Russell Sage.
- Masters Degree in Literacy from SUNY Albany
- Previously taught kindergarten and fourth grade
- Personal information
- Married for thirty two years.
- Two children Kim - who is 30 years old
- Matt - who is 27 years old.
- Currently live in Clifton Park.
4Contact Informationalso in student planner
- Southgate Elementary 785-6607
- Best way to reach me us is via email
salbanese_at_ncolonie.org - jdennis_at_ncolonie.org
- We will check this during the school day as well
as after school and weekends - Please dont hesitate to contact us with any
questions or concerns ?
5Home-School Communication
- Weekly Newsletter
- Email/phone/notes
- Please check your childs planner daily
- ?Your child will be responsible for copying down
their homework daily. - Please check and empty your childs Take Home
Folder daily - ?Homework and time sensitive materials will be on
the RIGHT BACK TO SCHOOL side - ?Completed class work and notes for parents will
be on the LEFT AT HOME side
- To develop independent, responsible, learners
- To incorporate a variety of learning experiences
in order to build student interest and engagement - To provide appropriate scaffolding and guided
practice so that students will be able to apply
what they are learning - To help shape conscientious and
- respectful students
7Daily Routine
- We start right at 805, please be punctual!
- Students unpack/Planners/Take Home Folder Emptied
- Read and Relax
- Instruction begins at 815 promptly
- -To maximize support and collaboration, a master
schedule for building - -6 day cycle week A and week B
8Behavior Management System
- Positive reinforcement
- Verbal praise
- Stickers
- Extra time for an activity of choice
- Caught Being Good! or Praise Notes
- Marble System
- Encourages students to work together as a class
to demonstrate exemplary behavior in order to
earn compliments - Clear expectations and routines
- Regular communication with families
- Working together for the childs success!
9Behavior Management System
- Stoplight Card System Based on School Rules and
Classroom Expectations (Our Class Constitution) - 1st time Verbal reminder
- 2nd time Verbal warning (still on green)
- 3rd time Pull a green card
- When the student is on yellow they are visually
made aware that they need to slow down and be
more attentive to their actions. - 4th time Pull a yellow card
- When the student is on red they are visually made
aware that they need to stop. Red note is sent
home and students may lose a class privilege.
10Language Arts
- Reading Developing life long readers!
- We use a balanced literacy program that uses a
variety of instruction including whole group
lessons which focus on reading strategies, small
groups for guided reading to more specifically
meet student needs, and immersion in quality
literature. - Introduce purpose and procedure for Bookworm and
Book in a Bag
11Some Reading Lingo to Get You Started started
- Take a picture walk
- Use your picture clues
- Get your mouth ready
- Look for little words or chunks you know
- Talk about the story
- What happened first? Next? Last?
- Who were the characters?
- Where was the story taking place?
- What was your favorite part?
- What did this story remind you of?
- (Connections)
12Language Arts continued
- Writing
- Journals, graphic organizers, Writers Workshop,
formal and informal - Mini-lessons for direct instruction in structure,
grammar, and mechanics - Incorporated across subject areas
- Goal For students to develop a logical,
sequential order (beginning, middle, and end),
while also having the opportunity to experience
different types of writing. - Look for Students ability to read back their
work, complete sentences, application of first
grade words, capitals in the beginning and
punctuation at the end.
13Language Arts continued
- Listening Developing a purpose, following
directions, listening for information - Speaking Building appropriate communication
skills and using appropriate voice - Intro K-2 language program
14Spelling and Handwriting
- Handwriting Zaner-Bloser program focusing on
correct letter formation and spacing (neatness
counts!) - Spelling/Word Work Formal spelling instruction
begins in mid October - Focus on manipulating words and developing
effective strategies - Program is more individualized based on Oct.
assessment - The goal is for students to carry over their
knowledge of word families and sight words in to
their writing. Moving away from memorization! - Invented spelling or sound spelling is
absolutely expected and accepted at this point.
15Parent Communication
- Core words and word patterns will be communicated
to parents in student planners and our weekly
newsletter. Core Words are words that are
expected to be written correctly. They are
different than our sight words which are expected
to be read automatically. - Focus Words come from student writing and word
family instruction. - Parents will receive a word study dictation
highlighted with words your child has not yet
mastered. These words will continue to be
practiced. This is a great way to monitor student
progress and application. -
16Effective word study activities
-Tic-tac-toe with word family words -Fun
materials white boards, sidewalk chalk, crayons,
paint, stamps, magnets -Word hunts looking for
words you know in different place -Fill in
missing vowels -Word Sorts/Picture sorts (group
by similar sounds or patterns) -Make A Word
(magnets, letter tiles, letter cards.) -Word
Family Go Fish -Memory Game with index
cards -Writing stories using word family
words -Mind Reader -Give clues for a word you
are thinking of We will be happy to give you
materials to use at home if you would
17Ineffective approaches
- Memorization (drill and kill)
- Write 3 times
- Put in ABC order
- Use word in a sentence
- Daily routines i.e. calendar math, weather,
marble jar, and problem of the day - Use of manipulatives, smartboard activities, and
student textbook, along with Math Talk - Focus on developing problem solving skills
- Assessment Chapter tests, problem solving
independently, participation, and daily work
19Math Newly aligned series with Common Core
- BIG IDEAS covered in first grade
- Addition concepts
- Subtraction concepts
- Comparing numbers
- Problem solving and explaining how you got your
answer? higher level thinking - Measurement
- Graphing
- Time to the hour and half hour
- Coin recognition
20Science and Health
- Science units are usually integrated into themes,
i.e. Penguins in the Winter - Some major units of study properties, animal
homes and adaptations, life cycles of
plants/animals, weather - Activities focus on questioning and exploration
- Mrs. Bonanno and Mrs. Winters-Bono come to teach
us about mental and physical health
21Social Studies
- Social Studies in first grade focuses on a
variety of activities to increase student
awareness about the world around them ( our
school community, holidays, different families,
Now and Long Ago, map skills) - Students learn more about themselves, as well as
others - Social Studies is also heavily integrated
with Language Arts
22Character Education
- We work hard as a school community to build
awareness and practice important character ideals - Examples For Word of the Month
- Citizenship
- Respect
- Cooperation
- Perseverance
- Sportsmanship
- Responsibility Compassion
- Report cards go out three times per year
(Trimester change) - December, March, June
- Progress reports in October, January, May
- Phone calls/notes at least once per trimester
(Not always a bad thing!) - Individual parent- teacher conferences are in
NOVEMBER - Dont forget to sign up tonight! Let us know if
you need another time or day. - We welcome additional conferences throughout the
year as you find necessary!
- Given nightly (appx. 15 minutes)
- Improves organization and builds study skills
- Homework is expected back the next day, but
should be easy! - Dont feel the need to correct homework before it
is turned in, it provides excellent feedback for
us as is! - Please try to read with your child for 15 min.
each night.
- Snack We do have snack daily, so please send in
- a quick, NUT FREE, snack for your child
- School News Notifier (SNN)
- Recess/Lunch Sending in money/prepaid accounts
- Birthdays If you would like, feel free to send
in a birthday snack (NUT FREE) with your child
on, or near, their special day. We celebrate
during snack time. Please no cakes, goody bags,
etc. - Please do not send invitations to school (use
PTA directory) - Bus notes and absences
- Field trip to Elms Farm in the fall
- Volunteers Mainly through PTA, a few classroom
opportunities throughout the year.
- READ, READ, READ every night!
- Practice addition and subtraction facts
- Help your child get plenty of rest and eat a
healthy breakfast - Increase your childs independence and
responsibility at home (chores, homework, etc.) - Look through and empty take home folder every
night. - Prepare backpack the night before to build
organization - Talk about daily routines at home to help ease
anxiety - Homework routine
- Practice sight words and word family words
- Model reading and writing at home
27Wrapping Up
- Any Questions?!!!
- If you would like to speak to us about your
individual student please feel free to send in a
note and we will be glad to schedule a conference - Feel free to write your student a note on their
desk! - Dont forget to sign the sign in sheet and sign
up to be a volunteer if you would like. - Take a walk around the classroom and check things
out. ?
28- Thank you for sharing your children with us!
- We look forward to a wonderful year. ?