Welcome to 6th Grade at Santiago School - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Welcome to 6th Grade at Santiago School


Ms. Frazier Language Arts, Social Studies, & AVID Room #201 Welcome to 6th Grade at Santiago School – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Welcome to 6th Grade at Santiago School

Welcometo6th GradeatSantiago School
Ms. Frazier Language Arts, Social Studies,
AVID Room 201
  • A few things about me
  • This is my 26th year of teaching
  • Taught 1st, 4th, 5th, 6th, (7th/8th and high
    school during summer school.)
  • A blend of strict and fun. ?
  • Enjoy reading, nature, music, fitness activities
    and time with family and friends and serving in
    my church.

  • On time, every day, ready to learn!
  • Please call the office if your child is absent.
  • If you dont call, send a note when returning.
  • The state asks us to verify all absences.
  • The student is responsible for missed homework
  • To get missing work, e-mail me at
    sheila.frazier_at_sausd.us, or call me at (714)
    813-8861, stop by the school, ask a classmate, or
    have a nearby friend/relative pick up missing

  • Class Schedule
  • P. 0 800-812 Homeroom
  • P. 1/2 815-929 Language Arts
  • 929-949 Nutrition/Recess
  • P. 3/4 952-1106 3 - Social Studies/ 4 -
  • 1106-1151 Lunch
  • P. 5/6 1154-107 Math
  • P. 7/8 110-223 7 - Science
  • 8 -
  • Library alternating Wednesdays
    Laptops in the room every other week

  • Class Schedule
  • P. 0 800-812 Homeroom
  • P. 1/2 815-929 Math
  • 929-949 Nutrition/Recess
  • P. 3/4 952-1106 3 - Science
  • 4 -
  • 1106-1151 Lunch
  • P. 5/6 1154-107 Language Arts
  • P. 7/8 110-223 7 - Social Studies/ 8
    - AVID

(No Transcript)
Zero Period - Homeroom Class
  • Zero Period takes place every morning
  • This is where we take attendance and go over a
    few things before the students go off to their
    classes for the day.
  • Monday Agenda Check/ Word of the Week (1 page
    project is assigned due Tuesday)
  • Tuesday Binder Check (pencil pouch, agenda,
    loose-leaf notebook paper, dividers, no cover
    photos, no loose papers)
  • Wednesday College of the Week (discuss
    research online)
  • Thursday Character Counts (back section of
  • Friday Backpack Check (make sure it is cleaned
  • organized Thursday night)

Language Arts
  • Our students will further their knowledge of
    the English language
    through reading, writing, grammar skills,
    speaking and listening. They will also develop
    their appreciation for literature. Assessments
    include story tests, essays, spelling and grammar

History and Social Studies
  • 6.1 Archeology and Early Man
  • 6.2 Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Kush
  • 6.3 Ancient Hebrews
  • 6.4 Greece
  • 6.5 India
  • 6.6 China
  • 6.7 Rome
  • Assessments include quizzes, tests and
  • Research projects.

We will be on a learning adventure through
ancient civilizations!
Advancement Via Individual Determination
Writing Inquiry Collaboration Organization Readin
What are the Common Core State Standards?
  • The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) represent
    a set of expectations for student
    knowledge and skills necessary to succeed
    in college and careers. CCSS will
    help ensure that students receive a
    high quality education consistent, from school
    to school and state to state. The
    development of the CCSS was spearheaded by two
    organizations - the Council of Chief
    State School Officers and the National Governors
  • The criteria used to develop the CCSS were
  • Aligned with college and work expectations
  • Include rigorous content and application of
    knowledge through high-order skills
  • Build upon strengths and lessons of current state
  • Informed by top-performing countries, so that all
    students are prepared to succeed in our global
    economy and society
  • Evidence and/or research-based.
  • More information can
    be found at http//www.sausd.us/commoncore

  • All students need to be responsible for their own
  • Students are expected to write their homework in
    their agenda. All boxes should be filled on
    a daily basis. Please check the agendas
    regularly to be aware of what assignments
    are due. If there is no homework, there should
    be something written about what was done in class
    or an X in the space.
  • Assignments are due at the beginning of class,
    and will be considered late if they are not ready
    to be turned in at that time. Any late
    assignments will not receive full credit. All
    assignments should be neatly prepared and have
    the students name, date, period written in the
    upper right-hand corner.
  • Every other week, we will be going to the
    library, where the students will be checking out
    books based on their AR levels. There is a link
    on the Santiago homepage to take them directly to
    the AR website where they can sign in with the
    student ID number. If they do not have computer
    access at home, they may go to the library before
    or after school to take the AR test. They will
    also have access to laptops in the classroom
    during their free time.
  • This will be a
    requirement toward their reading grade.

  • http//www.sausd.us/Page/8274

  • Students have the opportunity to earn the
    following points for
  • completed work. Points are deducted for work that
    is turned
  • in late or not completed correctly.
  • Homework 20 points
  • Class Work 50 points
  • Projects 100 Points
  • Essays Tests 100 points
  • Any assignments not turned in shall receive a
    score of zero, negatively affecting the students
    overall performance grade in the class.
  • You may access your students grades anytime by
    going to the Aeries Student Portal through the
    Santiago homepage resources tab.

  • http//www.sausd.us/Page/8274

  • https//eportal.sausd.us/ParentPortal/LoginParent

Student Behavior
  • Expectations 201
  • 1. Focus on the lesson.
  • 2. Follow directions the first time they are
  • 3. Stay on task.
  • Use appropriate voice level.
  • This is how we do it!

  • This form is used to record instances when
    students have difficulty following the classroom
    expectations. After three minor infractions,
    parental and /or administrative intervention is

Suggested Supplies
  • 1 three ring binder (2 inch)
  • 1 pack of colored 6-8 tab binder dividers
  • 1 paper punch (3-hole the kind that attaches to
    the binder)
  • 1 pack of white wide rule 8.5x11 notebook filler
    paper (3 hole punched)
  • 12 2 pencils (mechanical are ok, but make sure
    you have extra lead)
  • Erasers
  • Small school scissors
  • 1 small pencil sharpener with a cover
  • 2 or more highlighters
  • 1 pack of pens (black, blue, red). NO
    permanent markers!
  • 1 pack of colored pencils (package of 8 or more)
  • 1 pack of (3X3) assorted post-it notes
  • 1 glue stick
  • 1 pencil bag (3 hole punched)
  • 1 flash drive/memory stick (1GB or 2GB)

These supplies are being requested for your
child to use in my class. If possible, I would
like your child to bring these to school every
day in a backpack. Some of the same items will be
used in their other classes therefore, only one
set is suggested. If you encounter any problems
supplying these items, please let me know I
will do my best to assist you your child.
  • White printing paper
  • Red ink pens
  • Highlighters
  • Boxes of tissue
  • Anything else from the supply list
  • Your time Copying papers.

  • Thank you very much for being here this evening
    and for your support.
  • The best way to contact me is via email at
    sheila.frazier_at_sausd.us, or
  • text message (714) 813-8861. You may also
    send a note with your child, or call the school
    at (714)564-8400 and leave a message for me.
  • I am also available before or after school by
    appointment. Please let me know when it would be
    convenient for you.
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