Title: Diapositive 1
2Which one of these two mountain ranges is in the
East? The Appalachians The Rockies
Appalachian Mountains 100 to 300 miles (160 to
480 km) wide, and 1,500 miles long (2.400km) ...
Fr 1,000km from N-S) Rocky Mountains
3,000 miles long (4.800 km)
3What was the Old East? The space encompassed by
the thirteen colonies...
4Where was the Midwest located? ? territories
acquired by the Northwest Ordinance (1787
English cession of lands). the region south of
the Great Lakes, and north and west of the Ohio
River. Also called NorthWest, MidAmerica,
5The Great Plains
Vast zones of prairie and steppe (low
vegetation). Approximately 1,300,000 km2. They
are about 500 miles large (800 km) - and
2,000 miles (3,200 km) long. Were the home to
American bison herds (troupeaux) until the mid
19th c.
6The Wild West what it vehicles...
Unknown territories westwards, including visions
of adventure and human violence cowboys,
Natives, outlaws, gunfights, duels (to challenge
sbdy to a duel), gold rushes and murders... cf.
movies Unforgiven (C. Eastwood), Pale Rider,
Wyatt Earp, ... Space of wild / free animals and
nature, from buffalos to Grand Canyon and
breath-taking sceneries Land of opportunities,
gold rush... Discovery
The mythical Stagecoach , by John Ford,
starring John Wayne (1939). A part of the film
was shot in the Death Valley, placing the plot
amisdt a virginal and untouched nature .