Title: The Future of Warfare: Where Do We Stand?
1The Future of Warfare Where Do We Stand?
- William Reno
- Northwestern University
- reno_at_northwestern.edu, www.willreno.org
2Studying change in warfare Focus on components
or logics?
- Actors
- Goals
- Methods
- Resources
- What changes the logics of violence and what are
the consequences of these changes for the
components of warfare? -
3Past Futures of Warfare Dar es Salaam, 1965 Why
these particular actors, goals, methods,
- US activist Cora Weiss with African liberation
movement leaders. Back from left Pascoal
Mocumbi, Frente de Libertação de Moçambique
FRELIMO Eduardo Mondlane, President of
FRELIMO Weiss Amilcar Cabral, President of the
Partido Africano da Independência da Guiné e Cabo
Verde PAICG. African activist archive, MSU
4Past Futures of Warfare
- Narratives of conflict Solidarity Poster of
Africas Future, c.1970, from Inkworks Press,
Berkeley, CA
5Present futures of warfare What has changed?
- Networks New or just more intense versions of
old ones? - Cultural narratives These have always played
roles in conflicts, but more now? - Communication A qualitative or a quantitative
change? - Internal character of state authority
6Present Futures of Warfare Incorporating more
networks, such as cocaine trafficking
- From David Blair, Special Report West Africa
welcomes Latin Americas drug barons, Telegraph,
3 Dec 2008.
7Present futures Shifts in global narratives, new
ways of expressing identities
- Freetown, Sierra Leone street scene West Side
Boys Tupac imagery
- Mobile phone service reaches everywhere
(Batkano, Sierra Leone in the 2000s.)
9State authority symmetrical irregular warfare
- Sierra Leone highway in 1990
- Sierra Leone highway in 2013
LEGEND The locations/areas on this map are
approximate. Names, sectors, locations,
alignements, affiliation are to be verified.
SPLA deployment areas/locations.
11What is a network in the context of a state
that has very weak bureaucracies? And what is
on Riek Machars reading table?
12The uses of an AK-47 in the mind of the artist
- The puzzle of why narratives in really awful
places remain so parochial The wall of a
medical clinic, Lofa County, Liberia during the
LURD offensive, 2003
13New social structures of Violence Slightly
demobilized RUF, Sierra Leone
- Observe the attire Distinguishing units and
commander position and associations by footwear,
14As go states, so goes the future of Warfare.
- Think of wars states Where one finds
Conventional states, one tends to find armed
groups with bureaucratic hierarchies. Where
modernist visions of states fail, so goes the
vision of unified armed groups.
15The End ECOMOG position, Monrovia