Title: Computer Grade Two Computer Integrations
1ComputerGrade Two Computer Integrations
Social Studies Geography US
World Japan Native American Culture
Math Basic Facts Money Time Number
Sense Symmetry Measurement
Grade Two Computer Integrations
Language Arts Punctuation Capitalization Commas Ap
ostrophes Spelling
Science Rocks and Minerals Sun, Shadows,
Gravity Insects
Keyboarding Skills Practice location of
letters Proper use of keyboard and mouse
Content Vocabulary Mouse Shift Document Keyboard
Enter File Monitor Backspace Website Click Print I
con Double Click Exit Drag Close Open Save
- Essential Understandings/Learning Goals
- Social Studies-Geography, Japan, Native
Americans K-4.5.1, K-4.5.2 - Math-Number Sense, Facts, Money, Word Problems
K-4.5.1 - Science-Rocks, Sun Shadows and Gravity, Insects
K-, K-4.5.1 - Language Arts- Punctuation, Capitalization,
Commas, Apostrophes, Spelling.