Title: PowerPoint-Pr
1 Axial Power Input in Photocathode Electron
Guns D. Janssen, FZR, Germany, V. Volkov, BINP,
Novosibirsk, Russia,
2Power input in RF guns
- In normal and superconducting
- RF guns the cathode can be separeted by a
- vacuum gap from the surrounding cavity
- Idea This gap can be used for coaxial
- input of RF power
- Advantages
- No additional RF input coupler necessary
- No emittance growth by nonsymmetric
- RF fields in the coupler plane
- No RF losses by the coaxial line around
- the cathode
- Optimal arrangement of magnetic coils
- in the normal conducting case is possible
- Easy to make the RF input variable by a
- quarter wave filter in the superconducting
case -
Vacuum gap
3First operation of a SRF gun
D.Janssen et al., NIM-A, Vol. 507(2003)p314-317 T
4.2K, Q 2.5108, Ezmax 22MV/m E 900keV, I
RF power input
4New SRF Gun Cavity design
Cathode transfer rod
Poster WPAP007
LN2 reservoir
cathode cooler
HOM filter
choke filter
gun half-cell
power coupler
5Coupler plane of the cavity
HOM coupler
HOM coupler
Pic-up flange
Main coupler flange
6Beam tube with higher order mode and main
7RF power input around the cathode
Power input
Bellows for adjustment of Qext and heat isolation
LN2 cooling
Quarter wave choke
Tube for cathode exchange
Warm RF window
Cold RF window
Power input
End of the cryostat
8External quality factor and heat load of a
cathode-RF coupler
Field parameters for Eacc 25MV/m Ezmax(r0)
50MV/m, Urmax 6.5kV Esmax 43.6MV/m, Bsmax 0.11T
- In RF electron guns a coaxial gap between cathode
- and cavity can be used for RF power input.
- This special input coupler
- is easy adjustable,
- create no additional emittance growth and
- produce in the superconducting case a small heat
- load even at large RF power