Title: How To Do PowerPoint
1How To Do PowerPoint
2Step One
- Open PowerPoint in the Microsoft Office 98 folder
under the Hard Drive!
- It will open up and look like this!
3Step Two
- Choose which one you want!
- AutoContent Wizard walks you through a making of
your PowerPoint.
- Template lets you choose which background you
- Blank Presentation is just what it says. This
will let you choose everything that you want!
4Step Three
- Choose Blank Presentation
- An Auto Layout Screen Will Come up!
- Choose one
5Step Four
- Start Typing
- Click on Click Here to Type
- For a New Slide click on New Slide on the Common
Tasks window or go under Insert/New Slide!
- Need to change your layout, go under Common Tasks
to Slide Layout or under Format to Slide Layout
- Need to apply a design, go under Common Tasks to
Apply Design or under Format to Apply Design
6Step Five
- Adding Pictures
- Pick the new slide that has the little guy
picture on it.
- Double Click on the picture.
- Find the picture you want and press the Insert
7Adding Pictures Continued
- Or Insert a Text Box by going under Insert down
to Text Box!
- Draw a text box on your slide!
- Click inside your text box!
- Go to Insert down to Picture!
- If you want Clip Art, go over to Clip Art!
- Then find the one you want and press insert!
- If you want a photo, go over to From File!
- Find the picture that you want, and insert!
8Step Six
- Set up your FUN STUFF
- Go to Slide Show
- Down to Custom Animation
- A screen like this will appear
9Step Seven
- Click on the Timing tab.
- Choose which Object from Timing you want first.
There will be a box around it.
- Click the Animate button.
10Step Eight
- Click on the Effects tab.
- Where it says no effect, choose which one you
- Choose a sound if you want.
11Effects Continued
- Decide if you want it all at once or a little at
a time!
- Grouped by Level 5 lets you introduce per
- Remember that you can preview it by clicking on
the Preview button
12Step Nine
- View your Presentation
- On the bottom of the screen there is a tool bar
that looks like this.
- The card one is to view the card your on
- The outline view is to see your presentation in
an outline view
- The four little cards are to see your
presentation in a layout form
- The one with a card with some lines is to write
what you want to say
- And the little desk one is to run your
- If you are running your presentation, press the
ESC to stop it.
13Step Ten
- Adding Movies or Sounds!
- Choose the slide that you want. If it is not the
one with the movie thing on it, insert a Text Box.
14Adding Movies or Sounds
- Go to Insert, down to Movies and Sounds!
- Choose the movie or sound selection that you want!
15If you are going from a CD!
- Insert your CD
- Go down to Play Audio CD Track!
- Choose which song and how much of the song you
- Then go to Custom Animation under Slide Show!
- To the Play Settings Tab
- Look for the audio one.
- And put in the settings that you want!
Remember you will need the CD for your
16Step 11
- Changing a design for one or all of your cards
- Go to Format, down to Apply Design
- Choose the one you want
- This is what it looks like
- If you dont want a design, go to Format, down to
- Choose the little bar
- Go to the Fill Effects tab
- Choose the Texture Tab
- Choose the one you want and press OK.
18Step 12 Making Pop Ups
1. Make your chart with all of the basics that
you want on it. 2. Click on the first area that
you want to enlarge (1)! 3. Do a Copy and a Pa
ste of this area. 4. Enlarge the area that you
want to pop up (2). 5. Make sure that the enlarg
ed area is on top of the original one.
19Under Slide Show, go to Custom Animation.
Decide how you want your pop up to come in to
your presentation (animate it). Do something
that appears or comes in. Down on After Animati
on, make it say, Hide on Next Mouse Click.
20Step Thirteen HyperLinks
- Highlight item that you want to link to other
page, program, or Internet.
- Go to Insert, down to Hyperlink.
21- Link to file or URL
- This gives you the option to go to a file
(example a Microsoft Word Document) or a Web
- Named location in file (optional)
- This lets you link to a page or section within
your PowerPoint.
- Example of a Named location
22Step Fourteen
- Play and have fun!
- If you need help, Go to Help down to Microsoft
PowerPoint Help! This will answer any questions
that you may have!
- Remember to stop your presentation at any time,
Press the ESC key!