Title: La Clase de Espanol
1Bienvenidos a la Clase de Espanol Dear
Parent(s) and/or Guardian(s),Welcome to the new
school year! I am looking forward to working with
you and your child. My name is Elizabeth Reyes
Viands. I am from Veracruz, Mexico. I am married,
and have two beautiful children a Chihuahua
named Taco. I have been living in Winston-Salem,
NC since 2005. I have a BS in Administration
Education. I taught Spanish for two years at
Sherwood Forest Elementary, this is my second
year at TJMS. My strongest ability as a Spanish
Teacher comes from the fact that I grew up
speaking the language, and living the culture.
Every day, I am excited to share my language and
culture with my students. I am continually
designing stimulating lesson plans that give a
love for learning, and an appreciation of the
language. My lesson plans incorporate hands on
activities music, artwork, and games to address
students different learning styles.
The program is an introduction to the study of
the target language and its culture. It allows
students to perform the most basic functions of
the language and to become familiar with some
elements of its culture. The emphasis is placed
on the development of the four skills (listening,
speaking, reading, and writing) with special
attention given to the listening and speaking
skills within a given context extending outside
of the classroom when possible. The context
focuses on adolescents lives, needs, and
experiences, and includes an exposure to everyday
customs and lifestyles. Grammar is integrated
throughout the course and is selected according
to the language needs (functions). The students
would be working in The Textbook Realidades A
6th 7th Grade. Realidades B 8th Grade.( For
more practice at home go to my website links) At
the beginning of each chapter Ill provide a
vocabulary list, The students must study everyday
in order to be ready for the class.
3Realidades A 6th Grade Para empezar to chapter
2 B. 7th Grade Continuing chapter 2B to 4B, 7th
Advance 3A to 5A
4Realidades B 8th Grade We are going to review
preview chapters, then we are going to work on
chapter 5A to chapter 7B
5Expectations Tutoring
It is expected that each student stay focused on
each lesson even though s/he may not be acting
out the vocabulary. Spanish used in class is
often highly interesting, sometimes funny. Using
common sense, and interpretation of body
language and other visual cues is the students
task in every class. Taking risks is important
volunteering to act out vocabulary is considered
an important part of participation. It is equally
important to be actively paying attention when
someone else is doing the action. Tutorials are
offered to all Spanish level Students on Tuesdays
after school with the exception of meetings that
may take place. Students can use this time to
make up assignments or to further their
understanding of a topic. Student must be on time
with his/her material to work. if students are
five or more minutes late then the tutoring
session may be cancelled. MAKE-UP Tests and
quizzes can be made up only in the case of an
absence. Retakes are not given under any
circumstances. You may make up tests and quizzes
on Tuesday after school from 210-300. Make-up
sessions start on time, and if you are five or
more minutes late then your session may be
6Rules consequences
- 1. Levanta tu mano antes de hablar/Raise your
hand when you wish to speak. Wait to be
recognized. - 2. Sigue los procedimientos de la clase/Follow
all classroom procedures - 3. Manten limpio tu pupitre y alrededor de tu
area/ Keep your desk clean around your area.
- 1) teacher/student discussion warning
- 2) teacher/parent discussion, call home or
email - 3)teacher/administrator discussion. ASD(after
school Detention) OR D-1
7Homework Policy Students can expect homework
most school nights. Homework is expected to be
completed to the best of ones ability and turned
in by the designated due date. Homework may
consist of activities from the workbook
accompanied with the textbook, research
assignments, and projects. Unless instructed
otherwise, students are to do homework
individually. Mini-Quizzes/Projects/Oral Exams
Mini-quizzes will be given every week. Quizzes
are relatively simple and cover the material
discussed within a two week period (Vocabulary
recognition Vocabulary production). Projects
are also given in order for students to further
investigate topics discussed in class. In most
cases, students are asked to share their findings
with their peers in some creative form (i.e.
poster, PowerPoint, video, etc.) Check your
projects rubric.
Because this is a comprehension based Spanish
class, participation (50 points) is especially
important, so be actively paying attention or
volunteer. Responsible student behavior supports
good grades (For more information for
participation rubrics go to my website) No
cooperative behavior can negatively impact the
overall grade. Grades will be calculated based on
the point system. More information will follow.
I wont provide extra credit work at all for
students. Students must work every class in order
to bring their grade up. Make-up work If you
are absent from class, it is YOUR responsibility
to find out the homework assignment due for the
next class. You may see your teacher after school
to receive the missed assignments, or ask a
classmate to fill you in. Getting Organized In
addition to using your planner every day, all
students are required to keep a 1inch binder and
a notebook to do their textbook writing
activities, dry erase markers blue red. Tissues
hand sanitizer. Optional Candies for students
rewards. Best Regards, Señora Viands Email (If
contacting me about your child, please put your
childs full name in the subject box.)
ereyesviands_at_wsfcs.k12.nc.us School Phone
9(No Transcript)