Title: Editing, Revising, and Peer Reviewing our Essays
1Editing, Revising, and Peer Reviewing our Essays
2MLA Format
- Heading should have
- MLA Format
- Written on the LEFT hand side of your paper
- Heading Example
- Suzy Smith
- Mrs. Roundy
- Period 4
- 28, September 2015
- Roundy 1
Theme Analysis Essay -
(centered not bold or italicized) - This year in language arts the MLA
format is a non-negotiable. It is important that
you head your papers like this all year. Your
paper needs to have one inch margins all around.
In addition, be sure to double space and use the
Times New Roman font with twelve point font.
Moreover, be sure to spell out all numbers like
Double space, 12 point size, Times New Roman
3MLA Format
Heading Your LAST name along with the page
number should be at the top of the page if your
paper is more than one page (and it should be).
- Roundy 2
- This is what the second page should look
like of your essay. Be sure to indent every new
paragraph. Furthermore, make sure you are citing
your source correctly (Vanderpool 5). Did you
pee in every paragraph? Does every paragraph in
the body have a point to support your theme, two
examples of text evidence, and explanation to
prove your point? At the end of your paper, you
need to include the work cited page.
4Work Cited
- Roundy 3
- Lastname, Firstname. Title of the Book. City of
Publication Publisher, Year.
This is the LAST page of your essay. This is your
bibliography. MLA calls is Work Cited
(Lastname, Firstname of author)
5RevisingReviewing the Draft
- Introduction Paragraph
- Catchy Hook (quote, question, or thought)
- Introduces author and title
- Summary of book
- Clear and specific thesis (theme) statement?
- Transitions
- Transitions for each paragraph
- Smooth and free flowing
- Tie contiguous paragraphs and sentences together
6RevisingReviewing the Draft (cont.)
- Body Paragraphs
- Make sense when read together
- Support thesis (theme) statement
- Did you PEE in each one?
- (Point, Evidence, and Explain)
- Logical order
- Supporting sentences
- Support topic sentence
- Logical order
7RevisingReviewing the Draft (cont.)
- Conclusion
- Synthesizes
- Restates theme and main points
- Ties essay together
- Provides a strong, satisfying ending
8EditingPunctuation, Grammar, Spelling, Mechanics
- Check
- Spelling
- Grammar
- Subject/verb agreement
- Search for PERFECT word
- Dictionary
- Thesaurus
- Search for strong verbs
- Cut extraneous material
9Proofreading Final Check
- Take a break before proofing.
- Do not rush it.
- Read your essay aloud.
- Read your essay slowly.
- Have an unbiased pair of eyes look your essay
10Revising and Editing Checklist Paper has Introduction 3 body paragraphs Conclusion Clear theme Strong points to prove theme in each body paragraph TWO examples of text evidence in each body paragraph Explained points gave commentary and explained how points and evidence are relevant and important in each body paragraph. MLA format Text evidence AND work cited correctly Clarity -- clear, precise language Word choice strong, clear vocabulary GUM -- no errors in grammar, usage, or mechanics
11Peer Review Checklist Clarity -- clear, precise language Word choice strong, clear vocabulary Organization effective hook, paper has a smooth flow Conclusion- effective ending, paper has a smooth ending GUM -- no errors in grammar, usage, or mechanics Clear theme Strong points to prove theme in each body paragraph TWO examples of text evidence in each body paragraph Explained points gave commentary and explained how points and evidence are relevant and important in each body paragraph. MLA format Text evidence AND Work cited correctly