Title: A%20Successful%20Research%20Paper
1A Successful Research Paper
in 12 Easy Steps
2The Research Paper
- Is a project
- Is a complex project
- Will be worked through step-by-step in our class
- Will involve your own hard work, teacher
feedback, and peer editing - Will be submitted in a pocket folder (you
provide!), along with evidence of all steps
3The Steps
- Choose a subject
- Narrow the subject into a manageable topic
- Research your material
- Make source cards
- Make note cards
- Form an expanded thesis
- Make an outline
- Add the references to your paper
- Write the first draft
- Compile the Works Cited page
- Revise your paper
- Write the final copy
4Samples for Your Viewing Pleasure
- Papers
- http//telecollege.dcccd.edu/library/Module5/Sampl
e.htm - http//www.dianahacker.com/pdfs/hacker-Daly-MLA.pd
f - Online Resources
- http//owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/557/01
/ - Book Resource
- Mcgraw-Hill. Successful Research Papers in 12
Easy Steps. Columbus, OH Glencoe/Mcgraw-Hill,
5Choosing a Subject
- Brainstorming
- Asking questions
- Clustering
- Free writing/looping
- Outlining
- Scanning
6A. Brainstorming
- Brainstorm
- On your own
- With friends/peers
- Think of subjects that interest you.
- Write them down if you wish
7B. Asking Questions
- Ask other people what they find unusual or
interesting - Post questions to a blog or chat board
8C. Clustering
- Helps you associate new ideas that might work
with ideas that, by themselves, totally dont
work - Connect ideas that fit together
9Sample Cluster
Racial discrimination in the work place
Fatdiscriminationin careers
Racial discriminationin Ireland
Racial discrimination
Tolstoi(my cat)
Pit bulls
Animal prejudices
White boxers
10D. Free writing /or Looping
- FREEWRITING Writing freely about a subject in
order to figure out if you have anything to say
about it - Try this technique for multiple subjects
- LOOPING Free writing with one addition add a
summary sentence after each free write - Grammar spelling NOT concerns
11E. Outlining
- Brief summary of main points of a topic
- As a subject-selection technique, enables you to
see logical progression of ideas that need to be
researched further
12F. Scanning
- Consult listsindices, tables of content
- Encyclopedia index
- Nonfiction text (on dogs, a video game manual,
etc.) index - Table of contents
- Yellow Pages listings
- Consult items
- Movies in a movie store (titles might spark an
idea!) - Video games
- Computer games
13Step 1 Assignment
- Pick any one of the previous strategies, or
another of your own - Find up to three strong topics that
- Interest you
- Seem researchable
- Seem write-about-able
- Be prepared to discuss these in class with a
partner - Be prepared to submit these to me on paper with
your final research paper
14Narrowing Your Subject into a Topic
- Easiest method use the 5 Ws H
- What?
- Who?
- Where?
- When?
- Why?
- How?
- Best to start with too many questions then
cross some out if you cant find corresponding
15Poem by Rudyard Kiplingfollowing the story
"Elephant's Child" in "Just So Stories"
- I keep six honest serving-men (They taught me
all I knew)Their names are What and Why and
When And How and Where and Who.I send them
over land and sea, I send them east and
westBut after they have worked for me, I give
them all a rest.
- What is AIDS?What does it involve?What research
has been done about AIDS?What treatments exist
for AIDS?What is the life expectancy for someone
with AIDS? - Who usually has AIDS?
- Where do many AIDS victims live?Where in the
body does AIDS strike? - When do symptoms start?
- Why is knowing about AIDS important?Why hasnt a
cure been found? - How is AIDs diagnosed?
- How do family members of AIDs victims cope?
17Other Considerations
- Audience classmates, children, teacher?
- Purpose to inform, to persuade?
- Style Tone formal, informal?
- The research paper is an academic paper
reflecting much time and effort therefore, it
should be more formal than a normal essay
(Meriwether 18).
18Step 2 Assignment, Part A
- From the subject that you have tentatively chosen
for your paper, make a diagram or list of ideas
that you immediately associate with the subject - From the diagram, choose one subject with which
you think you might be able to work - Develop a 5 Ws H list now for that subject
19Step 2 Assignment, Part B
- Purpose
- Write a tentative purpose for your paper
- Define whether your paper will be persuasive or
informative - Style Tone
- Define the style and tone you think most
appropriate - Share your findings from Step 2 Assignment Parts
A B with a partnerhelp each other to decide if
all parts seem reasonable
20Research Your Material
- Plan your time (see Timetable)
- Identify potential information sources
- Determine whether a source is CARS
21Our Tentative Timetable
Possible thesis statement End of Week 1
Bibliography cards completed Beginning of Week 2
Note cards completed End of Week 3
Tentative outline Beginning of Week 4
Rough draft completed Beginning of Week 5
Final copy typed and ready to turn in End of Week 6
22Information Sources
- To be explained in the library. ?
23What is CARS?
- The source
- seems Credible
- seems Accurate
- seems Reasonable
- provides Support
- Is there evidence of the Authors Credentials
- Look for biographical information that shows
education, training, or experience - Contact information (i.e., email, address, phone
and/or fax number) - Job title or position with company/organization
- GOOGLE the author to find out who he/she
really is! - You will use the authors credentials in your
signal phrase later! - Indicators of Lack of Credibility
- Anonymity
- Bad grammar or spelling
- Is the information
- Factual
- Exact
- Detailed
- Up-to-date
- Comprehensive
26Indicators of a Lack of Accuracy
- No date on the document or old date on
information known to change rapidly - Vague or sweeping generalizations
- Very one sided view that does not acknowledge
opposing views or respond to them
- Is the information
- Fair?
- Consider tone calmness
- Objective?
- Who gains if you believe?
- Moderate?
- Realistic or ridiculous?
- Demand evidence!
- Consistent?
- Does not contradict self
28Indicators of Lack of Reasonableness
- Wild tone or language
- "stupid jerks"
- "shrill cries of my extremist opponents")
- Over-claims
- "Thousands of children are murdered every day in
the United States." - Sweeping statements
- "This is the most important idea ever
conceived!") - Conflict of Interest
- Welcome to the Old Stogie Tobacco Company Home
Page. To read our report, 'Cigarettes Make You
Live Longer,' click here."
- Are sources documented?
- Can you verify any of the sources?
- Are the sources reasonable?
- K.K.K. example
30Annotated Source Cards
- Annotation
- (1) evaluate for CARS on back of card
- (2) include brief summary of sourceWhat is it?
What is it about? - Source cards contain all of the info. on your
Works Cited page - Info. from each source basically the same
- Write down all info. as you do your research
- Document EVERY source just in case X out the
whole card later if its definitely not used
31Citation Generators
- We WILL use citation generators
- You MUST know what information to PUT INTO the
citation generator or it wont work
32A Note on Citation Machines
- Very basic generatorgreat for cell Internet use
- http//www.palomar.edu/dsps/actc/mla/
- More complexdoes APA, MLA, and Turabian/Chicago
- http//citationcenter.net/ctool.php5
- http//www.calvin.edu/library/knightcite/index.php
- My favorite
- http//www.bibme.org/
- http//www.easybib.com
33Info. Needed
- Name of the author, editor, compiler, or
translator of the source - Reversed for alphabetization Lee, Jamie M.
- If no author is given, begin with the title
- Title A or B only
- (in Quotation Marks) of poem, short story,
article, or essay within scholarly project,
database, or periodical - (underlined) of book, scholarly project, or
34Info. Needed (Cont.)
- Name of the editor, compiler, or translator of
the text - (if relevant and different from person(s) cited
in item 1) - Ed. for editor Trans. for translator Comp. for
compiler - Publication info. for a print source
- Publishing company
- City of publication, plus state, if city is
35Info. Needed (Cont.)
- Title of the scholarly project, database,
periodical, or professional or personal site
(underlined) - Name of the editor of the scholarly project or
database (if available) - Version of the source, including vol. , issue
, etc. (especially for periodical) - Date of electronic publication OR of latest
36Info. Needed (Cont.)
- For a work from a subscription service, the name
of the service (i.e., GaleGroup or EBSCOHost) and
the name city of the library from which it was
accessed - Name of institution or organization who sponsors
or is associated with the website - Date when you accessed the source
- Website ltin angle bracketsgt
- Be sure to use the persistent link if you
accessed it via a library database!!!
37Quick Tip
- For a book source, copy the ISBN number exactly
- Many citation generators fill in ALL relevant
information for you so you dont have to look it
38Sample Source Card
- Source 2, Website
- Facts on Tourettes Syndrome. 30 Nov. 1996.
NAMI (Nations Voice on Mental Illness). 13
July 1999 lthttp//www.nami.org/disorder/ - tourette.htmlgt.
39Make Note Cards
- Two Types
- Paraphrase putting the meaning of a passage in
your own words - Quotation direct words
- BOTH give credit to the original source
40Sample Paraphrase Card
- Note Card 3, Source 2 (Website)
- Children with Tourette Syndrome are often teased.
It is important that these children are assured
that, when bullies tease them, it is the bullies
fault and not because the TS child is flawed
41Sample Quotation Card
- Note Card 4, Source 2 (Website)
- Teachers and principals must explain to other
children that TS symptoms are not under your
childs control, and that teasing will not be
tolerated in school (194).
42Step 5 Assignment
- Select one of the childrens books from the
basket in the front of the room - Work by yourself to create 2 separate cards a
quotation card and a paraphrase card - Share them and check them with a partner
- Partners should then pair up with another set to
explain findings - Each group will have the chance to recreate their
cards on the board
43Forming an Expanded Thesis
- THESIS A statement of your main belief
- Focus of your entire research paper
- EXPANDED THESIS Contains your plan of
development - Both the thesis and plan of development are
your research paper
44Thesis vs. Expanded Thesis
- Thesis The boxer is a phenomenal breed of dog
and makes a great addition to any family. - Expanded Thesis Due to its protective nature,
easy care and grooming, and famous intelligence,
the boxer is a phenomenal breed of dog and makes
a great addition to any family.
45Steps to Form an Expanded Thesis
- Brainstorm record any ideas that you can think
about your topic - Look back at your 5 Ws H questions that you
used to help you narrow your topic. Create more
questions now, if need be. - Be as specific as you can.
- Create an antithesis (counter thesis) to prove
that your statement is purposeful/takes a stance. - Make sure you can find research to support each
item in your plan of development. - Accept that your thesis may change as you work
through the research process. ?
46Step 6 Activity
- Review the former slide.
- Create a potential expanded thesis statement now.
- Share your statement with a partner. Check each
others statement according to these
requirements Does the thesis - Have one major point to defend?
- Seem like it will have enough research available?
- Reflect a position statement, even if the paper
is informative? (Test this by verbally creating
an antithesis together.)
47Outline Creation
- Organization structure for yourself
- Includes
- Introduction paragraph
- Con/antithesis paragraph (optional)
- Body paragraphs
- Conclusion paragraph
- Helps to keep your essay focusedif its not in
your outline, it probably doesnt need to be in
your paper
48How to Create an Outline
- Label each note card with a title
- Death Statistics for Measles Before Vaccine
- Other Health Statistics for Measles Before
Vaccine - Measles Statistics Since Vaccine
- Vaccine Cost
- Vaccine Recommended Use
492 Types of Outlines
- Topic Outlineheadings only
- Sentence Outlinesingle sentence to describe each
50Step 7, Activity Part A
- By now, you have done some research and created
note cards. - Physically organize your cards on your desk in a
way that matches your plan of development.
51Step 7, Activity B
- Create a written outline by copying the topic
titles on the note cards you arranged. - Remember to start the written outline with your
tentative title and expanded thesis statement.
52Documenting Sources IN Your Paper (In-text
- Direct Quotation
- Signal statement
- Quotation marks
- Parenthetical citation
- Paraphrasing
- Signal statement
- Parenthetical citation
- Extras
- Quoting someone who is quoting someone else
- Adding something
- Taking something out
- Citing a mistake
- Adding an extended quotation
53What is an in-text citation?
- Brief note to let the reader know that you
borrowed information - Lets the reader know where to find full
information in your Works Cited (bibliography)
54What Goes Into a Citation?
- SIGNAL STATEMENT Provide info. about the author,
source (book, website, etc.), or more - According to Jane Smith, Supervisor of Medicine
at Deer Park Hospital, - Al Pacino, starring in Scarface, screamed,
- PARENTHETICAL CITATION Then, in (parentheses) at
the end of your quotation or paraphrased
material - Add the page
- Add n.p.
- Or add the par.
55Signal Statement
- Statement, or phrase, that signals to the reader
that you are about to share borrowed information - Complete signal
- Includes authors/organizations credentials
- First time in paper
- Brief signal
- Includes authors/organizations name
- Used after the first time a source has been
56The Parenthetical Citation
- In (parenthesis)
- Direct Quote period goes AFTER
- Paraphrase period goes AFTER
- Extended/block Quotation period goes BEFORE
57Sample In-Text Citation(Direct Quotation)
Raymond Hedin, author of The American Slave
Narrative The Justification of the Picaro,
proclaims that Both the necessity of accepting
limits and the ability to transcend them were
. legacies of the slave narrative to the
post-emancipation black writer (645).
58Example Dr. Seuss (One-page Citation)Direct
In The Cat in the Hat by Dr. Seuss, the narrator
complains, The sun did not shine. It was too
wet to play. So we sat in the house all that
cold, cold, wet day (1).
59Example Dr. Seuss Multi-Page CitationDirect
Sally and I exclaimed, We saw ALL the things
fall! And our fish came down, too. He fell into
a pot! (21-22).
60Example WITHOUT a Page NumberParaphrase
In Poohs Touch and Feel Visit, authors A.A.
Milne and Ernest H. Shepard report that Poohs
honey is sticky (n.p.).
61Citing Paragraph Numbers
- Sometimes articles, websites, or other sources
have paragraphs, but no page numbers - When this happens, try to cite the paragraph
62Example Citing a Paragraph Number--Paraphrase
In the online newspaper Midstate Living,
Assistant Principal Brian Smith explains that
Caesar Rodney High School knows the feeling of
being overshadowed (par. 3).
63Full Parenthetical Citation
- After youve already introduced a source, you can
just place the authors information within the
parenthetical citation. - (Johnson et. al. 357-58)
- (Smith par. 4)
- (Pacino n.p.)
64Quoting Someone Who is Quoting Someone Else
- In your parenthetical citation, add (qtd. in)
- David Hemenway, director of the Harvard School
of Public Health, believes that keeping a gun
loaded and unlocked at home is a potentially
dangerous practice (qtd. in Jacobs 105). - Only cite YOUR source in your bibliographyi.e.,
Hemenway, NOT Jacobs
65Using the Title Instead
- If your source has no author(s) or
organization(s), use the title - If the title is too long, use a shortened version
- Most Martians dislike purple water (Martian
Report 33).
66Adding Something
- If you feel you MUST clarify, add a word or
phrase in brackets - Do this when
- There is no easy way to use a signal phrase
- You feel a term must be clarified
- The teens were treated with Effexor an
antidepressant for three months in the trial
study (Steuben et. al. 37).
67Omitting Something
- You may want to combine information from multiple
sections - As long as these sections are from the same
source, thats fine ? - Use brackets with periods inside to show that you
omitted information - 3 periods means you omitted a word or phrase
- 4 periods means you omitted at least a sentence
or more - Most children need more sleep than adults
and should have approximately 8.5 hours per
night (MayoClinic n.p.).
68What if the author made a mistake?
- Use the abbreviation sic in brackets to
indicate that the mistake in your quotation is
not YOUR mis-typing - In the dessert sic, a camel can live for eight
days without water (Caravan of Light par. 4).
69Extended Quotations
- If your quotation is equal to or more than
- 4 lines typed
- 3 lines handwritten
- Use Extended Quotation Formatbest known as
Block Quotation - You MUST use a signal phrase
- End it with a colon
- Indent the ENTIRE quotation
- DO NOT USE quotation marks
- Place the parenthetical citation AFTER the final
70Sample Block Quotation
- Nearly all large breeds make excellent family
pets. John Shapark, veterinarian, claims that he
knows this from first-hand experience
I have been a dog owner for 34 years and a
veterinarian for 18 years. I have owned small
dogs, medium-sized breeds, and large breeds.
There is no doubt in my mind that the larger the
dog, the more likely it is to be a loyal, loving
family pet. (222)
71Step 8 Activity
- What is going on here?
- Albert Krushke, Pittsburgh D.A., states assault
weapons are used in 54 of deadly assaults
(374). - Albert Krushke, Pittsburgh D.A., explains that
54 of deadly assaults involve weapons (374). - According to Krushke, an assault weapon can be
defined as any weapon used in an assault on
another individual (375). - An assault weapon can be defined as any weapon
used in an assault on another individual
(Krushke 375). - Krushke adds, Ninety-four percent of the time,
the assault weapon was a a gun sic (376).
72Write Your First Draft
- Typing makes it easier to edit
- If writing by hand, DOUBLE SPACE so you can edit!
- Insert sources with FULL citations NOW
- Use full essay components
- Intro. w/ attention device, background info., and
extended thesis - Organized body paragraphs with research and
explanations - Strong conclusion that summarizes and adds
something new
73The Introduction
- 4 Different Ways
- Funnel Approach
- Broadest to most specific
- Persuasive
- Short Anecdote Approach
- Snags attention
- Can stir readers emotions
- Persuasive or informative
- Quotation or Statistic Approach
- Snags attentionimpresses
- Best for powerful persuasion
- Comparison/Contrast Approach
- Persuasive
74The Con Paragraph
- Optional, but if used,
- Immediately follows the introduction
- Antithesis paragraph
- Strongly suggesteddemonstrates your confidence
75Body Paragraph Organization
- Chronological order
- Spatial order
- Cause effect order
- General to particular order
- Particular to general order
- Comparison/contrast or comparison
76Chronological Order
- By time
- Past to present or present to past
- Past to present stronger
- Best in informative papers about some form of
77Spatial Order
- Literally refers to the physical spaces discussed
in the paper - Judaism around the world (maybe continent by
continent in general physical order) - AIDS in DENew Castle, Kent, Sussex or Sussex,
Kent, New Castle - Crabbing on the East Coaststate by state N to S
or S to N
78Cause Effect Order
- Recommended in research papers
- Starts with cause(s) then looks at effect(s)
that came from the cause, OR - Starts with effect(s) and looks back to cause(s)
- 4 body paragraphs
- Global warming (effect) of __, __, and __
- Event __, event __, and event __ caused global
79After the Introduction
- Between paragraphs
- First, second, third,
- Moreover, in addition, furthermore, in contrast,
similarly - Within paragraphs
- For instance,
- For example,
- This is supported by ___, who claims,
- In summary,
- With that in mind,
- General to Particular
- Broadest information to most detailed
- Drives point home at the end
- Particular to General
- Most detailed or strongest point to general
support - Great when you have an incredibly strong point to
frontload the rest just confirms what youve
just impressed
- Introduction
- Same A
- Same B
- Different A
- Different B
- Conclusion
- Introduction
- Same A
- Different A
- Same B
- Different B
- Conclusion
82Writing Your Conclusion
- Finalizes what you just wrote
- About one paragraph long
- Refer back to the thesis to reaffirm your
position - Summarizes main points, OR
- Emphasizes key words/phrases, OR
- Adds a new, powerful, provocative quotation, OR
- Add something new (goals, call to action, etc.)
83Step 9 Activity
- Select an introduction method for your essay
- Funnel method
- Anecdote
- Quotation, fact, or statistic
- Comparison/contrast
- Reread your thesis.
- Select an organization method for your essay
- Chronological order
- Spatial order
- Cause effect order
- General to particular / particular to general
order - Comparison/contrast
- Make sure your plan of development matches your
essays organizational method - Begin to write your draft
84Compile the Works Cited Page
- All entries at left-hand side
- Hanging indent on all lines of an entry except
the first - Alphabetical order
- Do NOT number your entries
85Oddities to Works Cited Pages
- 2 Authors
- 3 Authors
- 4 or More Authors
- 2 or More Sources by the Same Author
- Use 3 hyphens followed by a period in lieu of the
authors name after the first time.
86Oddity Samples
2 Authors Wickersham, John, and Gerald
Verbrugghe. Greek Historical Documents The
Fourth Century B.C. Toronto Hakket, 1973 3
Authors Aiken, Michael, Lewis A. Ferman, and
Harold L. Sheppard. Economic Failure,
Alienation, and Extremism. Ann Arbor U of
Michigan P, 1968. 4 or More Authors Bailyn,
Bernard, et al. The Great Republic History of
the American People. Lexington Heath, 1977.
87 One More Oddity Sample
2 or More Sources by the Same Author Schroeder,
Patricia R. The Feminist Possibilities of
Dramatic Realism. Madison Fairleigh Dickinson
UP, 1996. ---. The Presence of the Past in
Modern American Drama. Madison Fairleigh
Dickinson UP, 1989.
89Revising Your Paper 4 Steps
- Check for Content, Organization, Clarity, and
Referencing - Check for Grammar and Style
- Check for Spelling, Punctuation, and
Capitalization - Physically make your changes
- Take the time
- Be proud of your final product and your hard
90Step 1
- Content
- Did you discuss everything you meant to discuss?
(Try comparing it to your outline.) - Add or delete as needed
- Clarity
- Are your main points as clear as you meant for
them to be? - Would they be clear to an outsider?
- Referencing
- Did you cite every single bit of information that
you cited? - Are your citations (in-text and Works Cited)
91Step 2
- Grammar (Change check options)
- Sentence fragments
- Run-on sentences
- Comma splices
- Pronoun usage
- Subject-verb agreement
- Wordiness
- Style (Change check options)
- Remove all first and second-person pronouns
- I, me, my, mine, we, us, our, ours
- You, your, yours
- Remove contractions
- Dont, arent, werent, cant, wasnt
- Check paragraph length/coherence
92Spelling, Punctuation, Capitalization
- One sentence at a time
- Keep a dictionary near you or multi-task to
www.dictionary.com - Check homonyms
- Use underlining/italicizing vs. quotation marks
correctly - Refer to a good punctuation checklist
- EMC textbook appendix
- Any punctuation manual
- Internet guides
- Me ?
93Final Revisions
- Word process the changes that you have made
94Step 11 Activity
- Get into a group of 3wait for time cues
- Rotate papers to the right
- Check the paper you receive for
- Content
- Clarity
- Referencing
- Rotate again check for
- Grammar
- Style
- Rotate again check for
- Spelling
- Punctuation
- Capitalization
95Prepare the Final Copy
- Physical paper requirements
- Essay formatting
- Works Cited formatting
- Page placement order
96Physical Paper Requirements
- White paper(unlined)
- 8.5 x 11
97Essay Formatting
- Double-space throughout
- No extra spacing
- 1 margins on all sides
- Justify essay left
98More Essay Formatting
- No cover sheet
- Use correct heading
- Your name
- Teachers name
- ENG 9Pd. _
- Date (7 July 2008)
99Still More Essay Formatting
- Header required Last name Pg.
- Lee 1
- Lee 2
- Lee 3
- Steps
- View gt Header/Footer
- Right align
- Type your last name
- Click on the Header/Footer pop-up menu
100How to Edit Your Header
101 Essay Formatting
- Center Title
- DO NOT underline, italicize, or place it in
quotation marks
102Works Cited Formatting
- Continue 1 margins
- Center the words Works Cited at the top of the
page - Double-space all
- Do not number entries
- Split website entries only after a / slash / in
URL - Alphabetize entries
- Highlight all entries
- Apply hanging indentations
103Formatting Your Hanging Indent
104Formatting Your Hanging Indent Continued
105Organizing Your Submission Portfolio
- Topic brainstorming evidence
- 5 Ws H list
- Purpose/style/tone summary
- Expanded thesis statement
- Outline
- Oldest draft
- Newest draft(s)
- Final essay w/ Works Cited page
106Work Cited
- Mcgraw-Hill. Successful Research Papers in 12
Easy Steps. Columbus, OH Glencoe/Mcgraw-Hill,