Invasive plants What are they? b) Ecological definitions and characterizations Nevada s Coordinated Invasive Weed Strategy ( – PowerPoint PPT presentation
Prepared by Nevada Weed Action Committee (NV Dept. Ag)
Included local, state, and federal agencies/governments NCE private sector
Invasive plants What are they?
b) Ecological definitions and characterizations
Nevadas Coordinated Invasive Weed Strategy
Nevada Weed Action Committee
Uses USDA definition of noxious weeds species of plants that cause disease or are injurious to crops, livestock or land, and thus are detrimental to agriculture, commerce or public health
Invasive plants What are they?
b) Ecological definitions and characterizations
Nevadas Coordinated Invasive Weed Strategy
Nevada Weed Action Committee
Noxious weed definition
Invasive weeds often share characteristics such as
Highly competitive Cause environmental degradation
Exotic Easily spread
Highly aggressive Are difficult to control
Cause economic loss Augment wildfires
Invasive plants What are they?
b) Ecological definitions and characterizations
Nevadas Coordinated Invasive Weed Strategy
Nevada Weed Action Committee
Noxious weed definition
Invasive weed characteristics
Species of concern
Species that have potential to cause greatest impact on Nevadas ecosystem and economic well being
Not all are on noxious weed list
Red brome Cheatgrass
Whitetops Knapweeds
Yellow starthistle Thistles
Rush skeletonweed Medusahead
Saltcedar Watermilfoil
Invasive plants What are they?
b) Ecological definitions and characterizations
NV Coordinated Invasive Weed Strategy
The Nature Conservancy (http//tncweeds.ucdavis.ed u/common.html)
Ecologists have used different words for invasive species
Nomenclature based on 3 major colonization concepts
Dispersal Short Long
Invasive plants What are they?
b) Ecological definitions and characterizations
Invasive plants What are they?
b) Ecological definitions and characterizations
Invasive plants What are they?
b) Ecological definitions and characterizations
Invasive plants What are they?
b) Ecological definitions and characterizations
Invasive plants What are they?
b) Ecological definitions and characterizations
Invasive plants What are they?
b) Ecological definitions and characterizations
Invasive plants What are they?
b) Ecological definitions and characterizations
Invasive plants What are they?
b) Ecological definitions and characterizations
NV Coordinated Invasive Weed Strategy Nature Conservancy Davis Thompson (2000) Richardson et al. (2000) Naturalization and invasion of alien plants concepts and definitions. Diversity and Distributions 693-107 (assigned reading) 17
Invasive plants What are they?
b) Ecological definitions and characterizations
NV Coordinated Invasive Weed Strategy Nature Conservancy Davis Thompson (2000) Richardson et al. (2000) Processes and barriers 18
Invasive plants What are they?
b) Ecological definitions and characterizations
NV Coordinated Invasive Weed Strategy Nature Conservancy Davis Thompson (2000) Richardson et al. (2000) Process Introduction Introduced area Home range 19
Invasive plants What are they?
b) Ecological definitions and characterizations
NV Coordinated Invasive Weed Strategy Nature Conservancy Davis Thompson (2000) Richardson et al. (2000) Process Barrier Introduction G eographic Introduced area Geographic Home range 20
Invasive plants What are they?
b) Ecological definitions and characterizations
NV Coordinated Invasive Weed Strategy Nature Conservancy Davis Thompson (2000) Richardson et al. (2000) Process Barrier If successful Introduction Geographic Alien Introduced area Geographic Home range 21
Invasive plants What are they?
b) Ecological definitions and characterizations
NV Coordinated Invasive Weed Strategy Nature Conservancy Davis Thompson (2000) Richardson et al. (2000) Process Barrier If successful Introduction Geographic Alien Natur alization Environmental Casual Introduced area Geographic Environment Home range 22
Invasive plants What are they?
b) Ecological definitions and characterizations
NV Coordinated Invasive Weed Strategy Nature Conservancy Davis Thompson (2000) Richardson et al. (2000) Process Barrier If successful Introduction Geographic Alien Natur alization Environmental Casual Reproductive Naturalized Introduced area Geographic Reproduce Environment Home range 23
Invasive plants What are they?
b) Ecological definitions and characterizations
NV Coordinated Invasive Weed Strategy Nature Conservancy Davis Thompson (2000) Richardson et al. (2000) Process Barrier If successful Introduction Geographic Alien Natur alization Environmental Casual Reproductive Naturalized Invasion Dispersal Invasive Introduced area Geographic Reproduce Environment Home range Disperse Natural area Disturbed area 24
Casual alien plants alien plants that flourish (and even occasionally reproduce), but do not form self-replacing populations. Continued presence depends on re-introductions. is a leading presentation sharing website. It has millions of presentations already uploaded and available with 1,000s more being uploaded by its users every day. Whatever your area of interest, here you’ll be able to find and view presentations you’ll love and possibly download. And, best of all, it is completely free and easy to use.
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