Title: Origins of Intelligence Assessments/Inventories (
1Origins of Intelligence Assessments/Inventorie
s (Testing)
- Plato Saw noted individual differences
- Intelligence Test Binet (1905 -)
- method of assessing an individuals mental
aptitudes comparing them to those of others,
using numerical scores - Testing Paris school kids to ID those who were
low needed help
2- Mental Age
- measure of intelligence test performance devised
by Alfred Binet, Paris, late 1800s - Why? to ID slower kids in Paris school system to
help them do better - chronological age actual age
- mental age if a child does as well as the
average 8-year-old is said to have an IQ of 100 - Stanford-Binet widely used American revision of
Binets original intelligence test (1914-15) - revised by Terman at Stanford University
- Stern designed the intelligence quotient
- (IQ) ?
3- Intelligence Quotient (IQ)
- Originally, ratio of mental age (ma) to
chronological age (ca) multiplied by 100 - IQ ma ca x 100 (ma/ca x 100)
- on contemporary tests, the avg performance for a
specific age is assigned a score of 100 - Most intellg. tests (including the
Stanford-Binet) no longer compute an IQ score
(reification p. 422) - What IS Intelligence?
- ability to learn from experience, solve problems,
use knowledge to adapt to new situations - Is determined by a social definition varies
from culture to culture, era to era
4What is Intelligence?
- Factor Analysis
- statistical procedure that identifies clusters of
related items (called factors) on a test - IDs different performance dimensions that
underlie our total score - These factors indicate a basic ability level
- Eugenics Terman others belief that genetics
was the predominate factor in IQ - --was a scientific sort of racismno major
basis in modern psychBasically said some races,
etc., were genetically better than others. - Who used these ideas?
5Spearmans G Factor
- Spearmans General Intelligence (g factor)
- Spearman others said one single factor (a
general factor) underlies specific mental
abilities - This factor is measured by every task on an
intelligence test - g general
6Most commonly administered intelligence
- WISC-IV most commonly used IQ test for ages 6-16
- WAIS -III is for adults.
- WIPPSI-III is for preschoolers.
- Others also use the Stanford-Binet, 5th
edition, or the Kaufman ABC-II battery for
children. - NOTE Roman numerals reflect the multiple
revisions of the tests since their original
7Are There Multiple Intelligences?
- Savant Syndrome
- condition in which a person otherwise limited in
mental ability has an exceptional specific skill
--often (NOT always..) related to autism - Computation
- Drawing (EX below)
- Social Intelligence
- the know-how involved in comprehending social
situations managing oneself successfully - Emotional Intelligence p.426
- ability to perceive,
- express,
- understand,
- regulate emotions
8Intelligence Creativity
- Creativity the ability to produce novel and
valuable ideas - Those creative usually have at least avg. or
above avg. g factor - Things that make this possible
- Expertise (have knowledge base)
- imaginative thinking skills (outside the box)
- venturesome personality (take chances)
- intrinsic motivation
- creative environment
9Brain Function Intelligence
- People who can perceive the stimulus FLASHED very
quickly tend to score somewhat higher on
intelligence tests - P. 430 processing speed, perceptual speed
neurological speed are all involved in assessing
the final intellig. Score. - BUTis that valid? Is FASTER actually BETTER?
- Idea is that faster can process MORE info
10Assessing (Testing!!) Intelligence
- Aptitude Test designed to predict a persons
future performance - looks at abilitieswhat you should be able to do
- aptitude is the capacity to learn
- Achievement Test
- test designed to assess what person has learned
- Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS)
- most widely used intelligence test (WWI)
- 2 subtests 1) verbal 2) performance
(nonverbal) - WAIS-R revised adult test
- WISC-R revised kids test
11Assessing Intelligence Weschler added
Performance Component in 1939 b/c of problems
assessing those w/ some verbal disadvantages Samp
le Items from the WAIS
12- WAIS-R EXs Visual Analogies..block design..
pic sequencing..WAIS-R
performance assessment kit
13Assessing Intelligence
- Standardization
- defining meaningful scores by comparison w/ the
performance of a pre-tested standardization group
to create a normwhat is normal - Normal Curve
- symmetrical bell-shaped curve that describes the
distribution of many physical psych. Attributes - PEAK (mid-point) of curve 50th
percentilemid-point ½ higher than that ½
lower than that - most scores fall near the avg, fewer fewer
scores lie near the extremes ?
14Divergent vs. convergent thinkingADD!
- 2 kinds of thinking
- Convergent 1 right answer like IQ on tests
- (damage to left parietal can hurt this kind)
- Divergent More creative.. outside the box
- Damage to the FRONTAL lobe can hurt this type
15 Normal Curve (sometimes aka the bell curve)
3 magic s 68 (15 pts. above or below
mid-pt.) 96 (or 95) 2
(inclusive of 99.7)So..whats mentally
challenged genius ? (Psys HATE genius)
16Kids getting smarter?! Whod a thunk it Flynn
effect Consistent worldwide rise in IQ scores,
even though achievement scores like SAT dropped
WHY? ? ?
17Why Flynn Effect (James Flynn, 1987, 1999)
occurs Its a mysterybut could be lots
of things
- Test sophistication assessments are better
nowmore accurately assess - Nutrition taller, smarter, longer life
expectancies - More formal educations for more ppl
- More stimulating environment b/c of t___?
- Less kid-diseases that might cause handicaps
- Smaller families more parental resources (time,
money, effort) on each kid - -------------
- So....Why are SAT scores down? Probably b/c more
ppl and more diverse ppl taking SAT now instead
of just the middle upper middle class.
18Assessments of Intelligence (aka Testing)
- ? Reliability Validity
- Reliability extent to which a test yields
consistent results assessed by consistency of
scores in 3 ways - two halves of the test
- alternate forms of the test
- retesting
- Validity How well a test measures or predicts
what it is supposed to - EX Does SAT predict success in the 1st year
of college? - 3 aspects to validity
- Content validity
- Predictive validity
- Criterion validity
19Assessing Intelligence 3 major considerations
- 1. Content Validity extent to which a test
samples a behavior that is of interest - EX Driving test that samples driving tasks
- DOES it evaluate the content you want to
look at? - 2. Criterion validity
- the measure (part of the operational definition)
used in defining whether the test does have
predictive validity (next slide ?) - Some behavior that a test is designed to predict
- EX Are college grades being predicted by SAT
performance? or... - In driving, do 3 pt. turns, parking, handling
the car in tight spaces, etc., represent things
you will need to do while driving? - Criterion is what they are shooting for, trying
to do
20- 3. Predictive Validity (aka criterion-related
validity) - How good a test is at predicting
- compute the correlation between test scores the
target behavior (behavior youre interested in) - Can give good predictions RE the behavior looked
at or not? - EX DOES the SAT predict success in college?
Generally, yes. - BUTGRE (graduate record exam)not as much b/c
all are higher performing
21Assessing Intelligence (436) Relating body
wt. success to predictThe larger the sample
the better it can predict
- As the range of data under consideration narrows
(goes from larger to smaller range), its
predictive power diminishes - BTW What is this type of graph called?
22The Dynamics of Intelligence The Low extreme
of Intelligence
- Mentally Challenged
- (previously called mental retardation or
mentally handicapped but M-C is the preferred
reference) - a condition of limited mental ability
- indicated by an intelligence score at or below 70
- produces difficulty in adapting to the demands of
life - varies from mild to profound
23- Down Syndrome
- A type of retardation associated physical
disorders caused by an extra chromosome in ones
genetic makeup - Usually related to moms age (older moms)
- (extra 21 chromosome for a total of 47
24The Dynamics of Intelligence Know chart! (p.
439) Supreme Court Hearing on executing mentally
25Heritability proportion of variation among
individuals that we can attribute to
genesVariability depends on range of populations
environments studied
- Intelligence heritability about 50
- The most genetically similar people have the most
similar scores
26Genetic Influences psychologists look at both
twin studies biological parents vs. adoptive
27- Environmental Influences The Schooling Effect
- IQs tend to rise during the school year drop
during summer drop after schooling stops - Soa good argument for year-round school?
- ...Asian students vs. N. American students?
28- Whats wrong with this picture???
29Group differences impact of environment The
Seed Analogy
- Same seeds (genetics)
- but different soillevels of fertilizerwater.su
n ? these so a differing environ. Would
they grow the same? - HEAD START Data from research on Head Start
programs (public pre-school to helped kids from
lo-socio-econ. environments) show H-S kids are
less likely to repeat grades than those in
similar environments NOT in Head Start
30Group Differences Gender
KNOW the general male female tendencies toward
certain abilities (from info p.448-9) Do these
stronger abilities apply to ALL males or females?
The Mental Rotation Test spatial
understanding Which of the other circles contain
a configuration of blocks identical to the
standard fig. (left)?
31Group Differences
- Stereotype Threat
- Self-confirming concern/belief negative
stereotypes give us true evaluation - Relates to self-fulfilling prophecy placebo
effect believing something IS true increase
chance it happens - I will probably score low scoring
lower - Students told they are at a disadvantage on a
test tend to do worse than those who are told the
test should be one they do well on - You are not likely to do as well on this as
usual - OR You should do very well on this b/c it
is written in a way that will show your
strengths - Also African-Amer. or females taking test w/ only
that group perform better than in mixed groups - Summary
- What you think believe about YOU affects how
you perform!
32High vs. low extremes of intelligence
- Myth High IQ kids are mal-adjusted, weird,
socially inept.this is NOT TRUE - -There is a high correlation for high IQ
healthy, well-adjusted, academically successful
adults - Most thrive, though some are isolated more as
kids b/c they dont fit in w/ immature other kids - Remember giftedness is a socially defined
trait not a naturally occurring trait like
eye color (what is this called?) - Brain size (relative to body size) IS slightly
positively correlated to intelligence
33- Big debate tracking
- This is gifted kids separated into other
classes/schools - (segregating by ability level)
- Often this means low income minority put into
low levels, which encourages the stereotype
threatwhich... - Tends to widen, not shrink, the gap betwn. lo
hi especially in elementary school - Best idea may be, like China Japan
- ? Avoid tracking thru elementary
34Pitfalls in Diagnostic Labeling of High OR Low
- ?To what do you think the term diagnostic
labeling refers? - If we determine someone is of HIGH IQOrLO IQ,
what might make that a problem? How might the
following be involved in that consideration? - Motivation? (either hi or lo?)
- Stereotype threat?
- Flynn Effect?
- Reification?
- GO BACK to slide 29 to H-S
35- Theories of Multiple Intelligences (pp. 424-426)
- Is there 1 kind? or 2? or 3? ..or
8? - Remember Spearman 1 basic general intel. (g
factor) - Sternbergs Big 3
- Analytical intelligence
- academic problem solving
- theres 1 right answer
- Creative intelligence
- react to novel situations
- use novel ideas
- Practical intelligence
- deal w/ everyday
- problems come up
- w/ multiple solutions
36- Howard Gardner
- Theory of 8 Multiple Intelligences
- Verbal
- Movement (kinesthetic)
- Math
- Understanding ourselves (our
emotions/feelings) - Music
- Understanding others (emotionreading
- others)
- Spatial analysis/visual (art)
- Understanding our physical environment
- (naturalistic world)
37Some review ?s
- How does head size correlate with intelligence?
(p. 429) - Can you assess an infants possible intelligence?
38PPL to know RE Intelligence intelligence
- Binet
- Flynn
- Gardner
- Spearman
- Stern
- Sternberg
- Terman
- Wechsler
39- Hey, I dont have time to exercise!!
40ANSWERS to PRACTICE Test from class
- 1.A
- 2.D
- 3.D
- 4.A
- 5.D
- 6.C
- 7.D
- 8.B
- 9.E
- 10.D
- 11.C
- 12.C
- 13.B
- 14.D
- 15.D
- 16.D
- 17.E
18.C 19.D 20.E 21.D 22.B 23.D 24.C 25.C 26.C 27.D
28.D 29.B 30.D 31.D 32.E 33.B 34.C