Gardner - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Musical Intelligence Refers to the capacity to appreciate a variety of musical forms as well as being able to use music as a vehicle of expression. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Gardner

Gardners Theory of Multiple Intelligences
  • Identification and Assessment of Gifted Learners

Old School
  • Intelligence is a single entity
  • Humans can be trained to learn anything presented
    in an appropriate way

New school
  • Brain-based research
  • Multitude of intelligences

Gardners Paradigm Shift
  • One of the main impetuses for this movement has
    been Howard Gardner's work. He has questioned the
    idea that intelligence is a single entity, that
    it results from a single factor, and that it can
    be measured simply via IQ tests.

Multiple Intelligence Theory
Howard Gardner, Ph.D., is the founding father of
the Multiple Intelligences Theory. Formerly a
Senior Co-Director of Harvard University's
Project Zero (where he worked with Eric Erickson
and Jerome Bruner, Howard Gardner's proposed his
theory of multiple intelligences in his 1983
book, Frames of Mind.
Gardners Interest
  • Borne out of work with wounded veterans and with
    children at a lab school founded at Harvard
  • Concluded that people have several intelligences

Pluralistic View of Intelligence
  • Gardner's pluralistic view of intelligence
    suggests that all people possess at least eight
    different intelligences that operate in varying
    degrees depending upon each individual. The seven
    primary intelligences identified by Gardner
    include linguistic intelligence,
    logical-mathematical intelligence, spatial
    intelligence, bodily-kinesthetic intelligence,
    musical intelligence, interpersonal intelligence,
    and intrapersonal intelligence.

Pluralistic View (contd)
  • The eighth, naturalistic intelligence, was not
    part of Gardner's original framework but was
    added in 1996 to include those who excel in the
    realm of natural science.
  • The ninth, existential intelligence, was also not
    part of original framework, but has come to gain
    acceptance by those who embrace the MI theory.

Linguistic Intelligence
  • Refers to an individual's capacity to use
    language effectively as a means of expression and
    communication through the written or spoken word
    (Examples poets, writers, orators, and
    comedians. Some famous examples include
    Shakespeare, Virginia Woolf, Abraham Lincoln and
    Walt Whitman).

Logical-Mathematical Intelligence
  • Refers to an individual's ability to recognize
    relationships and patterns between concepts and
    things, to think logically, to calculate numbers,
    and to solve problems scientifically and
    systematically. (Examples mathematicians,
    economists, lawyers and scientists. Some famous
    examples include Albert Einstein and John

Visual-Spatial Intelligence
  • Refers to the capability to think in images and
    orient oneself spatially. In addition, spatially
    intelligent people are able to graphically
    represent their visual and spatial ideas
    (Examples artists, decorators, architects,
    pilots, sailors, surveyors, inventors, and
    guides. Some famous examples include Picasso,
    Frank Lloyd Wright, and Leonardo DaVinci).

Musical Intelligence
  • Refers to the capacity to appreciate a variety of
    musical forms as well as being able to use music
    as a vehicle of expression. Musically intelligent
    people are perceptive to elements of rhythm,
    melody, and pitch (Examples singers, musicians,
    and composers. Some famous examples include
    Mozart, Julie Andrews, Andrea Boccelli and
    Leonard Bernstein).

Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence
  • Refers to the capacity of using one's own body
    skillfully as a means of expression or to work
    with one's body to create or manipulate objects
    (Examples dancers, actors, athletes, sculptors,
    surgeons, mechanics, and craftspeople. Some
    famous examples include Michael Jordan, Julia
    Roberts, and Mikhail Baryshnikov).

Interpersonal (Social) Intelligence
  • Refers to the capacity to appropriately and
    effectively communicate with and respond to other
    people. The ability to work cooperatively with
    others and understand their feelings (Examples
    sales people, politicians, religious leaders,
    talk show hosts, etc. Some famous examples
    include Bill Clinton, Ghandi, Oprah Winfrey).

Intrapersonal Intelligence
  • Refers to the capacity to accurately know one's
    self, including knowledge of one's own strengths,
    motivations, goals, and feelings. To be capable
    of self-reflection and to be introverted and
    contemplative are also traits held by persons
    with Intrapersonal intelligence. (Examples
    entrepreneurs, therapists, philosophers, etc.
    Some famous examples include Freud, Bill Gates,
    and Plato).

Naturalistic Intelligence
  • Refers to the ability to identify and classify
    the components that make up our environment. This
    intelligence would have been especially apt
    during the evolution of the human race in
    individuals who served as hunters, gatherers, and
    farmers. (Examples botanists, farmers, etc. A
    famous example includes Charles Darwin

Existentialist Intelligence
  • Gardners definition for this intelligence is to
    exhibit the proclivity to pose and ponder
    questions about life, death and ultimate
    realities. (Examples Aristotle, Confucius,
    Einstein, Emerson, Plato, Socrates). Less
    information available about this since it doesnt
    fit into traditional school settings.

Implications for Educators
  • Prior to his proposal, schools were predominantly
    emphasizing two of the eight intelligences cited
    by Gardner - the Linguistic and
    Logical-Mathematical. If we consider the
    traditional teaching styles practiced in the
    classroom and the tests that are given to measure
    the knowledge gained by an individual student, it
    is clear that those students who are naturally
    strong in the Linguistic and Logical-Mathematical
    intelligences will perform well on standardized

  • The fervor with which educators embraced his
    premise that we have multiple intelligences
    surprised even Gardner himself. It obviously
    spoke to some sense that people had that kids
    weren't all the same and that the tests we had
    only skimmed the surface about the differences
    among kids.

How it looks in the classroom
  • MI Reflections
  • Uses MI theory as a basis to reflect on and
    identify students' strengths and preferences.
  • Bridging Students' Areas of Strengths to Areas of
  • Creates a "bridge" from students' MI strengths to
    appropriate learning strategies.
  • Emphasizes using students' particular strengths
    to assist in areas of particular difficulty

How it looks
  • Entry/Exit Points
  • Provide a range of MI-informed "entry points"
    into a topic and "exit points" for students to
    demonstrate their learning.
  • Emphasize using students' identified strengths to
    develop entry and exit points.
  • Projects
  • Develop project-based curriculum using MI theory
    as a framework.
  • Emphasize authentic problems and activities.

  • Provides an overview of why authentic assessment
    is useful when considering strengths and
    weaknesses students possess in light of MI theory
  • MI Inventory for Teachers may also take an
    on-line quickie version of this
  • MI Inventory for Students
  • Suggested activities and assessments for each of
    the areas of MI
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