English Settlement - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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English Settlement


Title: Old World, New Worlds Author: Department of Technology Last modified by: jjakab Created Date: 5/28/2000 7:36:34 PM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: English Settlement

English Settlement
  • Chapter 1

Background to English Colonization
  • Population transfer
  • No centralized Empire
  • Experience in Ireland
  • Gave them model for planting settlements,
    transplanting their familiar way of life and
    subjugate the Indians as they had the Irish.
  • Only, where they settled was sparsely populated.

Jamestown, Virginia May 6, 1607
  • First Permanent English
    Settlement in North America
  • Virginia Company (Joint-Stock)
  • 104 men and boys (2 women arrived the next year)
  • Disastrous Beginning
  • Location malaria
  • Mostly soldiers, townsmen, gentlemen
    adventurers, and servants
  • Little knowledge of how to exploit the areas
  • Knew nothing about growing crops malnutrition

Jamestowns Problems
  • Captain John Smith helped keep the colony alive
    by establishing trade with the Indians
    (Algonquian-speaking tribes) and by imposing
    strict discipline.
  • he that will not work shall not eat
  • Smith was injured and returned to England in
  • The colony fell apart and suffered the starving
    time of the winter of 1609-1610.
  • Only 60 of 500 inhabitants survived the winter of
  • One man by dining on his wife
  • Finally imposed martial law in 1611.

Reform and aBoom in Tobacco
  • John Rolfe and Tobacco
  • Married Pocahontas, the daughter of chief
  • Cultivated tobacco, which could be sold to
  • Virginia adopted the headright system for
    granting land to individuals.
  • Key Year 1619
  • House of Burgesses
  • A representative assembly to make laws for the
  • 90 Young Women arrived and sold to likely
    husbands for the cost of transportation.
  • 20 Black Forced Laborers brought by the Dutch.

Tobacco Boom 1620s
  • Between 130,000 and 150,000 immigrants came to
    the Chesapeake over the 17th century.
  • 3/4ths of all immigrants came as indentured
  • An estimated 40 percent of servants did not
    survive to the end of their indentured terms.
  • Mortality rateover 14,000 English arrived since
    1607, but the population in 1624 was only 1,132.
  • As more land was cleared for tobacco, skirmishes
    with the Indians became more brutal and frequent.
  • In 1624, James I dissolved the Virginia Company
    and made it a royal colony.

Maryland (1632)
  • Maryland was founded by a single aristocratic
    family, the Calverts (Lord Baltimore).
  • 1st Proprietary Colony
  • The Calvert family was Catholic.

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The Carolinas (1663)
  • North- Lacked good harbors and
    navigable rivers, thus had no way of marketing
    its produce.
  • SouthCharles Town established in 1670.
  • First exports were furs, Indian slaves, and
  • Staple crop was found in the 1690s with the
    introduction of rice (cash crop).
  • Demand for rice in Europe made South Carolina the
    richest colony and South Carolina planters the
    richest people on the mainland of North America.
  • South Carolina became a separate royal colony in

Georgia (1732)
  • James Oglethorpe
  • Defensive buffer zone between British North
    America and Spanish Florida.
  • Recruited paupers from Europe.
  • Became a royal colony in 1753.

The Founding of New England
  • The Puritan Movement
  • James I, shortly after succeeding Elizabeth I in
    1603 vowed to purge England of radical Protestant
    reformers. (Puritans)
  • The Pilgrims (or Separatists)
  • Always a minority within the Puritan movement.
  • Concluded that the Church of England was too
  • Suffered persecution fines, imprisonment, and in
    a few cases, execution.
  • Many fled to Holland because the Dutch government
    permitted complete freedom of religion.

  • Founded by Pilgrims
  • Voyage on the Mayflower (1620)
  • 101 men, women, and children
  • Led by William Bradford
  • Mayflower Compact - consensual government
  • Long winter
  • Had arrived too late to plant crops.
  • By the spring of 1621, half had died.
  • Samoset and Squanto showed them how to grow
  • Thanksgiving

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The Massachusetts Bay Colony
  • Plymouth was quickly overshadowed by another
    colony, the Massachusetts Bay Colony, which
    absorbed it in 1691.
  • The Puritans
  • Non-Separating Congregationalists
  • Hoped the Church of England could be reformed
  • Founding 1630
  • Led by John Winthrop
  • We shall be as a city on a hill.
  • 17 ships and more than 1,000 colonists
  • Included merchants, landed gentlemen, and lawyers.

The Founding of New England
  • Beginning of the Great Migration
  • Some 21,000 came in a cluster between 1630 and
  • Most arrived in family groups.
  • Rapid settlement Stability and Order
  • Common past of persecution and a strong desire to
    create an ordered society modeled on Scripture.
  • Lived to an average age of 70
  • Twice as long as Virginians.
  • 10 years longer than in England.
  • By 1700, New England and the Chesapeake both had
    populations of approximately 100,000.

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Puritanism (Puritans)
  • We have a false image.
  • Puritans, especially those of the upper class,
    wore colorful clothing, enjoyed secular music,
    and drank rum (but did not get drunk).
  • Moderation in all things except piety was the
    Puritan guideline
  • Separation of Church and State?
  • The Puritan was dedicated to seeking not the will
    of the people but the will of God.
  • Civil laws obliged everyone to attend worship
    services on the Sabbath and to pay taxes to
    support Congregationalist ministers.

Covenant Theology
  • Man and God have interacted through a succession
    of explicit agreements or contracts.
  • The idea of mutual obligation is fundamental.
  • Puritans practically do away with the conception
    of God as merely promising, and substitute a
    legal theory of Gods delivering to man a signed
    and sealed bond.
  • The contract between God and man, once entered
    into, is ever afterwards bindinga treaty of
    mutual obligation.
  • The covenant theology becomes the foundation for
    the state and the church in New England.

Mass. Becomes Staging Area for all of New England
  • Rhode Island (refuge for dissenters)
  • Roger Williams
  • He believed in complete separation of church and
    state (to protect the church).
  • He was banished and founded the town of
    Providence in 1636 the first permanent
    settlement in America to legislate freedom of
  • Anne Hutchison
  • Believed in direct revelations from the Holy
  • Challenged the legitimacy of the ministerial
  • Banished in 1638 and went to Rhode Island. Later
    moved to Long Island and killed in an Indian

Mass. Becomes Staging Area for all of New England
  • Connecticut (1637)
  • Founded by Mass. Puritans seeking better lands
    and access to the fur trade farther west.
  • Thomas Hooker organized the self-governing
  • Government similar to Massachusetts except more
    democratic voting was not limited to church
  • Hooker and Connecticut becomes a blueprint for
    political democracy
  • New Hampshire and Maine (1622)
  • Slowly settled by Puritan immigrants. Consisted
    of scattered and small settlements. Maine splits
    off in 1629 but remains sparsely populated.

The Middle Colonies
  • New York (1664)
  • Originally the Dutch colony of New Netherlands,
    1614 (New Amsterdam was capital in 1626).
  • Cultural differences hampered the prospects for a
    stable social and political life.
  • Captured by the English in1664 without firing a
    shotKing Charles II granted the region to James,
    the duke of York, later King James II.
  • New Jersey (1664)
  • Duke of York gave 5 million acres to two of his
  • Became royal colony in 1702.

The League of the Iroquois
  • Composed of 6 different tribes welded together
    into a coherent political unit.
  • Actually gained greater strength from its
    contacts with whites.
  • The Indians of northern New York became important
    suppliers of furs to white traders.
  • As the favored clients of the English, they
    became opponents to the French.

The Middle Colonies Pennsylvania
  • Quaker beliefs
  • Founded in 1647 by George Fox as the Society of
  • Named in ridicule tremble at the word of the
  • No original sin, no predestination, believe in
    goodness, equality, and the doctrine of
    individual spiritual inspiration and
    interpretation the inner light.
  • They discarded all formal sacraments and formal
    ministry, refused deference to persons of rank,
    and embraced simple living and pacifism.
  • Their toleration extended to complete religious
    freedom for all and the equality of the sexes.

The Middle Colonies Pennsylvania
  • Successful Settlement (1681)
  • William Penn, a converted Quaker, inherited a
    substantial estate and was given the proprietary
    rights for Pennsylvania by Charles II in 1681.
  • He recruited religious dissenters from England
    and the ContinentQuakers, Mennonites, Amish,
    Moravians, Baptists
  • By 1700 its population stood at 21,000.
  • Delaware (1701)
  • At first was part of Pennsylvania.
  • After 1701 allowed to have own assembly but same
    governor as Penn. until American Revolution.

  • Although the English colonization efforts did not
    start off as well as the French and Spanish, they
    eventually became a greater success because the
    lack of centralized control gave free rein to a
    variety of human impulses.
  • The English preferred private investment. Not a
    single colony was begun by the crown.
  • Poor immigrants were more likely to obtain land
    in the English colonies and settlement was more
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