Animal Physiology - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Animal Physiology


Animal Physiology – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: Alejandr212


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Animal Physiology

Animal Physiology
By the end of this class you should understand
  • The system and mechanics of determining how
    organisms are related
  • How to arrange animals on a phylogenetic tree
  • The purpose and importance of the major
    physiological systems of animals
  • The physiological differences between different
    groups of animals
  • Why we must pee in a cup to get a job

Kingdom Animalia
  • The first animals (similar to modern sponges)
    evolved around 1 billion years ago
  • Probably the first multicellular organisms
  • Like all modern animals, they had to eat food to
    grow and had no cell wall
  • Animal diversity was limited until the Cambrian

Why the Cambrian Explosion?
  • The supercontinent Pannotia (before Pangaea)
    broke up, restricting gene flow and creating new
  • Homeotic genes were now evolved that controlled
    body plan
  • Oxygen content in the atmosphere and ocean may
    have been rising
  • Animal cells all have mitochondria so this would
    have benefitted them

Cambrian Explosion
Morphology and Phylogeny
  • Quick Question Who do you think is most closely
    related of these three organisms?
  • Seagull
  • Fruit Bat
  • Common Rat
  • Can you place them into this phylogenetic tree?

Possible Arrangements
Common Ancestry
  • We know the rat and bat are more closely related
    because they are both part of class mammalia
  • If you were paying attention yesterday
  • What this means is that they had a common
    ancestor with characteristics that they both have
    that the other animals dont have
  • These predictions can be made by looking at cell
    structures and embryos as well as bones

Prediction of Ancestry
  • The common ancestor of all eukaryotes
  • Had membrane-bound organelles like nuclei and
  • The common ancestor of all animals
  • Was multicellular, ate food and had no cell wall
  • The common ancestor of the bilateria group
  • Had three layers of tissue as an embryo and had
    bilateral symmetry

What about Echinoderms?
  • Its true that echinoderms are part of bilateria
    and yet they are radially symmetrical instead of
    bilaterally symmetrical
  • The embryo of the echinoderm is bilaterally
    symmetrical and its opening becomes its anus
  • Evidence suggests that embryo structure changes
    more slowly than symmetry, so it is more likely
    that echinoderms are closely related to chordates
    and lost their symmetry
  • The chance that they are closely related to
    jellyfish but their embryos also develop like
    chordate embryos is considered very unlikely

Compare These Trees
  • If this tree is correct, flying evolved twice,
    but having fur and making milk for babies evolved
    only once
  • If this tree is correct, flying only evolved
    once, but having fur and making milk for babies
    evolved twice

  • Recall that in science nothing is every 100
    certain, all we have is evidence
  • The theory of evolution matches all data, and the
    tree of life is the best possible fit for all the
  • New fossils are still being discovered and they
    often rewrite the tree of life
  • The missing link between humans and chimpanzees
    was sought for a long time

  • The most important system in animal homeostasis
    is the circulatory system
  • Bring nutrients and oxygen to all cells
  • Removes wastes from all cells
  • Nutrients are put in by the digestive system
  • Circulatory system must be cleaned by the
    excretory system (or renal system)

Circulation in Sponges
  • The simplest circulatory system is in sponges
  • Probably similar to the first circulatory system
    in our common ancestor
  • Seawater is pumped through the body of the sponge
    by cells with flagella
  • The cells of the sponge are filter feeders that
    grab food out of the seawater and eat it
  • Essentially a colony of animal cells cooperating

Circulation in Bilateria
  • In the most basic marine animals, ocean water is
    used as the circulatory system to allow things to
    move to all cells
  • This is inefficient, since ocean water doesnt
    carry as much oxygen
  • In addition to being bilaterally symmetrical, all
    bilateria have circulatory organs that move a
    liquid through the body
  • Can keep oxygen-transporting materials in this
  • Can keep this fluid clean and free of bacteria

Circulation in Mollusca
  • Mollusks have a large diversity in their
    circulatory systems
  • Gastropods (snails) and Bivalves (clams) have an
    open circulatory system
  • A heart pumps fluid through their body but it is
    not contained in vessels and is called hemolymph
  • Cephalopods have a closed circulatory system for
    more efficient delivery of nutrients
  • Nutrients leave the blood when it goes through

Circulation in Arthropoda
  • Arthropods all have an open circulatory system
  • Their exoskeleton is made of chitin, which is a
    dense carbohydrate that makes their bodies
    impermeable to water
  • Their organs are bathed in hemolymph which
    nourishes their cells
  • Their circulation is poor since their heart is
    just stirring their fluids through their body

Circulation in Echinodermata
  • Echinoderms are similar to early chordates but
    have developed radial symmetry
  • Like sponges and unlike more advanced
    invertebrates, they use seawater as their
    circulatory system
  • They use a water vascular system to nourish their
  • They also use the water vascular system to move
    by pumping water through tubes in their arms to
    make themselves move

Circulation in Fish
  • Fish and other vertebrates all have a closed
    circulatory system
  • Fish have a two-chambered heart which pumps blood
    over their gills and through their body in one
    big squeeze from the ventricle
  • Advantage blood is always oxygenated when it
    enters the body
  • Disadvantage blood flow through body is slower
    since it has already lost a lot of its pressure
    on the gills

Circulation in Amphibians and Reptiles
  • Amphibians and most reptiles have a
    three-chambered heart
  • Blood collects in two collecting chambers, one
    from the lungs or gills and the other from the
    body, then pumped by the well-muscled ventricle
    into tubes that lead back to both
  • Advantage better circulation in body
  • Disadvantage some blood is not oxygenated

Circulation in Birds and Mammals
  • Crocodiles, birds and mammals have a
    four-chambered heart, which is the most advanced
    heart system for maximum efficiency
  • Blood from the body is pumped to the lungs, blood
    from the lungs is pumped to the body
  • Advantage best oxygen delivery and best
  • Disadvantage requires a higher metabolism

(No Transcript)
Excretory System Needs
  • All organisms must remove waste chemicals in some
  • The 1 waste to remove is ammonia, which is
    produced when protein is metabolized to sugar or
  • Marine organisms can simply secrete the ammonia
    into the water around them
  • Land animals cannot do this because it wastes too
    much water

Behold the Kidney!
  • The kidney is an organ that collects and stores
    wastes like ammonia (can be turned into urea to
    save water)
  • Can usually also secrete water or salt to keep
    the salt/water balance in the blood safe
  • Blood or hemolymph filtrate is called urine and
    is essentially all the wastes from blood
  • Human kidneys are very effective since they must
    also balance water and salt levels

Advanced Excretory System
  • The more an animal must go without water, the
    better its excretory system must be
  • Human kidneys are very good but no match for
    desert animals!
  • A better excretory system is also needed when an
    animal eats a lot of protein for energy
  • This is part of why the Atkins diet can mess up
    your kidneys
  • Cats often develop kidney problems as they age,
    since most other carnivores they are related to
    eat plants as well as meat

Why Pee In A Cup?
  • When we take chemicals into our body that do not
    belong, they are broken down by the liver
  • These drug by-products collect in the kidney and
    are removed by urination
  • Drug tests are basically a test for these drug
    metabolites in the urine
  • These tests can be fooled by drinking a crapload
    of vitamins and minerals, but that is super bad
    for your kidneys and theyll know you did that

See you in lab!
  • More plants in lab today!
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