Title: Goat Breeds and Selection
1Goat Breeds and Selection
Capra hircus
2Goat Breeds and SelectionOverview
- Major Breeds of Goats (Dairy, Meat and Mohair)
3Dairy Goat Breeds
- More people in the world drink goat milk
- than cow milk, although in the US the
- opposite is true.
- Goat milk is similar nutritionally to cow
- milk, but it contains smaller fat globules
- and as a consequence it is easier for
- some people to digest and it does not
- require homogenization.
4Major Breeds of GoatsAlpine (French Alps)
- Medium to large sized
- only breed with upright ears
- all colors and combinations of colors.
- Hair is medium to short
- straight face with roman nose.
Dairy Breed
5Major Breeds GoatsGolden Guernsey (Channel
island British)
- color varies from cream to brown
- usually polled
- lower in milk production than most Swiss breeds
- higher in butter fat and protein
Dairy Breed
6Major Breeds of GoatsSaanen (Switzerland)
Dairy Breed
- Usually yields 3-4 milkfat
- medium to large in size
- white or light cream in color.
- Ears are erect and carried forward.
- Face straight or dished
- Are popular with dairies due to the quantity of
milk they produce.
7Major Breeds GoatsNubian (Oriental)
- Large framed
- face being convex between the eyes and muzzle
- ears are long, wide and pendulous. They flare
out in a bell shape. - Any color or colors, solid or patterned
- Their milk tends to be higher in protein and
butter fat than other breeds.
Dairy Breed
8Major Breeds GoatsLaMancha (Oregon)
Dairy Breed
- Face is straight
- Gopher ear - max one inch in length preferably
non-existent - They have ears that are so small that it looks
like they don't have ears (no cartilage) - Elf ear-max. length of two inches with tip being
turned up or down - Any color or combination is acceptable.
- Hair is short, fine and glossy
- high butterfat
9Major Breeds of GoatsToggenburg (Switzerland)
Oberhasli kid with wattles
- Medium in size
- Hair is short or medium in length
- Ears are Erect and Forward
- Face may be straight or dished
- Color is solid varying from light fawn to dark
chocolate - Distinct white markings
- white ears with dark spot in middle
- two white stripes down face from above each eye
- white legs below knee and hock
- white triangle on either side of the tail.
- some have wattles
Dairy Breed
10Major Breeds GoatsAngora (Asia Minor)
Mohair Production
- Both sexes are horned
- Pronounced spiral to the horn
- Utilized in Mohair Production (Mohair is a silky
textile produced from the hair of the angora
goat). - White in color
11Goat Breeds and SelectionAngora Goat Selection
- In selecting for fiber, one is interested in both
quantity (weight) and quality of fiber (length,
fineness, style, character, etc.). - In addition to fiber, one must be concerned with
traits that contribute to the survival or
viability (soundness, fertility, etc.) of the
12Major Breeds GoatsBoer (South Africa)
Meat Breed
- Also known as the Africander
- Early maturing
- Predominantly white with red head but some solid
red exist. - Fertile
13Major Breeds of GoatsSpanish (Spain)
- Feral goat or brush goat native to U.S.
- Descended from the goats that were released or
escaped from the early Spanish explorers - Utilized for meat.
- Fat content is less than beef.
Meat Breed
14Major Breeds GoatsNigerian Dwarf (West Africa)
- Main colors are black, chocolate and gold with
random white markings. - Breed year round
- They give 3-4 of milk per day at 6 to 10
butterfat - They make great pets
15Major Breeds of GoatsPygmy Goat (Africa)
- Full coat of straight, medium-long hair.
- All colors are acceptable
- muzzle, forehead, eyes and ears are accented in
tones lighter than the dark portion of the body. - Make good pets
16 17Major Breeds of GoatsQuiz 1
18Major Breeds of GoatsQuiz 1
19Major Breeds of GoatsAnswers to Quiz 1
Boer Goat
20Major Breeds of GoatsQuiz 1