Objektivat e Zhvillimit t - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Objektivat e Zhvillimit t


EMIS SISTEM WEB BASED - menaxhohet nga Agjencia Komb tare e Provimeve (AKP) / Drejtoria e Baz s s t Dh nave dhe Sistemeve. Server; ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Objektivat e Zhvillimit t

Objektivat e Zhvillimit të Mileniumit
Treguesit për ArsiminLiri Hajdari,
MASHTiranë, 21 Nëntor 2011
Fokusi i prezantimit
  • Skema e koordinimit institucional për gjenerimin
    e indikatorëve për arsimin MDG.
  • Indikatorët e Arsimit që monitorojnë progresin
    kundrejt MDG.
  • Burimi/et e të dhënave që përdoren, si dhe
    institucionet përgjegjëse.
  • Faktorët që ndikojnë në cilësinë e të dhënave.

(No Transcript)
EMIS për Arsimin Parauniversitar EMIS për APU
është ngritur mbështetur në përvojën e Austrisë.
Gjatë këtij viti shkollor MASH do të gjenerojë
të dhëna/raporte statistikore bazuar në të dhëna
të detajuara në nivel nxënësi. Ky sistem do të
rrisë saktësinë e të dhënave statistikore për
Server Programet
Cilat janë objektivat/target në kuadrin e MDG
  • Rritja e regjistrimeve në arsimin bazë.
  • Rritja e cilësisë në arsimin bazë.
  • Rritja e shpenzimeve buxhetore/publike për
    arsimin bazë.
  • Eleminimi i pabarazive gjinore në arsimin bazë.

Indikatorët e arsimit 1
Targets Indicators Disaggregation Unit Source and periodicity Institution in charge for each indicator 2011
2.1. Ensure universal enrollment of basic education (1-9 years) by 2015 2.1.1. Net Enrolment rate in pre-school education for children of 3 to 5 years of age. Total Administrative data, every year MOES/ INSTAT 70
2.1. Ensure universal enrollment of basic education (1-9 years) by 2015 2.1.1. Net Enrolment rate in pre-school education for children of 3 to 5 years of age. F Administrative data, every year MOES/ INSTAT
2.1. Ensure universal enrollment of basic education (1-9 years) by 2015 2.1.1. Net Enrolment rate in pre-school education for children of 3 to 5 years of age. M Administrative data, every year MOES/ INSTAT
2.1. Ensure universal enrollment of basic education (1-9 years) by 2015 2.1.1. Percentage of pupils (5-6 year) that have completed preparatory grade of pre-primary to the number of pupils enrolled in grade 1 Total Administrative data, every year MOES 87
2.1. Ensure universal enrollment of basic education (1-9 years) by 2015 2.1.2. Net enrolment rate in basic education Total Administrative data, every year MOES/ INSTAT 98
2.1. Ensure universal enrollment of basic education (1-9 years) by 2015 2.1.2. Net enrolment rate in basic education F Administrative data, every year MOES/ INSTAT
2.1. Ensure universal enrollment of basic education (1-9 years) by 2015 2.1.2. Net enrolment rate in basic education M Administrative data, every year MOES/ INSTAT
2.1. Ensure universal enrollment of basic education (1-9 years) by 2015 2.1.2. Net enrolment rate in basic education R Administrative data, every year MOES/ INSTAT .
2.1. Ensure universal enrollment of basic education (1-9 years) by 2015 2.1.2. Net enrolment rate in basic education U Administrative data, every year MOES/ INSTAT .
2.1. Ensure universal enrollment of basic education (1-9 years) by 2015 2.1.3. Gross enrolment rate in basic education Total Administrative data, every year MOES/ INSTAT 104
2.1. Ensure universal enrollment of basic education (1-9 years) by 2015 2.1.3. Gross enrolment rate in basic education F Administrative data, every year MOES/ INSTAT
2.1. Ensure universal enrollment of basic education (1-9 years) by 2015 2.1.3. Gross enrolment rate in basic education M Administrative data, every year MOES/ INSTAT
2.1. Ensure universal enrollment of basic education (1-9 years) by 2015 2.1.3. Gross enrolment rate in basic education R Administrative data, every year MOES/ INSTAT .
2.1. Ensure universal enrollment of basic education (1-9 years) by 2015 2.1.3. Gross enrolment rate in basic education U Administrative data, every year MOES/ INSTAT .
2.1. Ensure universal enrollment of basic education (1-9 years) by 2015 2.1.4. Proportion of pupils starting grade 1 who reach grade 5 (low cycle of basic education) Total Administrative data, every year MOES 97.9
2.1. Ensure universal enrollment of basic education (1-9 years) by 2015 2.1.4. Proportion of pupils starting grade 1 who reach grade 5 (low cycle of basic education) F Administrative data, every year MOES 97.9
2.1. Ensure universal enrollment of basic education (1-9 years) by 2015 2.1.4. Proportion of pupils starting grade 1 who reach grade 5 (low cycle of basic education) M Administrative data, every year MOES 97.8
2.1. Ensure universal enrollment of basic education (1-9 years) by 2015 2.1.5. Transition rate from Primary to Lower secondary education Total Administrative data, every year MOES 100.5
2.1. Ensure universal enrollment of basic education (1-9 years) by 2015 2.1.5. Transition rate from Primary to Lower secondary education F Administrative data, every year MOES 100.4
2.1. Ensure universal enrollment of basic education (1-9 years) by 2015 2.1.5. Transition rate from Primary to Lower secondary education M Administrative data, every year MOES 100.6
2.1. Ensure universal enrollment of basic education (1-9 years) by 2015 2.1.5. Transition rate from Primary to Lower secondary education R Administrative data, every year MOES 100.2
2.1. Ensure universal enrollment of basic education (1-9 years) by 2015 2.1.5. Transition rate from Primary to Lower secondary education U Administrative data, every year MOES 100.8
2.1. Ensure universal enrollment of basic education (1-9 years) by 2015 2.1.6.School life expectancy Total years Administrative data, every year MOES 14
2.1. Ensure universal enrollment of basic education (1-9 years) by 2015 2.1.6.School life expectancy M years Administrative data, every year MOES
2.1. Ensure universal enrollment of basic education (1-9 years) by 2015 2.1.6.School life expectancy F Years Administrative data, every year MOES
2.1. Ensure universal enrollment of basic education (1-9 years) by 2015 2.1.7. Literacy rate of 15-24 years olds (2008) Total LSMS, every 3 years INSTAT 98.8
Indikatorët e arsimit ... 2
Targets Indicators Disaggregation Unit Source and periodicity Institution in charge for each indicator 2011
2.2. Improve education quality. 2.2.1. Average achievement for Albanian language at the leaving exams of basic education Total points Administrative data, every year MOES 30 / 50
2.2. Improve education quality. 2.2.2. Average achievement for maths at the leaving exams of basic education Total points Administrative data, every year MOES 24 / 50
2.2. Improve education quality. 2.2.3. PISA 2009 (reading) Total Points International Survey, every 3 years AKP, MOES, OECD 385
2.2. Improve education quality. PISA 2009 (maths) Total Points International Survey, every 3 years AKP, MOES, OECD 377
2.2. Improve education quality. PISA 2009 (science) Total Points International Survey, every 3 years AKP, MOES, OECD 391
Në PISA 2009, Shqipëria u listua si vendi i tretë
(ndër 65 vendet pjesëmarrëse) me rritjen më të
madhe krahasuar me rezultatet e PISA 2000.
Indikatorët e arsimit .... 3
Targets Indicators Disaggregation Unit Source and periodicity Institution in charge for each indicator 2011
2.3. Increase spendings for basic education to the level of new EU member states 2.3.1. Proportion of government budget for pre-school and basic education Total Administrative data, every year MOES, MF 6.09
2.3. Increase spendings for basic education to the level of new EU member states 2.3.2. Government budget for education as part of GDP Total Administrative data, every year MOES, MF 2.1
2.3. Increase spendings for basic education to the level of new EU member states 2.3.3. Public spending per pupil for preschool and basic education Total ALL /USD Administrative data, every year MOES, MF 48600 /486
2.3. Increase spendings for basic education to the level of new EU member states 2.3.3. Public spending per pupil for preschool and basic education Pre-school ALL /USD Administrative data, every year MOES, MF 34070 /340
2.3. Increase spendings for basic education to the level of new EU member states 2.3.3. Public spending per pupil for preschool and basic education Basic ALL /USD Administrative data, every year MOES, MF 51200 /512
Indikatorët e arsimit ... 4
Targets Indicators Disaggregation Unit Source and periodicity Institution in charge for each indicator 2011
3.1. Eliminate gender disparities in basic (grade 1 to 9) education by 2015 . 3.1.1 Rate of females to males in basic education Total Administrative data, every year MOES, 47.8
3.1. Eliminate gender disparities in basic (grade 1 to 9) education by 2015 . Rural Total Administrative data, every year MOES, 48.2
3.1. Eliminate gender disparities in basic (grade 1 to 9) education by 2015 . Rural Total Administrative data, every year MOES, 47.4
3.1. Eliminate gender disparities in basic (grade 1 to 9) education by 2015 . Urban Total Administrative data, every year MOES, 47.4
Faktorët që ndikojnë në cilësinë e të dhënave
  • Faktorët demografikë
  • Migrimi brenda /jashtë vendit
  • Ulja e numrit të lindjeve
  • Sistemi EMIS do të ndikojë në rritjen e
    saktësisë së të dhënave. Çdo nxënës është në
    sistem i identifikuar me ID personale unike.
  • Ndryshimet në strukturën e arsimit bazë duhet të
    diktojnë edhe ndryshime në programet e
    planifikimit të shpenzimeve publike për arsimin
    bazë sipas dy cikleve përbërëse Arsimi fillor
    (ISCED 1) Arsimi i mesem i ulët (ISCED 2)

Përfunduan arsimin bazë në vitin shkollor 2011-2012 Pranuar të rinj ne klasën e parë të Arsimit Bazë në vitin shkollor 2012-2013 Ulja e numrit të nxënësve në arsimin bazë brenda një viti kalendarik
51 158 38 114 13 044
Për të ardhmen ..
  • Përllogaritja e indikatorëve gjinore - atje ku
    është e mundur.
  • Përllogaritja e indikatorëve financiarë sipas 2
    cikleve të arsimit.

  • Faleminderit!
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