L9: Subroutines - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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L9: Subroutines


ECE 2560 L9: Subroutines Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering The Ohio State University * ECE 3561 - Lecture 1 – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: L9: Subroutines

L9 Subroutines
ECE 2560
  • Department of Electrical and
  • Computer Engineering
  • The Ohio State University

  • Subroutines
  • What are they
  • How they can simplify a program
  • An example
  • Stacks
  • Passing data on the stack
  • How subroutine calls use the stack

  • The stack an area of memory for storage of data
    accessed through the PUSH and POP instructions

The 430 stack
  • After initialization where is the stack?
  • After initialization the value in the SP register
    (R2) is 0x0300 (can see this in Code Composer)
  • Placing data on the stack
  • Done using a PUSH(.B) instruction
  • PUSH(.B) src Push the source onto stack
  • Action is SP-2-gt SP src-gt_at_SP
  • Removing data from the stack
  • Done using a POP(.B) instruction
  • POP(.B) dst Pop item from stack to
  • Action is _at_SP-gt dst SP2 -gt SP

Also in code composer
  • If you view memory it will show you data
    variables names at their location
  • To see action of stack will do some push and pop
    actions while watching memory
  • Will push values of 10 copies of FFFF on the
  • Then 10 pops to get the SP back to no data pop
    into R4
  • Then push 0000,0110,0220,etc up to 0990 on
    the stack
  • Again 10 pops back into R4
  • Also show what occurs when one is .B

In Demo
  • After initialization, the SP is set to value
  • Remember that the stack grows down in memory and
    the SP register points to where the last value
    pushed on the stack is. So when a value is
    pushed on the stack it, the SP register is
    decremented by 2 and then the data is stored in

Binary Multiplication
  • Need to perform integer multiplication of AB.
  • Will do this by simply adding up the value B, A
    times in a loop.
  • mult mov A,R5 A is in R5
  • mov B,R6 B is in R6
  • clr R7 R7 to accumulate sum
  • mlp add R6,R7 add R6 to R7
  • dec R5 AA-1
  • jne mlp repeat
  • end R7BA
  • As register is 16 bits and treated as 2s
    complement, can do up to a 7-bit x 7-bit multiply
    for a 14 bit result.
  • Number of times through the loop? 128 times max

Now turn this into a subroutine
  • Could code up the previous instructions each time
    you need to do a multiply OR create a routine to
    do it. The routine needs the data to multiply
    passed to it.
  • Where to pass the data?
  • Could do it in registers
  • Could do it in memory
  • Could do it on the stack
  • Set up before call
  • move A and B to stack
  • use push instruction

Why one an not the other?
  • Why pass the data on the stack?
  • Pass it in registers
  • Works fine but program may be using registers for
    other tasks.
  • Pass in variables in memory
  • Works fine
  • Pass on the stack
  • Also works fine
  • For a simple routine like this no real advantage
    of any method. Just shows how to do pass
    variables on the stack.
  • Will look at subroutine for all three.

Demo of routine use registers
  • Pick two register to pass data
  • Pick R5, and R6 for numbers to be multiplied
  • Pick R7 for the result
  • Code it up calling routine
  • mov A,R5 A is in R5
  • mov B,R6 B is in R6
  • call mult
  • end jmp end
  • the subroutine
  • mult clr R7 R7 to accumulate sum
  • mlp add R6,R7 add R6 to R7
  • dec R5 AA-1
  • jne mlp repeat
  • ret end R7BA
  • .data
  • A .word 3
  • B .word 5

Subroutine call/return
  • At end of subroutine code need a ret instruction.
    (see manual) RET
  • Note action of instruction
  • _at_SP ? PC
  • SP 2 ? SP
  • The CALL instruction action again see manual.
  • dst ? tmp
  • SP-2 ? SP
  • PC ? _at_SP
  • tmp ? PC (tmp is not a register you can see)

Demo of routine use memory
  • Pick two register to pass data
  • Pick R5, and R6 for numbers to be multiplied
  • Pick R7 for the result
  • Code it up calling routine
  • mov 3,A
  • mov 4,B
  • call mult
  • end jmp end
  • the subroutine
  • mult clr RES RES to accumulate sum
  • mlp add B,RES add B to RES
  • dec A AA-1
  • jne mlp repeat
  • ret end RESBA
  • .data
  • A .word 3
  • B .word 5

A third way the stack
  • First two methods work, BUT
  • Limitations
  • REGISTER USE is fixed
  • Subroutine restricted to specific registers
  • For subroutine to have no side effects, must
    protect any register it uses.

The main and subroutine
  • In Main program
  • Setup for call
  • mov A,R5
  • mov B,R6
  • push R5
  • push R6
  • call srmult
  • after return have to cleanup
  • SP will be pointing to B result is A
  • pop stack twice 2nd time is result position

  • Now in subroutine
  • srmult mov 2(SP),R6 B to R6
  • mov 4(SP),R5 A to R5
  • clr R7
  • mlp add R6,R7
  • dec R5
  • jne mlp at end R7 is AB
  • mov R7,4(SP) R7 for rtn
  • ret return from sr

But the call can be a problem
  • Have to make sure that call works correctly
  • The first time this was done, call was
    transferring control all over the place or so it
  • in main subroutine
  • mov A,R5 smult mov 2(SP),R6
  • mov B,R6 mov 4(SP),R5
  • push R5 ret
  • push R6
  • mov smult,R4
  • call R4
  • call smult this code worked
  • pop R7
  • pop R7
  • mov R7,res

Get code working
  • When having problems get some code working and
    then build on it
  • In this case will build the subroutine
  • Demo

Multiply routine
  • The multiply routine is important as there is no
    multiply instruction
  • Note that the routine is for positive integer
    multiplication only.
  • With the algorithm implemented cannot multiply a
    negative number
  • Both A and B and the result have to be between 0
    and 215-1, positive integers

Clean up the stack
  • After returning from subroutine
  • A ret simply pops the return address from the
    stack into the PC register
  • So execution continues after the subroutine call
  • If data was passed on the stack it needs to be
    cleaned up to retrieve the result and set the SP
    to before the call.

The pop instruction
  • The pop instruction removes the top item of the
    stack (the item currently pointed to by the SP
    register) and moves it to dst.
  • POP(.B) dst Pop item from stack to
  • Action is _at_SP-gt dst SP2 -gt SP

Cleanup on Return
  • Same code note the pop instructions that remove
    data and result from the stack
  • in main subroutine
  • mov A,R5 smult mov 2(SP),R6
  • mov B,R6 mov 4(SP),R5
  • push R5 ret
  • push R6
  • mov smult,R4
  • call R4
  • call smult this code worked
  • pop R7
  • pop R7
  • mov R7,res

Subroutine side effects
  • Subroutine should have no side effects!,i.e.,
    change the values of registers or data the main
    program is using
  • If subroutine should have no side effects then
    the state of machine (registers, memory, etc.)
    should be the same after the RTS as before the
    call. What does that mean?
  • That means that subroutine needs to preserve any
    register that it will affect during execution of
    the subroutine.
  • What are they? (refer to slide 11)
  • CALL and RET do not affect SR
  • Action in subroutine will alter sr bits, and here
    contents of R5, R6, and R7

Items to preserve
  • The first item to preserve is the SR
  • How to do it? Push it onto the stack.
  • What else to save? Any register used.

Saving of the SR (R(2))
  • Save the register you will use and SR.
  • Becomes ------- -gt
  • State of SR upon
  • return is same as it
  • was before the call.

Save other registers
  • Subroutine used R5,R6,R7 push on Stack

What is the code?
  • Note the change to the offsets of the passed
  • Now subroutine has no effect on
  • calling program.

  • Code up a positive integer multiply subroutine as
    shown in this lecture
  • Description of this is on the webpage and is
    assignment HW6
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