Title: Prezentacja%20programu%20PowerPoint
1Nuclear Theory in Poland
Jacek Dobaczewski IFT UW
NUPECC 56th meeting Kraków, June 9-10, 2006
STructure, Astrophysics, Reactions
- Nuclear Physics publications from POLAND in
2001-2005. - Nuclear Theory activity in POLAND.
- Staff institutions.
- Highlights
- Polarization transfer in dp scattering.
- Dipole polarizability of 6He.
- Deformed mass table from Energy Density
Functional. - Final remarks.
3Nuclear Physics Publications from POLAND
only corresp. auth.
only 25
4From Polish Nuclear Physics
- 100 publications per year
- Every 20th publication worldwide
- Every 10th in Physical Review Letters
Stable in time
5From Polish Nuclear Theory
- 30 publications/year in PRL, PRC NPA
- Staff of 63 including 34 junior
- Every 25th in Physical Review Letters
STructure, Astrophysics, Reactions
6Staff 63
Junior 34
7Publications 149
Output 261
Six people produce half of the output
8H. Witala, J. Golak, R. Skibinski, et al., Phys.
Rev. C73, 044004 (2006)
H. Witala et al., 35 papers in 2001-2005
9Dipole polarizability of 6He
K. Rusek, N. Keeley, K.W. Kemper, and R. Raabe,
Phys. Rev. C67, 041604 (2003)
K. Rusek et al., 20 papers in 2001-2005
10Deformed mass table from Energy Density Functional
M.V. Stoitsov, J. Dobaczewski, W. Nazarewicz, S.
Pittel, D.J. Dean, Phys. Rev. C68, 054312 (2003)
J. Dobaczewski, W. Nazarewicz, W. Satula, et
al. 30 papers in 2001-2005
11Final remarks
- Polish Nuclear Physics provides a matching share
of worldwide research in this domain of physics. - Nuclear Theory activity in POLAND is 30 of the
total with very strong links to experiment. - Junior staff is 50 of the total.
- Focused and well targeted studies with highlights
in most important present-day directions of
research in nuclear physics. - Strong groups created, e.g. Zdzislaw Szymanskis
in nuclear structure. - Strong contributions to foreign research centers
(Nazarewicz, Dudek, Danielewicz, Ploszajczak...) - Strong contribution to PACs, white papers,
bluebooks, proposals, experimental projects,
Editorial Boards, ECT, INT, - Cross-national-boundaries PhDs (Olbratowki,
Borycki, Dobrowolski, Sieja) - Financially challenged.
12Nuclear Physics Publications from POLAND in