Title: Prezentacja%20programu%20PowerPoint
1Uppsala, November, 2005
2Uppsala, November, 2005
3Uppsala, November, 2005
4f lt 10-2 Hz f lt 102-103 Hz
Uppsala, November, 2005
5Uppsala, November, 2005
6Hölder exponent h(x0) - a measure of the
regularity of the function g at the point x0
- a humped shape (hmin - strongest
singularity hmax weakest singularity)
Uppsala, November, 2005
7Uppsala, November, 2005
8Self-similarity in the inertial range
Localness in the interaction
Uppsala, November, 2005
9Uppsala, November, 2005
10Calculation of the scaling properties of
Uppsala, November, 2005
11lbl(a), a is pointing towards a point bl(0)
(when a goes to 0) which corresponds to a
singularity of g
Uppsala, November, 2005
12Extended structure function models (Tu et al.
1996, Marsch and Tu 1997)
Uppsala, November, 2005
13The problem
MF fluctuations singular behavior
Set of locations and strength of the
singularities singularity spectrum
Method WTMM Constructing partition functions
sums of the WT located in the modulus maxima
(define the singularity)
Uppsala, November, 2005
14Uppsala, November, 2005
15Uppsala, November, 2005
16Comparison with models of turbulence
Uppsala, November, 2005
17Probability distribution functions for different
time delays
Uppsala, November, 2005
18Uppsala, November, 2005
19Uppsala, November, 2005
20Uppsala, November, 2005
211. Conclusions about the magnetic field intensity
IMF Bz gt 0 p model (fluid,
fully developed) IMF Bz lt 0 - Kolmogorov- like
(fluid, non fully developed)
Uppsala, June, 2005
22Anisotropy features of the magnetic field
B90 nT ?B10 nT
(Bxy, Bz, B56)
(?B1, ?B2, B0)
Uppsala, November, 2005
23Uppsala, November, 2005
24Extended Self-Similarity Analysis
Uppsala, November, 2005
25PDF in parallel and perpendicular directions
? 6,12,24,48,96,192?t
262. Conclusions about the anisotropy in the cusp
PSD - different scaling in parallel and
perpendicular directions ESS analysis parallel
fluctuations are characterized by monofractal
nature perpendicular - by a strong intermittent
(multifractal) character PDF more intermittent
character of the fluctuations in perpendicular
direction then in parallel
Acknowledgements E. Yordanova acknowledges the
financial support provided through the European
Community's Human Potential Programme under
contract HPRN-CT-2001-00314, Turbulent Boundary
Uppsala, November, 2005
27Uppsala, June, 2005
28Uppsala, June, 2005
Uppsala, June, 2005