Title: Imperialism: Causes and Effects
1Imperialism Causes and Effects
MWH CP Unit 4 War and Peace Topic Imperialism
Define Imperialism
Define Scramble for Africa
Imperialism in...
European Motivations
Impact of Imperialism
Ef f ect s
The Berlin Conference
Forces Enabling Imperialism
2European Motivations
Impact of Imperialism
Middle East
South- east Asia
Types of Imperial Rule
Use Chapter 11 section 2 pg 310-311 to fill in
the following boxes with appropriate notes and
Sphere of Influence
Economic Imperialism
Indirect Control
Indirect Forms of Imperialism
4Types of Imperial Rule
Direct Control
Direct Forms of Imperialism
What are the pros and cons of Indirect rule for
European Imperialists?
What are the pros and cons of Direct rule for
European Imperialists?
What types of rule would native populations
favor? Why?
5Imperial Conflicts
Name _______________________
Crimean War Sepoy Rebellion Opium War
Who? When?
How did the conflict begin? What were the short and long term causes?
How did the war end? Who won?
Why is this an imperial conflict?
What was the impact of this conflict? (How did this affect nations moving forward?)
6Imperial Conflicts
Boxer Rebellion Russo Japanese War
Who? When?
How did the conflict begin? What were the short and long term causes?
How did the war end? Who won?
Why is this an imperial conflict?
What was the impact of this conflict? (How did this affect nations moving forward?)