AP US Exam Review Unit 1: The Colonial Era - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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AP US Exam Review Unit 1: The Colonial Era


AP US Exam Review Unit 1: The Colonial Era Major Themes Exploration and Interaction with Native-Americans Spanish, English and French settlements similarities and ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: AP US Exam Review Unit 1: The Colonial Era

AP US Exam ReviewUnit 1 The Colonial Era
  • Major Themes
  • Exploration and Interaction with Native-Americans
  • Spanish, English and French settlements
    similarities and differences
  • English Colonies similarities and differences
  • English colonies democratic elements

New World Beginnings
  • Nomadic Asians
  • Bering Land Bridge
  • Connected Eurasia w/North America-present-day
    Bering Sea, between Siberia and Alaska.
  • Bridge exposed during Ice Age (35,000 yrs ago)
    Asian hunters followed migratory herds of game
    -first known humans to arrive in America

Causes of European Exploration
  • Improvements in technology, religious conflict
    (Catholics in Spain, Prot. Revolution in Europe),
    expanding trade, and rise of nation- states

Crusades- Exploration grew out of fierce
  • Crusaders started trading when they acquired a
    taste for Asian African goods like silk,
    medicine, spices, and perfume
  • Technology compass, sturdier vessels, printing
  • Portuguese and Spanish went looking for a route
    to Asia
  • Renaissance - Nurtured ambitious spirit of
    optimism adventure around the 14th century

American Indians
  • Central and South America Maya, Aztec, Inca
    trade, large cities, advanced technology
  • Most natives in North America semi-permanent
    hunting and farming - MAIZE
  • Some nomadic Plains hunt buffalo
  • Larger Pueblo in SW multi-storied,
    irrigation, uprising
  • Iroquois in NY democratic Confederacy

Spanish and Columbus
  • 1492 purpose of voyage?
  • Interactions with Natives
  • Legacy? - Columbian Exchange
  • Hero or Villain?
  • The lack of unity between tribes due to various
    cultural/ political and language differences
    caused fighting between groups and left them
    susceptible to European invaders.

Spanish Explorations and conquest
  • 1. Conquistadors Central and South America,
    Southwest and West Coast of North America (Texas,
  • 2. 3 Gs what are they?
  • Missions, encomienda system, mestizos, DISEASE
  • 3. Explorers Balboa (Panama/ Pacific), Ponce De
    Leon (Fl. St. Augustine), Magellan (tip of S.
    America), de Soto (Mississippi), Cortez (Aztec),
    Pizarro (Inca)
  • 4. 1494 Treaty of Tordesillas

The Conquest of Mexico
  • Cortez and the fall of the Aztec Empire What
  • 1519 and the story of
  • Quetzalcoatl
  • The fate of Montezuma
  • La Noche Triste, 1521
  • Guns, Germs, and Steel
  • A New Mexico cultural diffusion, relations
    with natives, mestizos

The Spread of Spanish America
  • 1565 - St. Augustine, Florida fortress built to
    protect the sea lanes to the Caribbean, oldest
    continually inhabited European settlement in the
    future US
  • Roman Catholic missions California and SW
  • 1680 - Popes Rebellion Pueblo rebels destroyed
    every Catholic Church in province and killed
    priests and settlers, rebuilt religious chamber
    on ruins of Spanish plaza just like? Why did
    they do this? Justified?

French Claims
  • Fur trade, good relations with Native people
  • Settled in Canadian region
  • Explorers Verrazano (NY), Cartier (St.
    Lawrence), Champlain (Quebec first French

Spanish and French Settlements
  • Long term influences?
  • Spanish settled central and South America,
    conquistadors enslaved Native population and
    attempted to erase their culture, sometimes
    married Native people, exported gold to Spain,
    spread Catholicism and disease, new class system
  • French settled Canadian region, fur trade

Dutch Claims
  • Henry Hudson sought the Northwest Passage
  • Sailed Hudson River
  • Dutch claimed New Amsterdam (later NY) private
    joint-stock company (Dutch West India Company)
    took control of region for ECONOMIC GAIN!

English Claims
  • Reasons for migration
  • 1. Profits (1)
  • 2. Religious Freedom
  • 3. Political reasons
  • 4. Enclosure movement/ unemployment
  • Elizabeth I - promoted exploration, sent Sir
    Walter Raleigh to explore the New World
  • Roanoke Island - (1587) NC first colony -
  • Tree CROATOAN??

Early English Settlements
  • (1607) - Jamestown, Virginia First permanent
    English Settlement land at mouth of Chesapeake
    Bay, easy to defend but swampy, about 100 MEN (40
    died on voyage)
  • Virginia Company (Joint-Stock Company)-Joint-stock
    companies enabled a large number of investors to
    pool their moneyand finance trips to America
    sought gold
  • Charter - Guaranteed to colonists the same rights
    as Englishmen - this provision was incorporated
    into future colonists documents

Colonial Era Jamestown, Virginia
  • Early problems- disease, salt poisoning, starving
    time (1609 1610), cannibalism
  • John Smith imposed martial law He who will
    not work shall not eat
  • Settlement aided by the Powhatan Confederacy
  • John Rolfe and Pocahontas married 1614
  • Tobacco
  • 1644 Powhatan Confederacy destroyed by English

Growing Political Power Virginias House of
  • First law making body- guaranteed rights to
    citizens, representative government, control over
    finances, militia
  • High death rates ensured rapid turnover of
  • King James was concerned about the law making
    body and tobacco, became a royal colony in 1624.
    (He hated tobacco)

Southern Colonies
  • Tobacco promoted the use of the plantation system
    - Need for cheap, abundant labor.
  • Indentured Servants -5-7 years.
  • Promised freedom dues land,
  • Forbidden to marry.
  • 1610-1614 only 1 in 10 outlived their
    indentured contracts!
  • Head-right System Virginian got 50 acres for
    each person whose passage they paid.
  • First Africans arrived in Jamestown in 1619.
  • Their status was not clear ? perhaps slaves,
    perhaps indentured servants.
  • Slavery not that important until the end of the

Origins of Slavery
  • Dutch traders
  • 1650 400 African laborers in Va
  • 1660s Va House of Burgesses discrimination
    laws and life-long slavery
  • 1750 ½ Va and 2/3 SC
  • Increased demand due to decreased migration,
    cheap labor, slave laws
  • Triangle trade Middle Passage

Southern Colonies - Chesapeake
  • Virginia
  • Bacons Rebellion 1676 royal Governor
    (Berkeley) did not help defend backwoods farmers
    from Native-Americans, Bacon and rebels burned
  • revealed social class tensions within the
  • Colonial resistance to royal control
  • Maryland (1632) Lord Baltimore, proprietary
  • (Act of Toleration) protected Catholics and
    granted religious freedom to all Christians,
    later repealed
  • Georgia (1732) James Oglethorpe, proprietary
    colony, defensive buffer from Spanish Florida and
    haven for English debtors

New EnglandPlymouth, Massachusetts - 1620
  • Puritans wanted to purify Church of England
  • Separatists upset with corruption in the
    English Church
  • Mayflower Compact travelers signed and agreed
    to majority rule
  • Assisted by local Native-Americans including
  • Less contact with Natives than in south due to
    plague that had wiped out Natives living in that
  • King Philips War (1675 1676) Wampanoag
    Indians, ended Native resistance in New England

New England Massachusetts Bay
  • Established by Congregationalists
  • 1629-1642 Great Puritan Migration led by
    John Winthrop The City upon a Hill, covenant
    with God
  • Many who settled in New England escaped
    religious persecution tolerant?
  • Roger Williams banished, went to RI
  • Anne Hutchinson banished, antinomianism
  • Salem Witch Trials (1692)

First Great Awakening1730s 1740sGeorge
Whitefield and Jonathan Edwards attempted to
bring back religious fervor, preached
emotionalism and spirituality, response to the
rationalism of the Enlightenment
Chesapeake vs. New England
  • Chesapeake
  • immigrants often single males
  • Cash crops, plantation economy
  • Swampy, hot, humid
  • Spread-out farming communities
  • New England
  • -Entire families emigrated to New England
  • -small farms, fishing, lumber
  • -healthier climate, lived longer, larger families
  • -larger towns, lived closer to one another

Culture and economy
  • New England fishing, logging, ship building,
    rum distillers
  • Middle Small farms, wheat and corn
  • Southern plantation owners rice and indigo

Middle Colonies
  • NY Dutch influence New Netherlands, large
    segment of population
  • PA Penn and The Holy Experiment, Quakers
    religious freedom and civil liberties, pacifists,
    fair treatment of Native Americans
  • NJ land offers, religious freedom and assembly
  • Delaware created out of Pennsylvania

Colonial Society in the Mid-Eighteenth Century
  • Social Structure 90 lived on farms
  • 1. Family
  • Males unlimited power in household
  • females divorce rare, limited legal and
    political rights

The American Mind
  • Architecture (Georgian)
  • Painting West and Copley, artists were trained
    in Europe, portraits
  • Literature Mainly religious
  • Exceptions - Franklins Poor Richards Almanac
    and Phillis Wheatley (Former slave and poet)
  • Bartram - botanist

Political Institutions
  • 1. Plymouth Mayflower Compact, majority rule,
    self government, written laws
  • 2. Jamestown House of Burgesses
  • 3. Massachusetts all free men, members of
    Puritan Church
  • 4. limited nature?
  • 5. Zenger case Freedom of press criticized
    royal governor violated English law jury
    acquitted Zenger because he was telling the truth

Quick Quiz
  • 1. What was the first permanent English
  • 2. What colony was founded by Oglethorpe and was
    considered a buffer colony?
  • 3. Identify two Great Awakening ministers.
  • 4. Identify the founder of Rhode Island who was
    banished by the Puritans.
  • 5. Which colonial court case established freedom
    of the press?

  • 1. Use two events from the colonial era to
    describe conflicts that took place in colonial
  • 2. Use two events from the colonial era that
    exhibit the freedom American colonists had.
  • 3. Use two events from the colonial era that show
    the diversity that existed within the American

Essay Question
  • Compare and Contrast the culture and economy of
    the southern colonies with that of the New
    England colonies.
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