Section 1 The Colon Pages 49-53 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Section 1 The Colon Pages 49-53


OST164 Text Editing Applications Section 1 The Colon Pages 49-53 The Colon 187 Use a colon between two independent clauses when the second clause explains or ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Section 1 The Colon Pages 49-53

Section 1The ColonPages 49-53
OST164 Text Editing Applications

The Colon 187
  • Use a colon between two independent clauses when
    the second clause explains or illustrates the
    first clause and there is no coordinating
    conjunction or transitional expression linking
    the two clauses.
  • I have a special fondness for the Maine coast it
    reminds me of the many happy summers we spent
    there before our children went off to college.
  • I have two major hurdles to clear before I get my
    Ph.D. I need to pass the oral exam and write a

The Colon 188- 191
  • When a clause contains an anticipatory expression
    (such as the following, as follows, here is,
    thus, and these) and directs attention to a
    series of explanatory words, phrases, or clauses,
    use a colon between the clause and the series.
  • These are some of the new features in this years
    modes a fuel economy indicator, a new read
    suspension, and a three-year limited warranty.
  • The following staff members have been selected to
    attend the national sales conference in Honolulu
  • Frances Berkowitz
  • Thomas Gomez
  • Some of the questions that this book answers are
    these How can you .?

The Colon 192- 193
  • When hours and minutes are expressed in figures,
    separate them with a colon, as in the expression
  • A colon is used to represent the word to in
    proportions, as in the ratio 21.
  • In each case, NO space precedes
  • or follows this colon.

The Colon - 194
  • In business documents, use the colon for
  • Attention line Attention
  • Subject line Subject
  • Enclosure notation Enclosures
  • Enclosure notation Under separate over
  • Carbon copy notation cc or Copies to
  • Postscript PS
  • Use the colon in memos after displayed guide
  • Use the colon in business documents

The Colon 195
  • Use a colon (followed by one space) to separate
    the title and the subtitle of a book.
  • Be sure to read The New Financial Order Risk in
    the Twenty-First Century.
  • A colon may be used to separate volume number and
    page number in footnotes and similar references.
    (Leave no space before or after the colon.)
  • Volume 8, pages 763-766 would be 8763-766
  • A reference to chapter and verse in the Bible is
    handled the same way. Isaiah 5510

The Colon 196-197
  • Do NOT capitalize the first word after a colon if
    the material that follows cannot stand alone as a
  • All cash advances must be countersigned by me,
    with one exception when the amount is less than
    50. (dependent clause after colon)
  • Do NOT capitalize the first word of an
    independent clause after a colon if the clause
    explains, illustrates, or amplifies the thought
    expressed in the first part of the sentence.
  • Essential and nonessential elements require
    altogether different punctuation the latter
    should be set off by commas the former, should

The Colon 198
  • Capitalize the first word of an independent
    clause after a colon if it requires special
    emphasis or is presented as a formal rule.
  • Let me say this If the company is to recover
    from its present difficulties
  • Here is the key principle Nonessential elements
    must be..
  • Although index investing derives from the theory
    that the markets operate efficiently, its
    intellectual foundation is based on a simple
    truth It is impossible for all stock investors..

The Colon 199 (a-b-d)
  • Also capitalize the first word after a colon
    under these circumstances
  • When the material following the colon consists of
    two or more sentences.
  • There are several drawbacks to this proposal
    First, it will tie up a good deal of capital for
    the next five years. Second, the likelihood of a
  • The material following the colon is a quoted
  • Frederick responded in this way We expect to
  • When the material preceding the colon is a short
    introductory word such as Note, Caution, or
  • Note All expense reports must be submitted no
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