Title: Information Technology for our Times:
1Information Technology for our Times
- Ideas, Research, and Application in an Inclusive
2Key dates
October 15, 2001 Tutorials, Workshops, and other
contributions December 3, 2001 Deadline for
submission of papers August 25-30, 2002 World
Computer Congress
Information Technology for our Times Ideas,
Research, and Application in an Inclusive World
3Budget HighlightsEuro-Cdn Equivalence 1.40
Exchange Rate at GA2001, 1.35
- GA00
- Probable Attendance 1300
- Free Registrations 135 195
- Euro Cdn
- Proposed Early Registration 604
845 - Regular Registration 711 995
- Tutorials, etc. 179 250
- Gala 68 95 C 75
- Expected Registration Revenue 903,036
1,360,125 C1,264,250
4Budget HighlightsEuro-Cdn Equivalence 1.4
- Projected Revenues (contd) GA00
- Euro Cdn Cdn
- Sponsorship (31) 510,714 715,000 440,000
- Exhibitors (6) 92,857 130,000
- Total Revenues 1,630,920 2,283,288
2,008,125 - GA 98 Projection (1250) 1,598,000
5Budget HighlightsEuro-Cdn Equivalence 1.4
- Projected Expenses GA00 Euro
Cdn Cdn - Programme Committee (15) 215386
301,541 171,800 - Secretariat (4) 64,286
90,000 99,750 - Organizing Committee (81 )
- Promotion (22) 311,036 435,450
504,200 - Local Arrangements (52) 740,181
1,036,253 653,951 - Other e.g. Bad Debts (7) 97,885
136,997 305,173 - Total Projected Expenses 1,428,744
2,000,241 1,744,874 - (GA 98 Cdn 1,272,935 - 1,432,935)
6Budget HighlightsEuro-Cdn Equivalence 1.4
- Estimated Surplus GA00
- Euro Cdn Cdn
- 1300 attendees 202,176 283,047 263,251
- GA98 Estimate Cdn 165,065 - 325,065
- Expenses to-date 95,309 133,433
- Areas we can cut costs
- Conference Organizer Admin
- Promotion and Incentives
- Provisions for unforeseen
7Hotels(in Cdn)
- Delta-Downtown 170 Intercontinental 235
- Travelodge 99
8Hotels(in Cdn)
- Delta-Downtown
- This striking 28 storey building is located in
the heart of downtown Montreal and the financial
district. It is adjacent to the Stock Exchange,
the World Trade Centre and the International
Civil Aviation Organization headquarters. A
direct passageway links Delta Centre-Ville to the
subway and the underground city. It is only steps
to Old Montreal, the Cite Multimedia and two
blocks to the Convention Centre. 777 University
StreetMontreal, QuébecH3C 3Z7tel
514-879-1370fax 514-879-1831 -
9Hotels(in Cdn)
- Intercontinental 235
- Hotel Inter-Continental Montreal is a stunning
landmark situated in the heart of historic Old
Montreal. Just steps away from the Montreal
Convention Center, the hotel is linked directly
to the Metro system, minutes from the citys
renowned restaurants, museums and
shopping. - 360 Rue St-Antoine OuestMontréal H2Y
3X4QuebecCanada Tel 1 514 987 9900Fax 1
514 847 8730E-mail montreal_at_interconti.comcom.co
m - com
10Hotels(in Cdn)
11Contacts www.wcc2002.org
Jan Wibe Chair, IPC E-mail jan.wibe_at_plu.ntnu.no
Gordon Davies Main Editor, IPC E-mail G.Davies_at_op
en.ac.uk George H. Boynton Chair, Organizing
Committee Tel (514) 894-0882 Fax (514)
861-5800 E-mail george_at_cips.ca Web
site www.wcc2002.org IFIP Secretariat Hofstraße
3 A-2361 Laxenburg, Austria Tel. 43 2236
73616 Fax 43 2236 736169E-mail
ifip_at_ifip.or.at Web site www.ifip.or.at
Fédération de linformatique du Québec 550
Sherbrooke Street West Suite 355, West Tower
Montreal, Québec, Canada H3A 1B9 Tel. (514)
840-1240 Fax (514) 840-1243 Web
site www.fiq.qc.ca Canadian Information
Processing Society 1 Yonge Street, Suite
2401Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5E 1E5 Tel
(416) 861-2477 Fax (416) 368-9972 E-mail
info_at_cips.ca Web site www.cips.ca