Title: International VERCORS Seminar,
1Session 4 Use of acquired knowledge for safety
- Use of VERCORS results for EDF safety studies
F. Andreo Electricity of France, SEPTEN,
Villeurbanne J.S. Lamy Electricity of France,
RD, Clamart
- Nuclear Safety context in France and industrial
approach regarding Severe Accident - Position of VERCORS Program in Safety analysis
- Use of VERCORS results in EDF Safety analysis
- Determination of bounding releases
- Development of MAAP models
- Conclusion
3Nuclear safety context in France and SA approach
- SA situations low probability but analysed from
safety viewpoint - EDF started to draw up a synthesis of
requirements associated with SA in 2001 - Definition of high level objectives based on
probabilistic and radiological criterions - Assessment of NPP under SA conditions
- Based on safety analysis, modifications are
specified on nuclear sites - Venting procedure (U5),
- Installation of passive autocatalytic
recombiners, - Reliability enhancement of pressurizer safety
valves, -
- Severe Accident (Low Pressure situations) are
taken into account on Generation III power plants
(EPR, AP1000, ESBWR, )
4Position of VERCORS Program in Safety analysis
- If PSA allows to evaluate the frequency of each
releases category, it is necessary to evaluate
the associated radiological consequences and the
behaviour of equipments under SA conditions -
- For these evaluations, numerous phenomena have to
be taken into account - In vessel releases,
- Ex vessel releases,
- Late releases from RCS,
- Transport in RCS,
- Iodine chemistry,
- Deposition of FP in containment and auxiliary
buildings, - Interaction with spray system (if available),
- VERCORS program is focused on in-vessel releases
and allows to have elements on deposition in core
and transport in RCS
5Use of VERCORS results
- Analytical tests as VERCORS allow to elaborate a
large data base on fission product releases - Atmosphere conditions (oxidizing/reducing),
- Burn-up,
- Configurations (debris bed, intact fuel),
- These different configurations are of great
interest for reactor case because conditions in
core are time- and location- dependant - These numerous conditions allow to
- Define reasonable bounding releases for safety
analysis for decoupling step, - Improve models in code for validating step
6Determination of bounding releases (1/2)
- Numerous scenarios are possible with a complex
phenomenology - Decoupling step aims at having good predictions
without scenario dependant - In 2002, EDF defined these assumptions to
re-assess reference source term in the
environment (called S3 ) on 900 MWe power
plants serie, based on - Analytical tests HI-VI, VERCORS,
- Integral tests PHEBUS FPT0, FPT1,
- TMI2
7Determination of bounding releases (2/2)
- Four classes of fission products have been
defined - Volatile FP Xe, Kr, I, Cs, Te, Sb, Rb
- Totally released in case of total core melt down
- Semi-volatile FP Mo, Ba
- Releases are dependant of oxido-reduction
conditions - During the accident, conditions vary in function
of time and location - Release rates taken into account a half of core
inventory - Ba/Fe interactions not taken into account because
PHEBUS results was not understood yet - Low volatile FP La, Ce,
- Low releases
- High deposition near the fuel
- Few percents of core inventory
- Non volatile FP Zr, Nd,
- Very low releases 1 i.c.i. as bounding value
8Development of MAAP models
- Developped by FAI for EPRI
- Able to describe core degradation
- MAAP is the reference code at EDF for severe
accident studies - EDF develops complementary development and
qualification activities - Simplified models
- calculation time relatively limited
- compatible with industrial use
- Benchmark possible
9Fission Product Groups
N Group Elements Volatility
1 Noble gas Xe, Kr volatile
2 Iodin CsI, RbI volatile
3 Tellurium TeO2 volatile
4 Strontium SrO low volatile
5 Molybdenum MoO2 low volatile
6 Cesium CsOH, RbOH volatile
7 Baryum BaO low volatile
8 Lanthanides La2O3, Pr2O3, Nd2O3, Sm2O3, Y2O3 low volatile
9 Cerium CeO2 low volatile
10 Antimony Sb low volatile
11 Tellurium Te2 volatile
12 Uranium UO2, NpO2, PuO2 low volatile
10Release phenomenology
- Fission product releases 2 main steps
- Intra and inter granular diffusion,
- Saturation
- Limiting Step
- Diffusion for volatile FP
- Saturation for low and semi volatile FP
11MAAP models (1/3)
- MAAP release models
- Models based on Arrhenius law
- Kelly model, CORSOR-O, CORSOR-M
- ? Atmospheric composition is taken into account
in CORSOR-O model - Scale Factor (1 fH2) . Oxydising Factor fH2
. Reducing Factor - NUREG-0772
- ? Retention of Te in claddings taken into account
- m(t) FP mass
- m0 FP initial mass
- K(t) Release rate
12MAAP models (2/3)
- MAAP release models
- Diffusion models
- Cubicciotti model
- ?FP migration linked with fuel oxidation rate
- ORNL-Booth model
- Based on 2nd Fick law resolution
- Atmospheric composition is taken into account
- C FP concentration
- D Diffusion coefficient
13MAAP models (3/3)
- Saturation model
- FP releases are limited by the FP quantity
transported in the gas - Necessity to determine maximum concentration
thanks to saturated pressure - Modelling
- Gas is gradually charged in FP
Gas Saturation
Gas flow
Channel j
FP Concentration
14VERCORS tests benchmark with MAAP
- Main characteristics
- 3 pellets 1 cell,
- Atmosphere composition injected flow
- No activation of cladding oxidation model
Test Temperature Atmosphere
02 2150 K mixed
04 2570 K reducing
05 2570 K oxydizing
06 2620 K mixed
HT1 2900 K reducing
HT3 2680 K reducing
RT7 2890 K reducing
Fuel pellet
15MAAP / VERCORS comparison (1/3)
- Volatile Fission products Noble gas
- Total release
- Good agreement for ORNL-Booth model
16MAAP / VERCORS comparison (2/3)
- Volatile Fission products Iodine
17MAAP / VERCORS comparison (3/3)
- Low Volatile Fission products Baryum
02 04 05 06
Experiment 4 80 55 28
Corsor-O 1.7 87.7 14.1 39.6
ORNL-Booth 2.3 58 5.8 28.4
- Good agreement in reducing and mixed atmosphere
- Underestimation in oxidizing conditions
18Main improvements (1/2)
- Claddings retention
- ? Te and Sb retention in claddings for all
models - Improvement of low volatile fission product
releases in certain atmosphere conditions for
ORNL-Booth and CORSOR-O models - For instance, Ba releases improvements
02 04 05
Experiment 4 80 55
Corsor-O 1.7 87.7 14.1
Corsor-O modified 4.3 87.6 53.1
ORNL-Booth 2.3 58 5.8
ORNL-Booth modified 8.9 99.2 50
19Main improvements (2/2)
- Group Composition U, Pu, Np
- Similar behaviour of Np and U but Pu release is
order of magnitude lower - Necessity to divide U group
expérience expérience expérience calculs calculs
U Pu Np ORNLBooth Cor-O
04 ? 2 ? 0,2 6 0,021 0,063
05 ? 2 ? 0.2 lt 4 0,22 0,584
20MAAP / VERCORS comparison conclusion
- EDF/RD work on MAAP/VERCORS comparison allow
- To acquire knowledge on MAAP modelling,
- To improve models
- It leads to new recommendations concerning the
use of release models in MAAP - ORNL-Booth for volatile fission products,
- CORSOR-O with modification for low volatile
fission products
- FP release from fuel relevant issue for Safety
Studies - VERCORS a large data base linked with FP
releases and transport - From VERCORS tests analysis
- Decoupled assumptions for FP release have been
defined - MAAP models have been improved
- Necessity to have more data on recent fuel
management (MOX fuel, HBU UO2) and air ingress
situation - EDF support VERDON program as part of ISTP and
modelling program achieved by IRSN/DPAM.