Title: Kingdom Come
1Kingdom Come
- GraceQuest
- Jeremy Gwaltney
2This Year
- Theme Gospel of the Kingdom of God
- Key Question Why is the Kingdom of God good
news? - Old Testament
- What is the Kingdom supposed to be like?
- How do we know if the Kingdom has come?
- New Testament
- What is the Kingdom like now?
- When will the Kingdom come?
3Revelation 4-20
- Throne Room Rev. 4-5
- Seven Seals (Rev. 6-7)
- Seven Trumpets (Rev. 8-11)
- Seven Snapshots of Conflict (Rev. 12-14)
- Throne Room Rev. 15
- Seven Bowls Rev. 16 with them the wrath of
God is finished. - Final Reminder to the Saints Rev. 17-18
- Woman of Babylon
- Deception of the Nations
- Preview of things to come Rev. 191-10
- The Bride of Christ
- Review of the Last Battle
- The Millennium
- The Judgment Sea
4Points of Set Up
- Genesis
- In the beginning God created the heavens and the
earth And God saw everything that he had made,
and behold, it was very good. Gen. 11, 31 - Key OT Focus Isaiah 66
- .... and the time is coming to gather all
nations and tongues. And they shall come and
shall see my glory And they shall declare my
glory among the nations. And they shall bring all
your brothers from all the nations as an offering
to the LORD to my holy mountain Jerusalem, says
the LORD, just as the Israelites bring their
grain offering in a clean vessel to the house of
the LORD. Isaiah 6618-20
5Revelation 21-22
6What John Sees
- New Heaven New Earth
- Jerusalem a Bride/City
- Jerusalem a Garden City
- Then John makes some closing statements
7What John Sees
- New Heaven and New Earth
- First Earth and First Heaven pass away.
- New Heaven and New Earth are created.
- The sea is no more.
8What John Sees
- New Heaven and New Earth
- Where do we go when we die?
- Heaven but this heaven is NOT our final
destination. - 2 Cor. 5 Paul describes it like a tent, when we
are waiting for a temple. - No resurrection body Paul describes it as
feeling naked. - Difference between heaven and the New
Heaven/Earth - Is lasting
- We have our resurrection body
- Probably similar to the Garden of Eden or even
our world today just with NO CURSE of Sin. - It is again they very good of Gods creation
9What John Sees
- New Jerusalem
- Description
- As a bride
- Dwelling place of God and Man
- No tears, not death, no mourning, no crying, no
pain, all is New - Having the Glory of God
- 12 gates with the names of the tribes of Israel
- 12 foundations with the names of the apostles
- Cube 12,000 stadia (1,400 miles) on each side
- Wall 144 cubits thick
- Adorned with precious Jewels
- No Temple, No closed door, no night
- All the nations bring their glory into it!
10What John Sees
- New Jerusalem
- What is it?
- It is a picture of the lasting dwelling place of
God and Man - A symbol of the New Heaven and New Earth
- It is in contrast to the Woman of Babylon
- Named ager the city of God
- Rich Jewelry
- Hosts the righteous among the nations
- Called a Bride
- It is a picture of the people of God
- It is the Bride of Revelation 19
- Thus it is a picture of us and our inheritance in
God - A picture of the joy of being I the presence of
11What John Sees
- Garden City
- New Jerusalem and New Eden
- River of life coming out of the throne of God
- Tree of life was planted on each side of the
river - Twelve kinds of fruit
- No curse
- Worship the Lamb face to face
- God will light the entire existence
12Johns Closing Remarks
- Angel declares the prophecy faithful and true
- Tells righteous to be righteous and the evil to
be evil - Jesus promises to come and come quickly
- John warned not to seal the prophecy and not to
add to it - A call to come to Jesus
13This Year
- Theme Gospel of the Kingdom of God
- Key Question Why is the Kingdom of God good
news? - Old Testament
- What is the Kingdom supposed to be like?
- How do we know if the Kingdom has come?
- New Testament
- What is the Kingdom like now?
- When will the Kingdom come?
14This Year
- What is the Kingdom supposed to be like?
- Eden and the New Heaven/Earth
Eden New Heaven and Earth
15This Year
- What is the Kingdom supposed to be like?
- Eden and the New Heaven/Earth
Eden New Heaven and Earth
Created by God
16This Year
- What is the Kingdom supposed to be like?
- Eden and the New Heaven/Earth
Eden New Heaven and Earth
Created by God Recreated by God
17This Year
- What is the Kingdom supposed to be like?
- Eden and the New Heaven/Earth
Eden New Heaven and Earth
Created by God Recreated by God
The whole garden was a Temple
18This Year
- What is the Kingdom supposed to be like?
- Eden and the New Heaven/Earth
Eden New Heaven and Earth
Created by God Recreated by God
The whole garden was a Temple There is no Temple because God dwells with man
19This Year
- What is the Kingdom supposed to be like?
- Eden and the New Heaven/Earth
Eden New Heaven and Earth
Created by God Recreated by God
The whole garden was a Temple There is no Temple because God dwells with man
Ruled by the first born
20This Year
- What is the Kingdom supposed to be like?
- Eden and the New Heaven/Earth
Eden New Heaven and Earth
Created by God Recreated by God
The whole garden was a Temple There is no Temple because God dwells with man
Ruled by the first born Ruled by the Son of God
21This Year
- What is the Kingdom supposed to be like?
- Eden and the New Heaven/Earth
Eden New Heaven and Earth
Created by God Recreated by God
The whole garden was a Temple There is no Temple because God dwells with man
Ruled by the first born Ruled by the Son of God
No curse
22This Year
- What is the Kingdom supposed to be like?
- Eden and the New Heaven/Earth
Eden New Heaven and Earth
Created by God Recreated by God
The whole garden was a Temple There is no Temple because God dwells with man
Ruled by the first born Ruled by the Son of God
No curse No curse
23This Year
- How do we know if the Kingdom has come?
Old Testament Jesus Fulfillment
24This Year
- How do we know if the Kingdom has come?
Old Testament Jesus Fulfillment
A King who will crush the Serpent
25This Year
- How do we know if the Kingdom has come?
Old Testament Jesus Fulfillment
A King who will crush the Serpent Jesus defeats the Serpent Rev. 12, 20
26This Year
- How do we know if the Kingdom has come?
Old Testament Jesus Fulfillment
A King who will crush the Serpent Jesus defeats the Serpent Rev. 12, 20
A King who will bless all nations
27This Year
- How do we know if the Kingdom has come?
Old Testament Jesus Fulfillment
A King who will crush the Serpent Jesus defeats the Serpent Rev. 12, 20
A King who will bless all nations Jesus is the Lamb who saves all nations Rev. 4-5
28This Year
- How do we know if the Kingdom has come?
Old Testament Jesus Fulfillment
A King who will crush the Serpent Jesus defeats the Serpent Rev. 12, 20
A King who will bless all nations Jesus is the Lamb who saves all nations Rev. 4-5
A King who is of the Tribe of Judah
29This Year
- How do we know if the Kingdom has come?
Old Testament Jesus Fulfillment
A King who will crush the Serpent Jesus defeats the Serpent Rev. 12, 20
A King who will bless all nations Jesus is the Lamb who saves all nations Rev. 4-5
A King who is of the Tribe of Judah Jesus is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah Rev. 5, 7
30This Year
- How do we know if the Kingdom has come?
Old Testament Jesus Fulfillment
A King who will crush the Serpent Jesus defeats the Serpent Rev. 12, 20
A King who will bless all nations Jesus is the Lamb who saves all nations Rev. 4-5
A King who is of the Tribe of Judah Jesus is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah Rev. 5, 7
A King who will build a house
31This Year
- How do we know if the Kingdom has come?
Old Testament Jesus Fulfillment
A King who will crush the Serpent Jesus defeats the Serpent Rev. 12, 20
A King who will bless all nations Jesus is the Lamb who saves all nations Rev. 4-5
A King who is of the Tribe of Judah Jesus is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah Rev. 5, 7
A King who will build a house Jesus builds the New Jerusalem Rev. 21-22
32This Year
- How do we know if the Kingdom has come?
Old Testament Jesus Fulfillment
A King who will crush the Serpent Jesus defeats the Serpent Rev. 12, 20
A King who will bless all nations Jesus is the Lamb who saves all nations Rev. 4-5
A King who is of the Tribe of Judah Jesus is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah Rev. 5, 7
A King who will build a house Jesus builds the New Jerusalem Rev. 21-22
A King who is the Son of God
33This Year
- How do we know if the Kingdom has come?
Old Testament Jesus Fulfillment
A King who will crush the Serpent Jesus defeats the Serpent Rev. 12, 20
A King who will bless all nations Jesus is the Lamb who saves all nations Rev. 4-5
A King who is of the Tribe of Judah Jesus is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah Rev. 5, 7
A King who will build a house Jesus builds the New Jerusalem Rev. 21-22
A King who is the Son of God Jesus is the Son of God Rev. 217
34This Year
- How do we know if the Kingdom has come?
Old Testament Jesus Fulfillment
A King who will crush the Serpent Jesus defeats the Serpent Rev. 12, 20
A King who will bless all nations Jesus is the Lamb who saves all nations Rev. 4-5
A King who is of the Tribe of Judah Jesus is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah Rev. 5, 7
A King who will build a house Jesus builds the New Jerusalem Rev. 21-22
A King who is the Son of God Jesus is the Son of God Rev. 217
A King who will sit on Davids throne forever
35This Year
- How do we know if the Kingdom has come?
Old Testament Jesus Fulfillment
A King who will crush the Serpent Jesus defeats the Serpent Rev. 12, 20
A King who will bless all nations Jesus is the Lamb who saves all nations Rev. 4-5
A King who is of the Tribe of Judah Jesus is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah Rev. 5, 7
A King who will build a house Jesus builds the New Jerusalem Rev. 21-22
A King who is the Son of God Jesus is the Son of God Rev. 217
A King who will sit on Davids throne forever Jesus is the Root of David who sits on the throne of heaven Rev. 16
36This Year
- What is the Kingdom like now?
- It is already, but not yet
- Two witnesses and the Temple
37This Year
- When will the Kingdom come?
- When Jesus puts all things under His Rule
- All nations are reached with the Gospel
- All unrighteous nations are crushed by the Son
- All the Martyrs have died for their witness
38This Year
- Key Question Why is the Kingdom of God good
news? - And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying,
"Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man.
He will dwell with them, and they will be his
people, and God himself will be with them as
their God. He will wipe away every tear from
their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither
shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain
anymore, for the former things have passed away
The one who conquers will have this heritage, and
I will be his God and he will be my son. Rev.
39Final Statement
- The Spirit and the Bride say, "Come." And let the
one who hears say, "Come." And let the one who is
thirsty come let the one who desires take the
water of life without price. Revelation 2217
40Kingdom Come
- GraceQuest
- Jeremy Gwaltney