MADOG WEBQUEST - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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MADOG WEBQUEST Fact or Fiction ? Introduction Process Task One Task Two Task Three Resources Evaluation Conclusion MADOG WEBQUEST Fact or Fiction ? – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • Fact or Fiction ?

Welcome to the Madog Webquest . As you complete
it you will decide whether the story of Madog is
a a fact or a myth. Research all the evidence
before you make your final decision. Remember as
long as you can justify your opinion it cannot be
wrong just back it up with evidence.
Introduction Process Task1 Task2 Task3 Resources E
valuation Conclusion
Work with a partner to complete this webquest.
Share out the work so you can complete it in the
time allocated. Come together at regular
intervals to share your work and discuss
progress. Remember you will be presenting your
work to children keep it child friendly. Look at
resources and the evaluation criteria before you
Introduction Process Task1 Task2 Task3 Resources E
valuation Conclusion
Task One
Introduction Process Task1 Task2 Task3 Resources E
valuation Conclusion
Draw a series of maps to display the main places
mentioned in the legend of Madog. Display your
maps in an interesting way , illustrate and label
them to help children understand the locations
and countries involved
Task Two
Introduction Process Task1 Task2 Task3 Resources E
valuation Conclusion
Make a list of what you can find in the story
that makes you believe this story is true. Can
you list evidence that makes you think it is a
myth. Write a short play about the first meeting
between the Welsh and the Mandans
Task Three
Introduction Process Task1 Task2 Task3 Resources E
valuation Conclusion
Gather all your thoughts together and decide
whether you think the story is true or just a
myth. Now create either a Newspaper Report or an
Enhanced Podcast (use the Apple Computers for
podcasting) explaining your points of view.
Remember your audience because you will need your
work understood in the debate you will take part
in when the whole class have completed the tasks.
Madog Story
Introduction Process Task1 Task2 Task3 Resources E
valuation Conclusion
Commemorative Plaque
Prince Madog
Mandan Indians
New World Celts
Madog 1170
Discover America
Madog Discovery
Madog never existed!
Christopher Columbus
Myth or Legend
Introduction Process Task1 Task2 Task3 Resources E
valuation Conclusion
Introduction Process Task1 Task2 Task3 Resources E
valuation Conclusion
Beginning Developing Extending
Task One Basic map produced with the main towns and countries detailed. Maps displayed More detailed map produced that also diplays Madogs sea journey. Maps produced in a scale that makes them easy to read Exstensive series of maps produced that are well illustrated and contain much appropriate information. Maps can be displayed digitally.
Task Two A short list of evidence produced unclear between fact and fiction. A basic attempt at aplay script produced Clear understanding between fact and fiction. A well developed script that outlines well the first meeting An excellent analasys of the facts with two exstensive lists produced that shows clear understanding. Excellent play produced and performed
Task Three Basic report produced that contains major facts from the story but makes no conclusions. A well researched newspaper article with a clear view point expressed.Or a basic Podcast produced which contains the basic facts of the story Enhanced Podcast produced with aclear understandable commentry with sound effects and synchronised onto the I-Touches
Introduction Process Task1 Task2 Task3 Resources E
valuation Conclusion
You are now an expert on the story of Madog and
you can be pleased with your efforts in
completing the Webquest. Have a talk with your
partner and discuss how well you worked together.
What would you do the same and what would you
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