Cloning: Dolly and beyond - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Cloning: Dolly and beyond


Plant Cloning Culture: a tissue culture enables planet growers and scientist to make many copies of a plant with desirable traits. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Cloning: Dolly and beyond

Cloning Dolly and beyond
  • Cloning is a type of asexual reproduction
    performed in a laboratory that produces identical
    individuals from a cell or from a cluster of
    cells taken from a multicellular organism.

What was Dolly?
  • In 1997 Dolly the sheep became the first
    vertebrate cloned from the cell of an adult
    animal. Not only was this a remarkable
    scientific breakthrough but it immediately gained
    interest and concern from around the world on the
    future of cloning technology as it would effect

Topics of Discussion
  • What is cloning?
  • Methods of cloning
  • Dolly in detail
  • Dollys probability
  • Todays legality
  • The future of cloning
  • Ethical final questions

What is cloning?
  • Reproductive cloning- The entire animal is
    produced from a single cell by asexual
    reproduction. This would allow for the creation
    of a human being who is genetically identical to
  • Therapeutic cloning- Broader use of the term
    cloning. Does not create a new genetically
    identical individual. Research includes therapy
    for human mitochondria disease and others that
    could replace damaged or diseased tissues without
    the risk of rejecting anothers tissue. Could
    create new skin tissue for burn patients.

Other types of cloning
  • Multiple copies of genes or gene fragments,
    repeating nucleotide sequences
  • Single cell organisms, like bacteria and fungi.
    This includes fermentation processes for
    production of bread, beer, and wine.
  • Entire plant asexual replication
  • Natural cloning occurs in sexual reproduction,
    when the embryo splits in two to produce twins.

Plant Cloning
  • Culture a tissue culture enables planet growers
    and scientist to make many copies of a plant with
    desirable traits.
  • Tissue culture also enables plant growers to
    reproduce plants that might have become infected
    with disease
  • A plant becomes infected with a disease, can be
    cloned using meristern (non-infected) cells.

Methods of cloning
  • Embryo splitting- Artificially splitting a
    single embryo at a very early stage of
    development. In the natural process this would
    create twins. However, because this is done at an
    early stage and there are usually less than eight
    cells you can only make a few clones. Both the
    nuclear genes and mitochondria genes would be

Methods of cloning
  • Nuclear replacement- Genetic material (nucleus
    from embryonic, fetal, or adult cell) is removed
    and placed into an unfertilized egg or embryo,
    whose nucleus has been removed. In this case the
    nuclear genes remain the same but the
    mitochondria DNA would be different. This has
    the potential to create the clone of an adult
    organism as well as many clones at once.

(No Transcript)
Dolly in detail
  • Dolly was cloned using the nuclear replacement
    method. Again the nucleus with chromosome sets
    is fused with an unfertilized egg whose nucleus
    has been removed.
  • Motivating factor was that it could help to
    improve certain qualities in livestock.
  • Dolly was not the first sheep to be created from
    nuclear replacement. Two genetically identical
    sheep, Megan and Morag were born in 1996 using
    the technique. The difference was that Dolly was
    derived from an adult sheep, and Megan and Morag
    were from a sheep embryo.

Dollys probability
  • Cells taken from a six-year-old Finnish Dorset
    ewe and cultured in a lab.
  • 277 cells then fused with 277 unfertilized eggs
    (each with the nucleus removed)
  • 29 viable reconstructed eggs survived and were
    implanted in surrogate Blackface ewes.
  • 1 gave birth to Dolly
  • 0.361 chance at onset, 3.4482 once implanted.
    In nature between 33-50 of fertilized eggs

Todays Legality
  • In Great Britain, clones are allowed to be made
    and born. Cloning does require a license, and
    scientists must follow strict guidelines.
  • 1990 Human Fertilization and Embryology Act
    allows research on embryos for up to fourteen
  • Most laws state that any embryo that has been
    researched upon cannot be then placed into a

Todays Legality
  • 1997 House bill prohibited use of federal money
    for experimentation with cell transfer technology
    to produce an embryo that is a human clone.
    Federal rules prohibit federal funding for embryo
    research. The bill allowed for continuation of
    federal research on plant and animal cloning. It
    did not affect research at biotech companies or
    academic institutions, which don't receive
    federal funding.

The future of cloning
  • Research could give insight to origins of cancer
    and other cellular processes such as aging.
  • Techniques could be used with nerve cells that do
    not regularly reproduce. Could possibly help
    Alzheimer or Parkinsons sufferers.
  • Nuclear replacement could help those with
    diseases that are inherited from mitochondria.
    The nucleus is removed from the diseased cell and
    placed into one with healthy mitochondria.

Ethical final questions
  • Are human clones individuals?
  • Do clones have parents? Who are they? The cell
    donor? Nucleus donor? Surrogate?
  • How old is a clone? Go by age of DNA or age of
  • Do the benefits of cloning outweigh possible
    number of trials (possibly failed ones) that
    would have to occur with human embryos?
  • Is it ok to clone for outstanding individuals
    physically or mentally? For experiments?
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