2Bioengineering is Diverse!
- Each bioengineer only knows a tiny fraction of
the entire field
3What is Bioengineering?
- Any Area of Biology
- Mixed with
- Any Area of Engineering
- In
- Any Proportion
- Want to understand organisms and living systems
- Discover underlying mechanisms that govern how
organisms work - The knowledge is then used to develop or improve
medical, industrial or agricultural processes. - Comfortable with uncertainty
- See a problem and want to come up with a
practical solution - Apply mathematics and scientific knowledge
- Want precision and reproducibility
- Consider technical and economic constraints
6- Bioengineering applies engineering methods and
techniques to problems in biology and medicine.
Tissue Engineering Neural Implants DNA Expression
Pumps Pacemakers Prosthetics
7Biomechanics and Rehabilitation
- Artificial limbs
- Replacement joints
- Cochlear implants
- Pacemakers for heartbeat regulation
8Cochlear Prostheses
9All imaging and diagnostic techniques
- Help with medical diagnosis
- Assist in research for better cures
- EKG machines
- Ultrasound imaging
10MRI and Functional MRI
UIUC MRI researchers Profs. Sutton (BioE), Liang
11Ultrasound Imaging and Bioeffects
UIUC Ultrasonics Led by Profs. Insana, OBrien,
Oelze, Frizzell
GE Medical Systems
High resolution ultrasonic imaging of liver with
a microprobe
12What kind of scientists are involved with
Magnetic Resonance Imaging?
- Electrical Engineers electromagnetics
- Computer Engineers/Scientists computation
- Physiologists biological function
- Chemists new imaging agents
- Psychologists mental function
- Physicians medical implications
13Cell and Tissue Engineering
- Cell and Tissue Engineering allows us to repair
or replace the function of natural tissue with
bioengineered substitutes. - Principles of engineering, chemistry, and biology
are combined to create tissue substitutes from
living cells and synthetic materials.
Tissue Engineered Skin
New Companies Advanced Tissue Sciences,
Inc. Organogenesis
14The Potential Promise of Tissue Engineering
- To repair or replace damaged organs
- Origins in the late 1980s
- Rapid advances in stem cell biology
- The tissue engineer needs to
- manipulate,
- produce, and
- deliver
- collections of cells as building blocks of tissues
15A Wide Spectrum of Knowledge is Required for
Tissue Engineering
- Basic biological sciences
- Cell biology and histology
- Physiology
- Embryology
- Wound healing
- Clinical aspects
- Surgery and transplantation
- Immunology
- Pathology
- radiology
- Biotechnologies
- Cell culture
- Cell separation
- Gene transfer
- Engineering fundamentals
- Fluid dynamics
- Transport phenomena
- Materials science
- Mechanics
- Chemical kinetics
16Participants in Tissue Engineering
- Bioengineers
- Materials scientists
- Cell and molecular biologists
- Immunologists
- Policy makers and ethicists
- Chemical engineers
- Surgeons
17Neural Engineering
- Neural Engineers use modeling and analysis to
understand and control the nervous system. - Advances in neuroscience and microfabrication
have opened the doors to exciting applications in
neuroprosthetics, biosensors and hybrid
Fluorescent Stained Myocyte
Microfabrication Surface
18Designing Networks of Neurons in a Petri Dish
Ideal Neuronal Networks
Real Networks of Nerve Cells in Culture on
Patterned Substrates
Prof. Wheeler, UIUC Prof. Brewer, SIU Med
School, Springfield
- Mimicking biological systems to create new
20Modeling Channels Through Cell Membranes
andProtein / Surface Interactions
Understanding Molecular Structure by Applying
Engineering Principles
Biomolecular Modeling
Computer Image of a DNA Binding Protein
21Bioinformatics and Genomics
- Bioinformatics computer science biomedicine
- Discover genetic basis for disease (cancer,
diabetes) - Develop new diagnostic devices (cDNA chip)
cDNA Array
22Genetic Engineering
- Animals
- To produce a high-value therapeutic protein
- Pharm animals
- Plants-GMOs
- Improve plant yields
- Grow plants with higher nutrient value
- Plants with vaccines incorporated
- Pharmaceutical products
- Manipulate cells genetically
- Produce large quantities of vaccine, insulin,
other useful proteins for medicine
23Bioengineers make use of all of these fields
- Biology
- Medicine
- Materials Science
- Electrical Engineering
- Computer Science
- Computer Engineering
- Physics
- Chemical Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Nuclear Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Agricultural Engineering
24How is Biotechnology different from
- Biotechnology the branch of molecular biology
that studies the use of microorganisms to perform
specific industrial processes - Biotechnology is involved in research such as the
study of stem cell genetics, biological factors,
receptors on the stem cells and stem cell
physiology etc.
25History of Biotechnology
26Biotechnology in B.C.
- 500 BC The Chinese use moldy curds as an
antibiotic to treat boils - 250 BC The Greeks practice crop rotation to
increase soil fertility - 100 BC Chinese use powdered chrysanthemum as an
27Pre-20th Century Biotechnology
- 1590 Janssen invents the microscope
- 1663 Hooke discovers cells
- 1675 Leeuwenhoek discovers bacteria and protozoa
- 1797 Jenner inoculates a child with a viral
vaccine to protect him from smallpox - 1802 1st time the term biology is used
28Pre-20th Century Biotechnology
- 1830 Proteins, the building blocks of cells,
are discovered - 1833 The nucleus of the cell is discovered
- 1855 The E. coli bacterium is discovered
- 1855 Pasteur works with yeast, eventually
proving they are living organisms - 1863 Mendel discovers genes while working with
peas. He lays the groundwork for genetics.
29Pre-20th Century Biotechnology
- 1879 Flemming discovers chromatins
- 1883 The rabies vaccine is developed
- 1888 Waldyer discovers the chromosome
30Biotechnology In The First Part Of The 20th
- 1902 The term "immunology" first used
- 1906 The term "genetics" is used
- 1915 Bacterial viruses, called phages, are
discovered - 1919 The word "biotechnology" is first used
- 1927 Muller discovers that X-rays cause
mutation - 1928 Fleming discovers penicillin
- 1938 The term "molecular biology" is used
- 1941 The term "genetic engineering" is first used
31Biotechnology In The First Part Of The 20th
- 1942 The electron microscope is used and
characterizes viruses that infect bacteria,
called bacteriaphages - 1944 DNA is shown to be the building block of
the gene - 1949 Pauling proves that sickle cell anemia is a
"molecular disease" caused by a mutation
32Biotechnology in the1950s and 1960s
- 1953 Watson and Crick understand the structure
of DNA - 1954 Cell-culturing techniques are first used
- 1955 An enzyme involved in the production of a
nucleic acid is isolated - 1956 The fermentation process is perfected
- 1960 Messenger RNA is discovered
- 1961 The genetic code is understood
33Biotechnology in the 1970s
- 1972 The DNA composition of humans is shown to
be 99 similar to that of chimps and gorillas - 1977 Genetically-engineered bacteria are used to
make human growth protein - 1978 North Carolina scientists, Hutchinson and
Edgell, prove it is possible to introduce
specific mutations at specific sites in a DNA
molecule - 1979 The first monoclonal antibodies are
34Biotechnology in the 1980s
- 1980 The U.S. Supreme Court approves the
patenting of genetically-engineered life forms - 1980 The U.S. patent for gene cloning is awarded
to Boyer and Cohen. - 1981 The North Carolina Biotechnology Center is
createdthe 1st state-sponsored research center
for biotechnology - 1981 The first genetically-engineered plant is
reported - 1981 1st mice to be successfully cloned
- 1982 Humulin, human insulin drug, produced by
genetically-engineered bacteria (first biotech
drug approved by the FDA)
35Biotechnology in the 1980s
- 1983 The first artificial chromosome is made
- 1983 The first genetic markers for specific
inherited diseases are found - 1984 The DNA fingerprinting technique is
developed. - 1984 The first genetically-engineered vaccine is
developed.1986 The first biotech-derived
interferon drugs for the treatment of cancer are
synthesized - 1988 Congress funds the Human Genome Project
- 1989 Microorganisms are used to clean up the
Exxon Valdez oil spill
36Biotechnology in the 1990s
- 1990 The first federally-approved gene therapy
treatment is performed successfully - 1992 The structure of HIV RT is elucidated
- 1993The FDA declares that genetically engineered
foods are "not inherently dangerous" - 1994 The first breast cancer gene is discovered
- 1996 Scientists clone identical lambs from early
embryonic sheep
37Biotechnology in the 1990s
- 1998 Scientists clone three generations of mice
from nuclei of adult ovarian cells - 1998 Embryonic stem cells are used to regenerate
tissue and create disorders that mimic diseases - 1998 The Biotechnology Institute is founded by
BIO as an independent, national, 501(c)(3)
education organization - 1999 The genetic code of the human chromosome is
38Biotechnology 2000 and Beyond
- 2000 A rough draft of the human genome is
completed - 2000 Pigs are the next animal cloned by
researchers to help produce organs for human
transplant - 2001 The sequence of the human genome is
published in Science and Nature - 2002 Scientists complete the sequence of the
pathogen of rice, a fungus that ruins enough rice
to feed 60 million people annually - 2003 Dolly, the cloned sheep from 1997, is
- http//www.biotechinstitute.org