Hierarchical Routing Scheme - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Hierarchical Routing Scheme


Hierarchical Routing Scheme Presented By: Raquel Whittlesey-Harris 5/1/03 – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Hierarchical Routing Scheme

Hierarchical Routing Scheme
  • Presented By Raquel Whittlesey-Harris
  • 5/1/03

  • Partial Routing Schemes An Introduction
  • Hierarchical Scheme An Overview
  • Regional Routing Schemes
  • The Hierarchical Scheme

Partial Routing Schemes
  • Partial Routing Scheme
  • Guaranteed to perform its task only for a
    restricted subset of sender-destination pairs and
    is allowed to fail for certain other pairs.
  • Main Complication
  • Handling of unknown destinations
  • Needs to be accomplished efficiently
  • Permit the employment of flexible and dynamic
    Trial and Error routing schemes

Partial Routing Schemes
  • Header functions are also utilized
  • If the attempt fails, an alternative partial
    routing scheme with a different header and port
    is attempted
  • ITR (Interval Tree Routing) scheme is used as the
    basic component
  • Spans only a partial subnetwork, G
  • Changes to protocol,
  • Permit the case that none of the 4 possible
    choices for forwarding are applicable at a given
  • Routing Failure
  • Message is returned to sender with message
    complexity O(kRad(G))

Hierarchical Scheme - Overview
  • A Hierarchy is constructed of Tree Covers
  • Each Level of the hierarchy, each tree of the
    cover has its own ITR routing mechanism
  • Routing to and from the ROOT
  • Memory is reduced
  • Each cluster needs only know of its spanning
  • Communication Cost is increased
  • May not take shortest paths
  • The two will be reduced by a proper choice of
    Tree Cover (i.e., balanced tree cover)

Regional Routing Schemes
  • ITR is used to route Messages in a subgraph, G.
  • Tree Covers are used to form Regions
  • Each level of the hierarchy constitutes a
    regional (C,?)-routing scheme
  • Definition 26.2.1 Regional (C,?)-routing
    scheme A regional (C,?)-routing scheme is a
    scheme with the following properties,
  • For every two processors u,v, if dist(u,v) ? ?,
    then the scheme succeeds in delivering messages
    from u to v. Otherwise, the routing might end in
    failure, in which case the message is returned to
  • In either case, the communication cost of the
    entire process is at most C.

Regional Routing Schemes
  • Data Structures
  • Given a ?-tree cover, TC,
  • Each tree, T, is assigned a distinct label,
  • An ITR component, ITR(T) is set up on each tree,
  • Each vertex, v has home tree, Home(v) in TC
    containing its entire ?-neigborhood
  • The routing label for v will be the pair,
    (Label(T),IntT(v)), where Label(T) is the label
    of the home tree, and IntT(v) is the vs routing
    label in ITR(T).
  • v stores routing information for each ITR(T)
    component v participates in (overlap)
  • Routing tables are stored by tree id so the next
    step can be determined in logarithmic time

Regional Routing Schemes
  • Forwarding Protocol
  • For u to route a message to v
  • u examines whether it belongs to the tree T
  • If it does, it sends the message to v using the
    ITR(T) component
  • If not, it immediately detects an unknown
    destination failure and terminates the routing
  • Lemma 26.2.2 For every n-vertex weighted graph G
    (V,E,?) and ?-tree-cover TC for G, the scheme
    RSTC described above is a regional (C,?)-routing
    scheme with CO(Depth(TC)) and can be implemented
    using O(Overlap(TC)?TC(TC)log n) memory bits
    per vertex
  • Suppose dist(u,v) ? ?, v ? ??(u), T Home(u) ?
    ??(u) ? V(T), so v ? T and by Lemma 26.1.1, the
    tree routing on T will succeed in passing the
    message from v to u, and
  • The routing path is a length at most O(Depth(TC))
  • By Lemma 26.1.1, each vertex v belongs to no more
    than Overlap(TC) trees in TC, and its degree in
    each tree ? ?TC(TC)

Regional Routing Schemes
  • Corollary 26.2.3 For every graph G and integers
    k, ? ? 1, there exists a regional
    (O(k2?),?)-routing scheme RSk,p using
    O(kn1/klog n) memory bits per vertex
  • Theorem 15.5.3 Balanced Tree Cover Theorem
    For every weighted graph G(V,E,?), V n and
    integers k, ??1, it is possible to construct a
    (virtual)?-tree cover TCTCk,? for G with
    Depth(TC)?(2k-1)2?, Overlap(TC)? ?2kn1/k? and
    ?TC(TC) ?2n1/k
  • is used to construct a tree cover TCk,?with
    Depth(TC) O(k2?), ?TC(TC)O(n1/k) and
  • We get a regional (O(k2?),?)-routing scheme,
    RSk,? using O(kn2/klog n) bits per vertex,
  • Substituting k2k, we get the above bound with a
    dilation multiplied by 4

Hierarchical Routing Scheme
  • Definition 26.2.4 Tree Cover Hierarchy A
    hierarchical DR-family of tree covers is a family
    of ?i-tree covers TCi, where?i 2i for 1 ? i ?
    ?, with the property that there exists a bound DR
    such that Depth(TCi)O(DR?i)
  • Data Structures
  • For every i, 1 ? i ? ?,
  • Construct a regional (O(DR?i),?i)-routing scheme
    Ri RSTC
  • Each processor, v, participates in all ? regional
    routing schemes Ri,
  • v has homei(v) in each Ri and Labeli(v) in each
    level i
  • The complete routing label of v is

Regional Routing Scheme
  • Routing Graph

Regional Routing Scheme
Regional Routing Scheme
  • Routing Tree

Hierarchical Routing Scheme
  • Forwarding Protocol
  • u wishing to send a message to v
  • u identifies the lowest-level regional scheme R,
    that can be used for this routing operation
  • u sends the message to v on the ITR(homei(v))
    component of the regional scheme Ri
  • Lemma 26.2.5 The hierarchical routing scheme RS
    has Dilation(RS)O(DR)
  • Suppose u needs to send a message to v and d
    dist(u,v) and j ?log d? (i.e, 2j-1 lt d ? 2j)
  • u looks for the lowest level, i, on which it
    belongs to home(v)
  • By Lemma 26.2.2, u belongs to homej(v) and Rj is
    applicable if no previous level was.
  • By Lemma 26.2.2,

Hierarchical Routing Scheme
  • Theorem 26.2.6 For every n-vertex weighted graph
    G(V,E,?) with a hierarchical DR-family of tree
    covers TCi,it is possible to construct (in
    polynomial time) a hierarchical routing scheme RS
    with Dilation(RS)O(DR) using Mem(RS)

    memory bits
  • By constructing the ? regional schemes Ri as
    above, the memory requirements of the
    hierarchical scheme are composed of ? terms
    bounded as in Lemma 26.2.2
  • Corollary 26.2.7 For every n-vertex weighted
    graph G(V,E,?) and fixed integer k?1 it is
    possible to construct (in polynomial time) a
    hierarchical routing scheme RSk with
    Dilation(RSk)O(k2) using Mem(RSk) O(kn1/klog
    n?) memory bits per vertex
  • Using Corollary 26.2.3 to construct the routing
    scheme containing ?tree covers having DRO(k2)
    and memory requirements O(kn1/klog n) each.

Hierarchical Routing Scheme
  • Routing Graph

Hierarchical Routing Scheme
  • Routing Tree
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