Topology Aggregation and Routing in Bandwidth-Delay Sensitive Networks - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Topology Aggregation and Routing in Bandwidth-Delay Sensitive Networks


Topology Aggregation and Routing in Bandwidth-Delay Sensitive Networks King-Shan Lui, Klara Nahrstedt Department of Computer Science UIUC – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Topology Aggregation and Routing in Bandwidth-Delay Sensitive Networks

Topology Aggregation and Routing in
Bandwidth-Delay Sensitive Networks
  • King-Shan Lui, Klara Nahrstedt
  • Department of Computer Science
  • UIUC

Flow of the presentation
  • Introduction
  • Network Models
  • QoS-Aware Topology Aggregation
  • Line-Segment Routing Algorithm
  • Simulation Results

  • As the network grows larger and larger, it is
    impossible to broadcast the whole topology to
    every node in the network to do routing because
    it takes an enormous amount of bandwidth, time
    and space.
  • To deal with the scalability problem, topology
    aggregation is done.
  • Nodes are grouped hierarchically into several
    clusters known as peer groups or domains.
  • The internal topologies of these domains are
    aggregated before broadcasting.

  • All aggregation schemes suffer from different
    degrees of distortion.
  • There are several ways to do aggregation with
    bounded distortion when there is only one metric
    under consideration.
  • It is very difficult to do aggregation with
    bounded distortion when 2 or more parameters are
    under consideration.
  • If there are several paths between source and
    target, how does one pick up the best QoS pair?
  • This paper proposes an algorithm for topology
    aggregation that aggregates a peer group with 2
    metrics, delay and bandwidth with corresponding
    QoS routing protocol.

Network Models
  • The whole network is divided into disjoint peer
  • A peer group(PG) is a set of nodes connected by
  • The network and the domains are represented by
    directed graphs and the links can be asymmetric.
  • Nodes within a PG can see each other but nodes
    outside only have an aggregated view.
  • Within a PG, some nodes connect to nodes outside
    the PG. These are the border nodes.

  • One representative topology is the star.
  • Border nodes connect via virtual links called
    spokes to a virtual nucleus generating a
    symmetric star.
  • Each link has associated set of QoS parameters.
  • A limited no. of inter-border links called
    bypasses are allowed.
  • Formally a PG is modeled as a tuple (V,B,E)
  • V set of nodes
  • B ( B is a subset of V) set of border nodes
  • E set of directed (physical)links among nodes
  • V
  • (D,W) QoS parameter of each physical link
  • (D-delay, W-bandwidth)

  • Each pair (D,W) represents a single point on the
    delay-bandwidth plane.
  • The delay of a path is the sum of all the delays
    of the physical links along that path.
  • The bandwidth of a path is the minimum of the
    bandwidths among all the links.
  • The parameter of a physical path is also a point
    on the delay-bandwidth plane.
  • Hence if there are m physical paths between 2
    border nodes, there will be m points on the
    delay-bandwidth plane of the logical link between
    the 2 border nodes.

  • A network consists of PGs and links that connect
    them. Denoted as (G,L)
  • Ggigi (Vi,Bi,Ei), 1lt i ltG
  • L set of links between the PGs.

QoS-Aware Topology Aggregation
  • The basic principle is instead of using m points
    per logical link on the delay-bandwidth plane, a
    line segment to approximate the m points is used,
    thereby strongly decreasing the storage space for
    the QoS parameters.
  • 2 phases in the algorithm
  • 1. Find a line segment for each logical link in
    the mesh of the border nodes.
  • 2. Find a star with bypasses aggregation from
    this mesh.

  • The parameter of a logical link is the best QoS
    parameter among all the physical links between
    the 2 nodes of the logical link.
  • If we have 2 metrics per link, there exists no
    absolute order, however a partial order can be
  • Definition
  • A point (x,y) is more representative than a
    point (x,y) if they are not the same and xltx
    and ygty. Given a set (S) of points in the
    delay-bandwidth plane, (x,y) ? S is a
    representative of S if there does not exist
    another point (x,y) ? S which is more
    representative than (x,y), which means that
    ?(x,y) ? S, x lt x or y gty.

  • Example 1
  • Let S be a set of delay-bandwidth QoS pairs and
    S(4,5),(7,9),(10,8),(9,5),(2,3),(7,7). (2,3)
    is a representative of S since its delay is less
    than all other pts in S. Another representative
    is (7,9).
  • We can plot all points on a delay-bandwidth

  • Due to the storage limitation on routers, it is
    too expensive to store all the points for every
    logical link.
  • Store only one point per logical link.
  • However no matter which point we pick, much
    information is lost.
  • To solve this, a line segment that approximates
    the staircase (all the points) is found by using
    the least square method.
  • The shaded area defines the region of supported
    services, i.e. any request that falls inside this
    area can be supported by some physical path.
  • After a line segment is found, all connections
    which fall under the line segment can be
  • However not all these connections are supported.

  • For e.g. If L1 is chosen then un shaded areas
    below L1 represent connection requests that are
    accepted but not supported by any physical path
    i.e. crankback will occur.
  • On the other hand, we may reject supported QoS by
    using a line segment. For e.g. If the connection
    request is in the shaded area above the line it
    will be rejected even though it can be served.
  • Choice of line segment therefore depends on the
    desired quality of service.
  • In the figure both L1 and L2 are possible line
    segments. L2 will reject more supported
    connection request than L1and L1 will have more
    crankbacks than L2.
  • A line is represented as (a,b),(c,d). The
    endpoint with smaller bandwidth is lower endpoint
    and the other endpoint is the upper endpoint. So
    a line is represented as lower endpoint, upper

  • A mesh that consists of b(b-1) logical links is
    still to expensive to be broadcasted.
  • Aggregate this mesh into a star with bypasses.
  • Let i and j be two border nodes and n be the
    nucleus of the star. If there is no bypass
    between i and j, the only path from i to j is
    i-gtn-gtj in the star.
  • The goal of the aggregation is to find out the
    QoS parameters of the links i-gtn and n-gtj such
    that the delay and the bandwidth of i-gtn-gtj in
    the star is the same as the delay and bandwidth
    of i-gtj in the mesh.
  • We have to split a single link i-gtj in the mesh
    into two links i-gtn and n-gtj in the star.

  • join operation () to find the QoS parameters of
    i-gtn-gtj given i-gtn and n-gtj is used.
  • Definition
  • (a,b),(c,d) (a,b),(c,d)
    (aa,min(b,b)), (cc,min(d,d))
  • Now find spokes and bypasses 3 steps
  • Find the spokes from border nodes to nucleus.
  • Find the spokes from nucleus to border nodes .
  • Find the bypasses between border nodes.
  • Denotation lmij line segment from i to j in
  • lsij - line segment from i to j in star.

  • Spokes incoming to the nucleus
  • To find spokes we have to break line segments in
    the mesh.
  • From the definition of join, it is clear that the
    endpoint delays of the spokes lsin and lsnj
    should be smaller than those in lmij while the
    endpoint bandwidths should not be smaller than
    those in lmij.
  • Let l.lp and l.up denote the lower and upper
    endpoint of a line segment l.
  • Let p.d and p.w denote the delay and bandwidth of
    a given point p.
  • lsin (min_ld,max_lw),(min_ud,max_uw)
  • where min_ldmin j ? B, i! jlmij,lp.d,min_ud
    min j ?B , i! jlmij,up.d, min_lwmin j ? B,
    i! jlmij,lp.w,min_uw minj ? B , i!
  • O(b) is time taken to find one spoke to the
    nucleus. There are b spokes incoming to n. Total
    time to find all spokes to n is O(b2).

  • Example 2
  • Suppose the line segments from node 0 to nodes 1
    and 2 are (9,4) ,(19,6) and (3,7),(3,7)
  • min_ldmin_ud3, and max_lwmax_uw7. Therefore
    the line segment from 0 to n is(3,7),(3,7).

  • Spokes outgoing from the nucleus
  • Upto this point we know mesh (M) and spokes from
    borders to nucleus (Sb-gtn).
  • That is, we know lmij and lsin. We have to find
  • We have lsin lsnj lmij
  • So lmij lsin lsnj
  • Definition
  • (a,b),(c,d) - (a,b),(c,d)
    (a-a,min(b,b)), (c-c,min(d,d))
  • Referring to the e.g. 2, lm01 (9,4),(19,6) and
    ls0n (3,7),(3,7) so we get lsn1 as
    (6,4),(16,6). However we can also get lsn1 from
    say lm21 . But in aggregation, we can have at
    most one lsn1. This problem is solved by taking
    the averages of all the delays and bandwidths of
    ideal lsn1s to be the real lsn1.

  • Finding Bypasses
  • Due to aggregation, lsin lsnj may no longer be
    the same as lmij in the mesh.
  • Some deviate only a bit while others might be
    quite different.
  • In order to make the aggregation more precise,
    direct links between border pairs are introduced.

Line-Segment Routing Algorithm
  • LSRA is a QoS based source routing algorithm,
    integrating modified Dijkstras Algorithm(DA) and
    the centralized bandwidth-delay routing
  • DA is an optimal algorithm when finding the
    shortest-delay path when delay is the only
  • CBDRA works when there are 2 metrics, delay and
    bandwidth. It first prunes all the links that do
    not satisfy the bandwidth requirement, and then
    applies DA to find the min-delay path in the
    residue network.
  • In LSRA this idea is augmented to deal with line
    segment representation.

  • LSRA requires that each node keeps the topology
    of its own PG and star aggregations of other PGs.
  • There are 2 levels are routing inter-domain and
  • An inter-domain routing path specifies the border
    nodes in different PGs to go through and
    intra-domain routing finds a path within a
  • LSRA accordingly has 2 phases
  • Inter-Domain Routing
  • After obtaining star aggregations from other PGs,
    each node can see border nodes of other PGs and
    can compute the line segment between any border
    pair in an outside PG.

  • The network that a node sees is called node-view
    network (NVN).
  • A modified DA algorithm applying the technique of
    CBDRA is used to find the inter-domain path using
  • Similar to DA, a path grows from the source to
    the target PG.
  • The delay to each node in NVN is kept and each
    time a node is reached by the growing path, the
    delays of its neighbors are updates according to
    the links.
  • There are 2 types of links in NVN
  • -physical links which connect different PGs and
    nodes in the source PG.
  • -logical links which are line segments
    connecting borders within the PG obtained from
    star aggregation.

  • Suppose the routing request is (reqd, reqw) and
    accumulated delay from source node to another
    node i in NVN is di. If there is a link, either
    physical or logical, from i to j, LSRA updates
    the delay of node j (dj) as follows
  • Case I a physical link with (D,W). If Wltreqw
    means no feasible path can go through this link,
    so dj is unchanged. If Wgtreqw , dj
    mindj,di D as in DA.
  • Case II a logical link l (dlp,wlp),(dup,wup).
    If wup lt reqw, dj is unchanged, otherwise dj
    min dj,di dreqw, where dreqw is the
    delay-coordinate of the line segment with
    bandwidth equal to reqw.
  • The process stops when the path reaches one of
    the borders, say t, of the target PG. If
    dtltreqd, then request is accepted and LSRA
    goes ahead to do intra-domain routing. Else
    request is rejected.
  • The running time complexity is the same as DA
    which is optimal.

  • Intra-Domain Routing
  • In this phase LSRA finds the route in a
    distributed fashion.
  • A message or a packet is sent from the source to
    travel along the inter-domain path found.
  • When the border node t of PG g receives the
    message , and finds out the next hop in the
    inter-domain path is another border node t in g,
    it finds the path going from t to t using CBDRA.
  • The message keeps accumulating delay along the
  • If accumulated delay exceeds reqd, crankback
    occurs and the message is forwarded back to the
  • If the message successfully reaches the target
    PG, a feasible path has been found.
  • Complexity of CBDRA is same as DA.

Simulation Results
  • LSRA is compared to a SP algorithm (centralized
    modified Dijktras Algorithm).
  • LSRA may suffer from crankback if it accepts a
    request after finding an inter-domain path but is
    unable to find a feasible intra-domain path.
  • Also a feasible request may be rejected due to an
    inaccurate approximation of dreqw.
  • Success ratio total no. of feasible paths found
  • total no. of feasible requests
  • A good algorithm should have a high success ratio
    but a small crankback ratio.

  • Simulated network topology consists of 10
    domains, each with 15-35 nodes, a total of 293
    nodes. With 3-4 border nodes per domain.
  • LSRA achieves a very good success ratio and
    performs better than SP
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