Weeks%205-7%20DNS,%20IP%20Addressing,%20IP%20Routing - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Weeks 5-7 DNS, IP Addressing, IP Routing – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Weeks%205-7%20DNS,%20IP%20Addressing,%20IP%20Routing

Weeks 5-7DNS, IP Addressing, IP Routing

DNS Domain Name System
  • People many identifiers
  • SSN, name, passport
  • Internet hosts, routers
  • IP address (32 bit) - used for addressing
  • name, e.g., www.yahoo.com - used by humans
  • Q map between IP addresses and name ?
  • Domain Name System
  • distributed database implemented in hierarchy of
    many name servers
  • application-layer protocol host, routers, name
    servers to communicate to resolve names
    (address/name translation)
  • note core Internet function, implemented as
    application-layer protocol
  • complexity at networks edge

  • Why not centralize DNS?
  • single point of failure
  • traffic volume
  • distant centralized database
  • maintenance
  • doesnt scale!
  • DNS services
  • Hostname to IP address translation
  • Host aliasing
  • Canonical and alias names
  • Mail server aliasing
  • Load distribution
  • Replicated Web servers set of IP addresses for
    one canonical name

Distributed, Hierarchical Database
  • Client wants IP for www.amazon.com 1st approx
  • Client queries a root server to find com DNS
  • Client queries com DNS server to get amazon.com
    DNS server
  • Client queries amazon.com DNS server to get IP
    address for www.amazon.com

DNS Root name servers
  • contacted by local name server that can not
    resolve name
  • root name server
  • contacts authoritative name server if name
    mapping not known
  • gets mapping
  • returns mapping to local name server

13 root name servers worldwide
TLD and Authoritative Servers
  • Top-level domain (TLD) servers responsible for
    com, org, net, edu, etc, and all top-level
    country domains uk, fr, ca, jp.
  • Network solutions maintains servers for com TLD
  • Educause for edu TLD
  • Authoritative DNS servers organizations DNS
    servers, providing authoritative hostname to IP
    mappings for organizations servers (e.g., Web
    and mail).
  • Can be maintained by organization or service

Local Name Server
  • Does not strictly belong to hierarchy
  • Each ISP (residential ISP, company, university)
    has one.
  • Also called default name server
  • When a host makes a DNS query, query is sent to
    its local DNS server
  • Acts as a proxy, forwards query into hierarchy.

root DNS server
  • Host at cis.poly.edu wants IP address for

TLD DNS server
authoritative DNS server dns.cs.umass.edu
requesting host cis.poly.edu
Recursive queries
  • recursive query
  • puts burden of name resolution on contacted name
  • heavy load?
  • iterated query
  • contacted server replies with name of server to
  • I dont know this name, but ask this server

DNS caching and updating records
  • once (any) name server learns mapping, it caches
  • cache entries timeout (disappear) after some time
  • TLD servers typically cached in local name
  • Thus root name servers not often visited
  • update/notify mechanisms under design by IETF
  • RFC 2136
  • http//www.ietf.org/html.charters/dnsind-charter.h

DNS records
  • DNS distributed db storing resource records (RR)
  • TypeA
  • name is hostname
  • value is IP address
  • TypeCNAME
  • name is alias name for some cannonical (the
    real) name
  • www.ibm.com is really
  • servereast.backup2.ibm.com
  • value is cannonical name
  • TypeNS
  • name is domain (e.g. foo.com)
  • value is IP address of authoritative name server
    for this domain
  • TypeMX
  • value is name of mailserver associated with name

DNS protocol, messages
  • DNS protocol query and reply messages, both
    with same message format
  • msg header
  • identification 16 bit for query, reply to
    query uses same
  • flags
  • query or reply
  • recursion desired
  • recursion available
  • reply is authoritative

DNS protocol, messages
Name, type fields for a query
RRs in reponse to query
records for authoritative servers
additional helpful info that may be used
Inserting records into DNS
  • Example just created startup Network Utopia
  • Register name networkuptopia.com at a registrar
    (e.g., Network Solutions)
  • Need to provide registrar with names and IP
    addresses of your authoritative name server
    (primary and secondary)
  • Registrar inserts two RRs into the com TLD
  • (networkutopia.com, dns1.networkutopia.com, NS)
  • (dns1.networkutopia.com,, A)
  • Put in authoritative server Type A record for
    www.networkuptopia.com and Type MX record for
  • How do people get the IP address of your Web

Network Layer
  • Goals
  • understand principles behind network layer
  • routing (path selection)
  • dealing with scale
  • how a router works
  • advanced topics IPv6, mobility
  • instantiation and implementation in the Internet

Network Layer
  • Introduction
  • Virtual circuit and datagram networks
  • Whats inside a router
  • IP Internet Protocol
  • Datagram format
  • IPv4 addressing
  • ICMP
  • IPv6
  • Routing algorithms
  • Link state
  • Distance Vector
  • Hierarchical routing
  • Routing in the Internet
  • RIP
  • OSPF
  • BGP
  • Broadcast and multicast routing

Network layer
  • transport segment from sending to receiving host
  • on sending side encapsulates segments into
  • on rcving side, delivers segments to transport
  • network layer protocols in every host, router
  • Router examines header fields in all IP datagrams
    passing through it

Key Network-Layer Functions
  • analogy
  • routing process of planning trip from source to
  • forwarding process of getting through single
  • forwarding move packets from routers input to
    appropriate router output
  • routing determine route taken by packets from
    source to dest.
  • Routing algorithms

Interplay between routing and forwarding
Connection setup
  • 3rd important function in some network
  • ATM, frame relay, X.25
  • Before datagrams flow, two hosts and intervening
    routers establish virtual connection
  • Routers get involved
  • Network and transport layer cnctn service
  • Network between two hosts
  • Transport between two processes

Network service model
Q What service model for channel transporting
datagrams from sender to rcvr?
  • Example services for a flow of datagrams
  • In-order datagram delivery
  • Guaranteed minimum bandwidth to flow
  • Restrictions on changes in inter-packet spacing
  • Example services for individual datagrams
  • guaranteed delivery
  • Guaranteed delivery with less than 40 msec delay

Network layer service models
Guarantees ?
Network Architecture Internet ATM ATM ATM ATM
Service Model best effort CBR VBR ABR UBR
Congestion feedback no (inferred via
loss) no congestion no congestion yes no
Bandwidth none constant rate guaranteed rate gua
ranteed minimum none
Loss no yes yes no no
Order no yes yes yes yes
Timing no yes yes no no
Network layer connection and connection-less
  • Datagram network provides network-layer
    connectionless service
  • VC network provides network-layer connection
  • Analogous to the transport-layer services, but
  • Service host-to-host
  • No choice network provides one or the other
  • Implementation in the core

Virtual circuits
  • source-to-dest path behaves much like telephone
  • performance-wise
  • network actions along source-to-dest path
  • call setup, teardown for each call before data
    can flow
  • each packet carries VC identifier (not
    destination host address)
  • every router on source-dest path maintains
    state for each passing connection
  • link, router resources (bandwidth, buffers) may
    be allocated to VC

VC implementation
  • A VC consists of
  • Path from source to destination
  • VC numbers, one number for each link along path
  • Entries in forwarding tables in routers along
  • Packet belonging to VC carries a VC number.
  • VC number must be changed on each link.
  • New VC number comes from forwarding table

Forwarding table
Forwarding table in northwest router
Routers maintain connection state information!
Virtual circuits signaling protocols
  • used to setup, maintain teardown VC
  • used in ATM, frame-relay, X.25
  • not used in todays Internet

6. Receive data
5. Data flow begins
4. Call connected
3. Accept call
1. Initiate call
2. incoming call
Datagram networks
  • no call setup at network layer
  • routers no state about end-to-end connections
  • no network-level concept of connection
  • packets forwarded using destination host address
  • packets between same source-dest pair may take
    different paths

1. Send data
2. Receive data
Forwarding table
4 billion possible entries
Destination Address Range
Interface 11001000 00010111 00010000
0 11001000
00010111 00010111 11111111 11001000
00010111 00011000 00000000
11001000 00010111 00011000 11111111
11001000 00010111 00011001 00000000

2 11001000 00010111 00011111 11111111

Longest prefix matching
Prefix Match
Link Interface
11001000 00010111 00010
0 11001000 00010111
00011000 1
11001000 00010111 00011
Which interface?
DA 11001000 00010111 00010110 10100001
Which interface?
DA 11001000 00010111 00011000 10101010
Datagram or VC network why?
  • Internet
  • data exchange among computers
  • elastic service, no strict timing req.
  • smart end systems (computers)
  • can adapt, perform control, error recovery
  • simple inside network, complexity at edge
  • many link types
  • different characteristics
  • uniform service difficult
  • ATM
  • evolved from telephony
  • human conversation
  • strict timing, reliability requirements
  • need for guaranteed service
  • dumb end systems
  • telephones
  • complexity inside network

Router Architecture Overview
  • Two key router functions
  • run routing algorithms/protocol (RIP, OSPF, BGP)
  • forwarding datagrams from incoming to outgoing

Input Port Functions
Physical layer bit-level reception
  • Decentralized switching
  • given datagram dest., lookup output port using
    forwarding table in input port memory
  • goal complete input port processing at line
  • queuing if datagrams arrive faster than
    forwarding rate into switch fabric

Data link layer e.g., Ethernet see chapter 5
Three types of switching fabrics
Switching Via Memory
  • First generation routers
  • traditional computers with switching under
    direct control of CPU
  • packet copied to systems memory
  • speed limited by memory bandwidth (2 bus
    crossings per datagram)

Switching Via a Bus
  • datagram from input port memory
  • to output port memory via a shared bus
  • bus contention switching speed limited by bus
  • 1 Gbps bus, Cisco 1900 sufficient speed for
    access and enterprise routers (not regional or

Switching Via An Interconnection Network
  • overcome bus bandwidth limitations
  • Banyan networks, other interconnection nets
    initially developed to connect processors in
  • Advanced design fragmenting datagram into fixed
    length cells, switch cells through the fabric.
  • Cisco 12000 switches Gbps through the
    interconnection network

Output Ports
  • Buffering required when datagrams arrive from
    fabric faster than the transmission rate
  • Scheduling discipline chooses among queued
    datagrams for transmission

Output port queueing
  • buffering when arrival rate via switch exceeds
    output line speed
  • queueing (delay) and loss due to output port
    buffer overflow!

Input Port Queuing
  • Fabric slower than input ports combined -gt
    queueing may occur at input queues
  • Head-of-the-Line (HOL) blocking queued datagram
    at front of queue prevents others in queue from
    moving forward
  • queueing delay and loss due to input buffer

The Internet Network layer
  • Host, router network layer functions

Transport layer TCP, UDP
Network layer
Link layer
physical layer
IP datagram format
  • how much overhead with TCP?
  • 20 bytes of TCP
  • 20 bytes of IP
  • 40 bytes app layer overhead

IP Fragmentation Reassembly
  • network links have MTU (max.transfer size) -
    largest possible link-level frame.
  • different link types, different MTUs
  • large IP datagram divided (fragmented) within
  • one datagram becomes several datagrams
  • reassembled only at final destination
  • IP header bits used to identify, order related

fragmentation in one large datagram out 3
smaller datagrams
IP Fragmentation and Reassembly
  • Example
  • 4000 byte datagram
  • MTU 1500 bytes

1480 bytes in data field
offset 1480/8
IP Addressing introduction
  • IP address 32-bit identifier for host, router
  • interface connection between host/router and
    physical link
  • routers typically have multiple interfaces
  • host may have multiple interfaces
  • IP addresses associated with each interface 11011111 00000001 00000001 00000001
IP Addressing
  • Internet Scaling Problems
  • In the early nineties, the Internet has
    experienced two major scaling issues as it has
    struggled to provide continuous and uninterrupted
  • The eventual exhaustion of the IPv4 address space
  • The ability to route traffic between the ever
    increasing number of networks that comprise the
  • The first problem is concerned with the eventual
    depletion of the IP address space. The current
    version of IP, IP version 4 (IPv4), defines a
    32-bit address which means that there are only 2
    32 (4,294,967,296) IPv4 addresses available. This
    might seem like a large number of addresses, but
    as new markets open and a significant portion of
    the world's population becomes candidates for IP
    addresses, the finite number of IP addresses will
    eventually be exhausted.

IP Addressing
  • The address shortage problem is aggravated by the
    fact that portions of the IP address space have
    not been efficiently allocated. Also, the
    traditional model of classful addressing does not
    allow the address space to be used to its maximum
  • The Address Lifetime Expectancy (ALE) Working
    Group of the IETF has expressed concerns that if
    the current address allocation policies are not
    modified, the Internet will experience a near to
    medium term exhaustion of its unallocated address
    pool. If the Internet's address supply problem is
    not solved, new users may be unable to connect to
    the global Internet!

Classful IP Addressing
One of the fundamental features of classful IP
addressing is that each address contains a
self-encoding key that identifies the dividing
point between the network prefix and the
Class A Networks
  • Each Class A network address has an 8-bit
    network-prefix with the highest order bit set to
    0 and a seven-bit network number, followed by a
    24-bit host-number.
  • Today, it is no longer considered 'modern' to
    refer to a Class A network. Class A networks are
    now referred to as "/8s" (pronounced "slash
    eight" or just "eights") since they have an 8-bit

Class A Networks
  • A maximum of 126 (27 -2) /8 networks can be
    defined. The calculation requires that the 2 is
    subtracted because the /8 network is
    reserved for use as the default route and the /8
    network (also written 127/8 or has been reserved for the "loopback"
  • Each /8 supports a maximum of 16,777,214 (224
    -2) hosts per network. The host calculation
    requires that 2 is subtracted because the all-0s
    ("this network") and all-1s ("broadcast")
    host-numbers may not be assigned to individual
  • The /8 address space is 50 of the total IPv4
    unicast address space.

Classful Addressing Continued
  • Class B Networks
  • Each Class B network address has a 16-bit
    network-prefix with the two highest order bits
    set to 1-0 and a 14-bit network number, followed
    by a 16-bit host-number.
  • Class B networks are now referred to as"/16s"
    since they have a 16-bit network-prefix.A maximum
    of 16,384 (214 ) /16 networks can be defined
    with up to 65,534 (216 -2) hosts per network, it
    represents 25 of the total IPv4 unicast address

Classful Addressing Continued
  • Class C Networks
  • Each Class C network address has a 24-bit
    network-prefix with the three highest order bits
    set to 1-1-0 and a 21-bit network number,
    followed by an 8-bit host-number.
  • Class C networks are now referred to as "/24s"
    since they have a 24-bit network-prefix.
  • A maximum of 2,097,152 (221 ) /24 networks can
    be defined with up to 254 (28 -2) hosts per
    network. It represents 12.5 (or 1/8th) of the
    total IPv4 unicast address space.
  • Other Classes
  • Class D addresses have their leading four-bits
    set to 1-1-1-0 and are used to support IP
    Multicasting. Class E addresses have their
    leading four-bits set to 1-1-1-1 and are reserved
    for experimental use.

Dotted Decimal Notation
Dotted-decimal notation divides the 32-bit
Internet address into four 8-bit (byte) fields
and specifies the value of each field
independently as decimal number with the fields
separated by dots.
Limitations to Classful Addressing
  • During the early days of the Internet, the
    seemingly unlimited address space allowed IP
    addresses to be allocated to an organization
    based on its request rather than its actual need.
    As a result, addresses were freely assigned to
    those who asked for them without concerns about
    the eventual depletion of the IP address space.
  • The decision to standardize on a 32-bit address
    space meant that there were only 232
    (4,294,967,296) IPv4 addresses available. A
    decision to support a slightly larger address
    space would have exponentially increased the
    number of addresses thus eliminating the current
    address shortage problem.

Limitations to Classful Addressing
  • The classful A, B, and C octet boundaries were
    easy to understand and implement, but they did
    not foster the efficient allocation of a finite
    address space. Problems resulted from the lack of
    a network class that was designed to support
    medium-sized organizations.
  • A /24, which supports 254 hosts, is too small
    while a /16, which supports 65,534 hosts, is too
  • In the past, the Internet has assigned sites with
    several hundred hosts a single /16 address
    instead of a couple of /24s addresses.
    Unfortunately, this has resulted in a premature
    depletion of the /16 network address space. The
    only readily available addresses for medium-size
    organizations are /24s which have the potentially
    negative impact of increasing the size of the
    global Internet's routing table.

  • In 1985, RFC 950 defined a standard procedure to
    support the subnetting, or division, of a single
    Class A, B, or C network number into smaller
  • Subnetting was introduced to overcome some of the
    problems that parts of the Internet were
    beginning to experience with the classful
    two-level addressing hierarchy
  • Internet routing tables were beginning to grow.
  • Local administrators had to request another
    network number from the Internet before a new
    network could be installed at their site.
  • Three-level
  • hierarchy is used

What did subnetting bring?
  • Subnetting attacked the expanding routing table
    problem by ensuring that the subnet structure of
    a network is never visible outside of the
    organization's private network.
  • The route from the Internet to any subnet of a
    given IP address is the same, no matter which
    subnet the destination host is on. This is
    because all subnets of a given network number use
    the same network-prefix but different subnet
  • The routers within the private organization need
    to differentiate between the individual subnets,
    but as far as the Internet routers are concerned,
    all of the subnets in the organization are
    collected into a single routing table entry.

Subnetting contd
  • This allows the local administrator to introduce
    arbitrary complexity into the private network
    without affecting the size of the Internet's
    routing tables.
  • Subnetting overcame the registered number issue
    by assigning each organization one (or at most a
    few) network number(s) from the IPv4 address
    space. The organization was then free to assign a
    distinct subnetwork number for each of its
    internal networks.
  • This allows the organization to deploy additional
    subnets without needing to obtain a new network
    number from the Internet.

  • The size of the global Internet routing table
    does not grow because the site administrator does
    not need to obtain additional address space and
    the routing advertisements for all of the subnets
    are combined into a single routing table entry.
  • The local administrator has the flexibility to
    deploy additional subnets without obtaining a new
    network number from the Internet.
  • Route flapping (i.e., the rapid changing of
    routes) within the private network does not
    affect the Internet routing table

Extended Network Prefix
Internet routers use only the network-prefix of
the destination address to route traffic to a
subnetted environment. Routers within the
subnetted environment use the extended-network-pre
fix to route traffic between the individual
subnets. The extended-network-prefix is composed
of the classful network-prefix and the
subnet-number. notation is used to describe the
IP address
Subnet Design Considerations
  • 1) How many total subnets does the organization
    need today?
  • 2) How many total subnets will the organization
    need in the future?
  • 3) How many hosts are there on the organization's
    largest subnet today?
  • 4) How many hosts will there be on the
    organization's largest subnet in the future?

Subnet Design Considerations
  • The first step in the planning process is to take
    the maximum number of subnets required and round
    up to the nearest power of two. For example, if a
    organization needs 9 subnets, 23 (or 8) will not
    provide enough subnet addressing space, so the
    network administrator will need to round up to
    24 (or 16). Also leave room for growth.
  • The second step is to make sure that there are
    enough host addresses for the organization's
    largest subnet. If the largest subnet needs to
    support 50 host addresses today, 25 (or 32) will
    not provide enough host address space so the
    network administrator will need to round up to
    26 (or 64).
  • The final step is to make sure that the
    organization's address allocation provides enough
    bits to deploy the required subnet addressing

Subnet Example
  • An organization has been assigned the network
    number and it needs to define six
    subnets. The largest subnet is required to
    support 25 hosts.

Subnet example contd
  • A 27-bit extended-network-prefix leaves 5 bits to
    define host addresses on each subnet.
  • This means that each subnetwork with a 27-bit
    prefix represents a contiguous block of 25 (32)
    individual IP addresses. However, since the
    all-0s and all-1s host addresses cannot be
    allocated, there are 30 (25 -2) assignable host
    addresses on each subnet.

Example Continued
Base Net 11000001.00000001.00000001 .00000000 Subnet 0 11000001.00000001.000000
01. 000 00000 Subnet 1
11000001.00000001.00000001. 001 00000 Subnet 2 11000001.00000001.0000000
1. 010 00000 Subnet 3
11000001.00000001.00000001. 011 00000 Subnet 4 11000001.00000001.0000000
1. 100 00000 Subnet 5
11000001.00000001.00000001. 101 00000 Subnet 6 11000001.00000001.000000
01. 110 00000 Subnet 7
11000001.00000001.00000001. 111 00000
Subnet 6 11000001.00000001.00000001.110 00000 Host 1 11000001.00000001.00000001
.110 00001 Host 2
11000001.00000001.00000001.110 00010 Host 3 11000001.00000001.00000001
.110 00011 . . Host 28
11000001.00000001.00000001.110 11100 Host 29 11000001.00000001.0000000
1.110 11101 Host 30
11000001.00000001.00000001.110 11110
Hosts belonging to Subnet 6
Variable Length Subnet Masks
  • In 1987, RFC 1009 specified how a subnetted
    network could use more than one subnet mask. When
    an IP network is assigned more than one subnet
    mask, it is considered a network with "variable
    length subnet masks" (VLSM) since the
    extended-network-prefixes have different lengths.
  • There are several advantages to be gained if more
    than one subnet mask can be assigned to a given
    IP network number
  • Multiple subnet masks permit more efficient use
    of an organization's assigned IP address space.
  • Multiple subnet masks permit route aggregation
    which can significantly reduce the amount of
    routing information at the "backbone" level
    within an organization's routing domain.
  • Example. A /16 network with a /22
    extended-network prefix permits 64 subnets each
    of which supports a maximum of 1,022 hosts.
  • This is fine if the organization wants to deploy
    a number of large subnets, but what about the
    occasional small subnet containing only 20 or 30
    hosts? Since a subnetted network could have only
    a single mask, the network administrator was
    still required to assign the 20 or 30 hosts to a
    subnet with a 22-bit prefix. This assignment
    would waste approximately 1,000 IP host addresses
    for each small subnet deployed!

Example Continued
  • One solution to this problem was to allow a
    subnetted network to be assigned more than one
    subnet mask.
  • Assume that in the previous example, the network
    administrator is also allowed to configure the network with a /26
  • A /26 extended-network prefix permits 1024
    subnets (210 ), each of which supports a maximum
    of 62 hosts (26 -2).
  • The /26 prefix would be ideal for small subnets
    with less than 60 hosts, while the /22 prefix is
    well suited for larger subnets containing up to
    1000 hosts.

Recursive Definition of an Organizations Address
The network is first configured with a
/16 extended-network-prefix. The
subnet is then configured with a /24
extended-network-prefix subnet is
configured with a /19 extended-network-prefix.
Note that the recursive process does not require
that the same extended-network-prefix be assigned
at each level of the recursion. Also, the
recursive sub-division of the organization's
address space can be carried out as far as the
network administrator needs to take it.
Route Aggregation
Requirements for VLSM Design
  • The successful deployment of VLSM has three
  • The routing protocols must carry
    extended-network-prefix information with each
    route advertisement.
  • The bottom line is that if you want to deploy
    VLSM in a complex topology, you must select OSPF
    or IS-IS as the Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP)
    rather than RIP-1!
  • It should be mentioned that RIP-2, defined in RFC
    1388, improves the RIP protocol by allowing it to
    carry extended-network-prefix information.
    Therefore, RIP-2 supports the deployment of VLSM.
  • All routers must implement a consistent
    forwarding algorithm based on the "longest
    match.. A route with a longer extended-network-pr
    efix is said to be "more specific" while a route
    with a shorter extended-network-prefix is said to
    be "less specific.
  • For route aggregation to occur, addresses must be
    assigned so that they have topological

Classless Inter Domain Routing (CIDR)
  • By 1992, the exponential growth of the Internet
    was beginning to raise serious concerns among
    members of the IETF about the ability of the
    Internet's routing system to scale and support
    future growth. These problems were related to
  • The near-term exhaustion of the Class B network
    address space
  • The rapid growth in the size of the global
    Internet's routing tables
  • The eventual exhaustion of the 32-bit IPv4
    address space

  • CIDR was officially documented in September 1993
    in RFC 1517, 1518, 1519, and 1520. CIDR supports
    two important features that benefit the global
    Internet routing system
  • CIDR eliminates the traditional concept of Class
    A, Class B, and Class C network addresses. This
    enables the efficient allocation of the IPv4
    address space which will allow the continued
    growth of the Internet until IPv6 is deployed.
  • CIDR supports route aggregation where a single
    routing table entry can represent the address
    space of perhaps thousands of traditional
    classful routes. This allows a single routing
    table entry to specify how to route traffic to
    many individual network addresses. Route
    aggregation helps control the amount of routing
    information in the Internet's backbone routers,
    reduces route flapping (rapid changes in route
    availability), and eases the local administrative
    burden of updating external routing information.
  • Without the rapid deployment of CIDR in 1994 and
    1995, the Internet routing tables would have in
    excess of 70,000 routes (instead of the current
    30,000) and the Internet would probably not be
    functioning today!

  • CIDR eliminates the traditional concept of Class
    A, Class B, and Class C network addresses and
    replaces them with the generalized concept of a
  • Routers use the network-prefix, rather than the
    first 3 bits of the IP address, to determine the
    dividing point between the network number and the
    host number. As a result, CIDR supports the
    deployment of arbitrarily sized networks rather
    than the standard 8-bit, 16-bit, or 24-bit
    network numbers associated with classful
  • In the CIDR model, each piece of routing
    information is advertised with a bit mask (or
    prefix-length). The prefix-length is a way of
    specifying the number of leftmost contiguous bits
    in the network-portion of each routing table
  • Example. All prefixes with a /20 prefix represent
    the same amount of address space (212 or 4,096
    host addresses). Furthermore, a /20 prefix can be
    assigned to a traditional Class A, Class B, or
    Class C network number.

CIDR Address Blocks
Efficient Address Allocation
  • Assume that an ISP has been assigned the address
    block This block represents 16,384
    (214 ) IP addresses which can be interpreted as
    64 /24s.
  • If a client requires 800 host addresses, rather
    than assigning a Class B (and wasting 64,700
    addresses) or four individual Class Cs (and
    introducing 4 new routes into the global Internet
    routing tables), the ISP could assign the client
    the address block, a block of 1,024
    (210 ) IP addresses (4 contiguous /24s).

CIDR Address Allocation Example
  • For this example, assume that an ISP owns the
    address block This block
    represents 65, 536 (216 ) IP addresses (or 256
  • From the block it wants to allocate
    the address block. This smaller
    block represents 4,096 (212 ) IP addresses (or
    16 /24s).
  • If you look at the ISP's /20 address block as a
    pie, in a classful environment it can only be cut
    into 16 equal-size pieces.

CIDR Address Allocation
  • However, in a classless environment, the ISP is
    free to cut up the pie any way it wants.
  • It could slice up the original pie into 2 pieces
    (each 1/2 of the address space) and assign one
    portion to Organization A, then cut the other
    half into 2 pieces (each 1/4 of the address
    space) and assign one piece to Organization B,
    and finally slice the remaining fourth into 2
    pieces (each 1/8 of the address space) and assign
    it to Organization C and Organization D.
  • Each of the individual organizations is free to
    allocate the address space within its
    "Intranetwork" as it sees fit.

  • CIDR has the same familiar look and feel of VLSM
  • CIDR and VLSM are essentially the same thing
    since they both allow a portion of the IP address
    space to be recursively divided into subsequently
    smaller pieces.
  • The difference is that with VLSM, the recursion
    is performed on the address space previously
    assigned to an organization and is invisible to
    the global Internet. CIDR, on the other hand,
    permits the recursive allocation of an address
    block by an Internet Registry to a high-level
    ISP, to a mid-level ISP, to a low-level ISP, and
    finally to a private organization's network.
  • Just like VLSM, the successful deployment of CIDR
    has three prerequisites
  • The routing protocols must carry network-prefix
    information with each route advertisement.
  • All routers must implement a consistent
    forwarding algorithm based on the "longest
  • For route aggregation to occur, addresses must be
    assigned so that they are topologically

Controlling the Growth of Internet's Routing
  • Within a domain, detailed information is
    available about all of the networks that reside
    in the domain.
  • Outside of an addressing domain, only the
    common network prefix is advertised. This allows
    a single routing table entry to specify a route
    to many individual network addresses.

Routing In a Classless Envir.
Organization A using ISP1 and its addresses
Organization A using ISP2 and ISP1s addresses
Example Continued
  • The "best" thing for the size of the Internet's
    routing tables would be to have Organization A
    obtain a block of ISP 2's address space and
  • This would allow the eight networks assigned to
    Organization A to be hidden behind the aggregate
    routing advertisement of ISP 2.
  • Unfortunately, renumbering is a labor-intensive
    task which could be very difficult, if not
    impossible, for Organization A.
  • Let the ISP2 inject a specific route to the Internet
  • Longest prefix match algorithms will make sure
    that Org A traffic will go through ISP2 at the
    expense of specific routes in the routing table

Address Allocation in the Private Internet
  • RFC 1918 requests that organizations make use of
    the private Internet address space for hosts that
    require IP connectivity within their enterprise
    network, but do not require external connections
    to the global Internet.
  • For this purpose, the IANA has reserved the
    following three address blocks for private
  • - (10/8 prefix)
  • - (172.16/12 prefix)
  • - (192.168/16 prefix)
  • Any organization that elects to use addresses
    from these reserved blocks can do so without
    contacting the IANA or an Internet registry.
  • Since these addresses are never injected into the
    global Internet routing system, the address space
    can simultaneously be used by many different
  • The disadvantage to this addressing scheme is
    that it requires an organization to use a Network
    Address Translator (NAT).

NAT Network Address Translation
rest of Internet
local network (e.g., home network) 10.0.0/24
Datagrams with source or destination in this
network have 10.0.0/24 address for source,
destination (as usual)
All datagrams leaving local network have same
single source NAT IP address, differe
nt source port numbers
NAT Network Address Translation
  • Motivation local network uses just one IP
    address as far as outside word is concerned
  • no need to be allocated range of addresses from
    ISP - just one IP address is used for all
  • can change addresses of devices in local network
    without notifying outside world
  • can change ISP without changing addresses of
    devices in local network
  • devices inside local net not explicitly
    addressable, visible by outside world (a security

NAT Network Address Translation
  • Implementation NAT router must
  • outgoing datagrams replace (source IP address,
    port ) of every outgoing datagram to (NAT IP
    address, new port )
  • . . . remote clients/servers will respond using
    (NAT IP address, new port ) as destination
  • remember (in NAT translation table) every (source
    IP address, port ) to (NAT IP address, new port
    ) translation pair
  • incoming datagrams replace (NAT IP address, new
    port ) in dest fields of every incoming datagram
    with corresponding (source IP address, port )
    stored in NAT table

NAT Network Address Translation
NAT translation table WAN side addr LAN
side addr, 5001, 3345
4 NAT router changes datagram dest addr
from, 5001 to, 3345
3 Reply arrives dest. address,
NAT Network Address Translation
  • 16-bit port-number field
  • 60,000 simultaneous connections with a single
    LAN-side address!
  • NAT is controversial
  • routers should only process up to layer 3
  • violates end-to-end argument
  • NAT possibility must be taken into account by app
    designers, eg, P2P applications
  • address shortage should instead be solved by IPv6

ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol
  • used by hosts routers to communicate
    network-level information
  • error reporting unreachable host, network, port,
  • echo request/reply (used by ping)
  • network-layer above IP
  • ICMP msgs carried in IP datagrams
  • ICMP message type, code plus first 8 bytes of IP
    datagram causing error

Type Code description 0 0 echo
reply (ping) 3 0 dest. network
unreachable 3 1 dest host
unreachable 3 2 dest protocol
unreachable 3 3 dest port
unreachable 3 6 dest network
unknown 3 7 dest host unknown 4
0 source quench (congestion
control - not used) 8 0
echo request (ping) 9 0 route
advertisement 10 0 router
discovery 11 0 TTL expired 12 0
bad IP header
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