Title: Introduction to EDC565
1Introduction to EDC565 Dr. Julie Coiro
2Peer- Reviewed Journals
Handbooks and Reports
Reading Researchers Part 1
Types of Research
Reading Researchers Part 2
3Peer-Reviewed Journals For 200
- This journal is widely read by classroom teachers
looking for reading research applications in
elementary school classrooms.
4Peer-Reviewed Journals For 200ANSWER
- What is
- The Reading Teacher?
5Peer-Reviewed Journals For 400
- This is the premier journal for scholarly work in
the reading community.
6Peer-Reviewed Journals For 400ANSWER
- What is Reading Research Quarterly?
7Peer-Reviewed Journals For 600
- A 12-month subscription to this journal is
included with a membership to the National
Reading Conference
8Peer-Reviewed Journals For 600ANSWER
- What is Journal of Literacy Research?
9Peer-Reviewed Journals For 800
- These are two peer-reviewed online resources that
link reading research theory with practice and
technology integration (name one)
10Peer-Reviewed Journals For 800ANSWER
What is Reading Online or What is
11Peer-Reviewed Journals For 1,000
- This journal publishes rigorous experimental
studies with many that explore the psychology of
12Peer-Reviewed Journals For 1,000ANSWER
- What is Journal of Educational Psychology?
13Reading Handbooks Reports For 200
- Edited by four leading reading researchers,
Volume 3 of this key handbook was published in
14Reading Handbooks Reports For 200ANSWER
- What is the Handbook of Reading Research (2000)?
15Reading Handbooks Reports For 400
- This handbook, in its 5th edition, summarizes the
key theories of reading acquisition and
Daily Double
16Reading Handbooks Reports For 400ANSWER
What is Theoretical Models and Processes of
Reading (2004)?
17Reading Handbooks Reports For 600
- Edited by Snow, Burns, Griffin, this book
outlines research-based recommendations for
effective reading instruction.
18Reading Handbooks Reports For 600ANSWER
- What is Preventing Reading Difficulties in Young
Children (1998)?
19Reading Handbooks Reports For 800
- A cutting edge report from the Carnegie
Corporation of NY (2006) that outlines 15 key
elements of effective literacy intervention for
20Reading Handbooks Reports For 800ANSWER
- What is Reading Next A Vision for Action and
Research in Middle and High Schools?
21Reading Handbooks Reports For 1,000
- This 2008 handbook synthesizes the multiple
perspectives and theoretical frames for studying
literacy and technology.
22Reading Handbooks Reports For 1,000ANSWER
- What is The Handbook of Research on New
23Reading Researchers Part 1 For 200 (200 bonus
for name)
- Tim Rasinski is well known for his recent work in
this area of reading
Tim R
24Reading Researchers Part 1 For 200ANSWER
25Reading Researchers Part 1 For 400 (200 bonus
for name)
P. David Pearson is most known for work in these
two areas (name one)
P David P
26Reading Researchers Part 1 For 400ANSWER
- What is reading comprehension?
- or
- What is assessment?
27Reading Researchers Part 1 For 600 (200 bonus
for name)
Louise Rosenblatt argued that reading involves a
transaction between these three things.
Louise R
28Reading Researchers Part 1 For 600ANSWER
- What is 1) the reader 2) the writer and 3) the
29Reading Researchers Part 1 For 800 (200 bonus
for name)
Leslie Mandel Morrow, one editor of our main
text, is well known for her work with readers
from this age group.
Leslie Mandel M
30Reading Researchers Part 1 For 800ANSWER
- What is children in preschool?
31Reading Researchers Part 1 For 1,000 (200
bonus for name)
Scott Paris is widely known for is work in
reading comprehension, metacognition, and
Scott P
32Reading Researchers Part 1 For 1,000ANSWER
- What are reading strategies?
33Types of Research For 200
- An experimental study is the only true
experiment because it uses this as part of its
34Types of Research For 200 ANSWER
- What is random assignment?
35Types of Research For 400
- This type of research summarizes effect sizes
across a number of experimental and
quasi-experimental studies
36Types of Research For 400 ANSWER
37Types of Research For 600
- Qualitative research studies often use this
analysis to discover emerging themes in their data
38Types of Research For 600 ANSWER
- What is grounded theory analysis?
39Types of Research For 800
- This type of analysis seeks to learn more about
how well one or more variables predicts or
explains a dependent variable
40Types of Research For 800 ANSWER
- What is multiple regression analysis?
41Types of Research For 1,000
- This is one thing you can not assume when there
is a high positive correlation between two
42Types of Research For 1,000 ANSWER
- What is causation or
- What is a causal relationship between two
43Reading Researchers Part 2 For 200 (200 bonus
for each name!)
Isabel B
Isabel Beck and Margaret McKeown are widely known
for their practical research in this foundational
area of reading.
Margaret M
44Reading Researchers Part 2 For 200ANSWER
- What is vocabulary? Or
- What is comprehension?
- What is Questioning the Author? or
- What is Text Talk?
45Reading Researchers Part 2 For 400
Michael Pressley, who passed away in 2006, is
widely known for work in comprehension and his
critique of this report.
Mike P
46Reading Researchers Part 2 For 400ANSWER
- What is the National Reading Panel Report?
47Reading Researchers Part 2 For 600 (200 bonus
for name)
Jim Gee has published widely in the area of
sociolinguistics and sees reading from this type
of lens/perspective.
Jim G
48Reading Researchers Part 2 For 600ANSWER
- What is sociocultural?
- Or
- What is new literacies studies?
49Reading Researchers Part 2 For 800 (200 bonus
for name)
Patricia Alexander is widely known for her
studies of i____ d_______ with respect to
reading development.
Patricia A
50Reading Researchers Part 2 For 800ANSWER
- What are individual differences?
51Reading Researchers Part 2 For 1,000 (200
bonus for name)
Donna Alvermann is widely known for her work with
adolescent literacy and p____ c________
Donna A
52Reading Researchers Part 2 For 1,000ANSWER
- What is pop culture? or
- What are out-of-school literacies?
- Thank for playing another fine round of Americas
favorite question and answer game.