Basics%20of%20Interferometry%20and%20Interferometric%20Calibration - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Basics of Interferometry and Interferometric Calibration Claire Chandler NRAO/Socorro (with thanks to Rick Perley and George Moellenbrock) – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Basics%20of%20Interferometry%20and%20Interferometric%20Calibration

Basics of Interferometry and Interferometric
  • Claire Chandler
  • NRAO/Socorro
  • (with thanks to Rick Perley and George

  • Aperture synthesis
  • A simple 2-element interferometer
  • The visibility
  • The interferometer in practice
  • Calibration of interferometric data
  • Baseline-based and telescope-based calibration
  • Calibration in practice
  • VLA example
  • Non-closing errors
  • Tropospheric phase fluctuations

Response of a parabolic antenna
Power response of a uniformly-illuminated,
circular parabolic antenna (D 25m, n 1GHz)
Origin of the beam pattern
  • An antennas response is a result of coherent
    phase summation of the electric field at the
  • First null will occur at the angle where one
    extra wavelength of path is added across the full
    width of the aperture q l/D

The beam pattern (cont.)
  • A voltage V(q) is produced at the focus as a
    result of the electric field
  • The voltage response pattern is the Fourier
    Transform of the aperture illumination for a
    uniform circle this is J1(x)/x
  • The power response, P(q) µ V2(q)
  • P(q) is the Fourier Transform of the
    autocorrelation function of the aperture, and for
    a uniformly-illuminated circle is the familiar
    Airy pattern, (J1(x)/x)2
  • FWHP 1.02 l/D
  • First null at 1.22 l/D

Aside Fourier Transforms
  • A function or distribution may be described as
    the infinite sum of sines and cosines with
    different frequencies (Fourier components), and
    these two descriptions of the function are
    equivalent and related by
  • Where x and s are conjugate variables, e.g.
  • Time and frequency, t and 1/t n
  • Distance and spatial frequency, l and 1/l u

Some useful FT theorems
  • Addition
  • Shift
  • Convolution
  • Scaling

Output for a filled aperture
  • Signals at each point in the aperture are brought
    together in phase at the antenna output (the
  • Imagine the aperture to be subdivided into N
    smaller elementary areas the voltage, V(t), at
    the output is the sum of the contributions DVi(t)
    from the N individual aperture elements

Aperture synthesis basic concept
  • The radio power measured by a receiver attached
    to the telescope is proportional to a running
    time average of the square of the output voltage
  • Any measurement with the large filled-aperture
    telescope can be written as a sum, in which each
    term depends on contributions from only two of
    the N aperture elements
  • Each term áDViDVkñ can be measured with two small
    antennas, if we place them at locations i and k
    and measure the average product of their output
    voltages with a correlation (multiplying) receiver

Aperture synthesis basic concept
  • If the source emission is unchanging, there is no
    need to measure all the pairs at one time
  • One could imagine sequentially combining pairs of
    signals. For N sub-apertures there will be
    N(N-1)/2 pairs to combine
  • Adding together all the terms effectively
    synthesizes one measurement taken with a large
    filled-aperture telescope
  • Can synthesize apertures much larger than can be
    constructed as a filled aperture, giving very
    good spatial resolution

A simple 2-element interferometer
  • What is the response of the interferometer as a
    function of position on the sky, l sina ?
  • In direction s0 (a 0) the wavefront arriving at
    telescope 1 has an extra path bs0 bsinq to
    travel compared with telescope 2
  • The time taken to traverse this path is the
    geometric delay, tg bs0/c
  • Compensate by inserting a delay in the signal
    path for telescope 2 equivalent to tg

Response of a 2-element interferometer
  • At angle a relative to s0 a wavefront has extra
    path x usina ul to travel
  • Expand to 2D by introducing b orthogonal to a, m
    sinb, and v orthogonal to u, so that in this
    direction the extra path y vm
  • Write all distances in units of wavelength, x º
    x/l, u º u/l, etc. so that x and y are now
    numbers of cycles
  • Extra path is now ul vm
  • V2 V1 e-2pi(ulvm)

Correlator output
  • The output from the correlator (the multiplying
    and time-averaging device) is
  • For (l1¹l2, m1¹m2) the above average is zero
    (assuming mutual incoherence of the sky), so

The visibility
  • Thus the interferometer measures the complex
    visibility, V, of a source, which is the FT of
    its intensity distribution on the sky
  • u,v are spatial frequencies in the E-W and N-S
    directions, and are the projected baseline
    lengths measured in units of wavelength, B/l
  • l,m are direction cosines relative to a reference
    position in the E-W and N-S directions
  • (l0,m0) is known as the phase centre

Comments on the visibility
  • This FT relationship is the van Cittert-Zernike
    theorem, upon which synthesis imaging is based
  • It means there is an inverse FT relationship that
    enables us to recover I(l,m) from V (u,v)
  • The visibility is complex because of the FT
  • The correlator measures both real and imaginary
    parts of the visibility to give the amplitude and

More comments
  • The visibility is a function of the source
    structure and the interferometer baseline
  • The visibility is not a function of the absolute
    position of the telescopes (provided the emission
    is time-invariant, and is located in the far
  • The visibility is Hermitian V (-u,-v) V
    (u,v). This is because the sky is real
  • There is a unique relation between any source
    brightness distribution and the visibility
  • Each observation of the source with a given
    baseline length, (u,v), provides one measure of
    the visibility
  • With many measurements of the visibility as a
    function of (u,v) we can obtain a reasonable
    estimate of I(l,m)

Some 2D FT pairs
  • Image Visibility amp

Some 2D FT pairs
  • Image Visibility amp

Some 2D FT pairs
  • Image Visibility amp

(u,v) coverage
  • A single baseline provides one measurement of V
    (u,v) per time-averaged integration
  • Build up coverage in the uv-plane by
  • having lots of telescopes
  • moving telescopes around
  • waiting for the Earth to rotate to provide
    changing projected baselines, u bcosq (note
    tg changes continuously too)
  • some combination of the above
  • Telescope locations
    (u,v) coverage

  • for 6 hour track

The measured visibility
  • Resulting measured visibility
  • (u,v) coverage V

  • Note because the visibility is Hermitian each
    measurement by the interferometer results in two
    points in the (u,v) plane, one for baseline 1-2,
    the other for baseline 2-1, etc. Earth rotation
    traces out two arcs per baseline
  • Recovering I(l,m) from Vmeasured is the topic of
    the next lecture

Picturing the visibility fringes
  • The FT of a single visibility measurement is a
    sinusoid with spacing l/B between successive
    peaks, or fringes
  • Build up an image of the sky by summing many such
    sinusoids (addition theorem)
  • Scaling theorem shows
  • Short baselines have large
    fringe spacings
    and measure
    large-scale structure on the
  • Long baselines have small
    fringe spacings
    and measure
    small-scale structure on the sky

The primary beam
  • The elements of an interferometer have finite
    size, and so have their own response to the
    radiation from the sky
  • This results in an additional factor, A(l,m), to
    be included in the expression for the correlator
    output, which is the primary beam or normalized
    reception pattern of the individual elements
  • Interferometer actually measures the FT of the
    sky multiplied by the primary beam response
  • Need to divide by A(l,m), to recover I(l,m)
  • The last step in the production of the image

The delay beam
  • A real interferometer must accept a range of
    frequencies (amongst other things, there is no
    power in an infinitesimal bandwidth)! Consider
    the response of our interferometer over frequency
    width Dn centred on n0
  • At angle a away from the phase centre the excess
    path for the centre of the band in cycles is u0l
  • At this point the excess path (in cycles) for the
    edges of the band, n n0 Dn/2, is ul

The delay beam (cont.)
  • Wavefronts are out of phase at the edges of the
    band compared with the centre where one extra
    wavelength of path is added across the entire
    band, or ul - u0l 0.5
  • This occurs where
  • Now l sin a a and fringe spacing qres
  • So width of delay beam is
  • ALMA example n 100 GHz, Dn 8 GHz, D 12m
    (qpb 53²) and qres 1², Þ qdb 12.5²
  • ALMA will have to divide bandwidth into many
    channels to avoid loss of sensitivity due to
    delay beam!

The interferometer in practice the need for
  • For the ideal interferometer the phase of a point
    source at the phase centre is zero, because we
    can correct for the known geometric delay
  • However, there are other sources of path delay
    that introduce phase offsets that are
    telescope-dependent most importantly at
    submillimeter wavelengths these are water (vapour
    and liquid) in the troposphere, and electronics
  • The raw amplitude of the visibility measured on a
    given baseline depends on the properties of the
    two telescopes (gains, pointing, etc.), and must
    be placed on a physical scale (Jy)
  • There may be frequency-dependent amplitude and
    phase responses of the electronics
  • There may also be baseline-based errors
    introduced due to averaging in time or frequency
  • We must observe calibration sources to derive
    corrections for these effects, to be applied to
    our program sources

Correlation of realistic signals
  • The signal delivered by telescope i to the
    correlator is the sum of the voltage due to the
    source corrupted by a telescope-based complex
    gain gi(t) ai(t)eifi(t), where ai(t) is a
    telescope-based amplitude correction and fi(t) is
    the telescope-based phase correction, and noise
  • The correlator output is then

realistic signals (cont.)
  • The noise does not correlate, so the noise term
    áninjñ integrates down to zero
  • Compare with a single dish, which measures the
    auto-correlation of the signal
  • This is a total power measurement plus noise
  • Desired signal is not isolated from noise
  • Noise usually dominates
  • Single dish calibration strategies dominated by
    switching schemes to isolate the desired signal

Telescope- and baseline-based errors
  • Write the output from the correlator as
  • where
  • and we have introduced a factor gij(t) to
    take into account any residual baseline-based
    gain error
  • If Gij(t) is slowly-varying this can be written
  • and we see that the correlator output Vijobs
    is the true visibility Vij modified by a complex
    gain factor Gij(t)

Contributions to Gij
  • Gij comprises telescope-based components from
  • Ionospheric Faraday rotation (important for cm,
    not for submm)
  • Water in the troposphere (important for submm)
  • Parallactic angle rotation
  • Telescope voltage pattern response
  • Polarization leakage
  • Electronic gains
  • Bandpass (frequency-dependent amplitudes and
  • Geometric (delay) compensation (important for
  • Baseline-based errors due to
  • Correlated noise (e.g., RFI important for cm)
  • Frequency averaging
  • Time averaging (important for submm because of
    the troposphere)

Solving for Gij
  • Can separate the various contributions to Gij to
  • Initially use estimates (if you have them), or
    assume Gijn 1, and solve for the dominant
    component of the error, assuming we know Vijtrue
    (note we observe calibration sources for which
    we do know Vijtrue)
  • Iterate on the solutions for Gijn

Baseline-based calibration
  • Since the interferometer makes baseline-based
    measurements, why not just use the observed
    (baseline-based) visibilities of calibrator
    sources to solve for Gij?
  • We have to know that the calibrator is a point
    source (i.e., should have f 0 at the phase
    centre) or know its structure
  • If we do not, using baseline-based calibration
    will absorb structure of the calibrator into the
    (erroneous) solution for Gij
  • In general we have to be able to assume that
    baseline-based effects are astronomical in
    origin, i.e., tell us about the source visibility
    (there are some calibrations that are
    baseline-based more on these later)
  • Most gain errors are telescope-based
  • It is better to solve for N telescope-based
    quantities than N(N-1)/2 baseline-based
    quantities (fewer free parameters)

Telescope-based calibration closure relationships
  • Closure relationships show that telescope-based
    gain errors do not irretrievably corrupt the
    information about the source (indeed, in the
    early days of radio interferometry, and today for
    optical interferometry, the systems were so
    phase-unstable that these closure quantities were
    all that could be measured)
  • Closure phase (3 baselines) let fij fi-fj,
  • Closure amplitude (4 baselines)

Calibration in practice
  • Observe nearby point sources against which
    calibration can be solved, and transfer solutions
    to target observations
  • Choose appropriate calibrators usually strong
    point sources because we can predict their
  • Choose appropriate timescales for calibration
  • Typically need calibrators for
  • Absolute flux density (constant radio source,
  • Nearby point source to track complex gain
  • Nearby point source for pointing calibration
  • Strong source for bandpass measurement
  • Source with known polarization properties for
    instrumental polarization calibration

VLA example
  • Science
  • HI observations of the galaxy NGC2403
  • Sources
  • Target source NGC2403
  • Near-target calibrator 0841708 (8 deg from
    target unknown flux density, assume 1 Jy
  • Flux density calibrators 3C48 (15.88 Jy), 3C147
    (21.95 Jy), 3C286 (14.73 Jy)
  • Signals
  • RR correlation, total intensity
  • 1419.79 MHz (HI), one 3.125 MHz channel
  • (continuum version of a spectral line observation)

Observing sequence
Views of the raw data
Uncalibrated images
Gain errors are telescope-based
The telescope-based calibration solution - I
  • Solve for telescope-based gain factors on 600s
    timescale (1 solution per scan on near-target
    calibrator, 2 solutions per scan on flux-density
  • Bootstrap flux density scale by scaling mean gain
    amplitudes of near-target (nt) calibrator
    (assumed 1Jy above) according to mean gain
    amplitudes of flux density (fd) calibrators

The telescope-based calibration solution - II
Calibrated calibrator phases - I
Calibrated calibrator phases - II
Calibrated visibilities
Calibrated images
Evaluating the calibration
  • Are solutions continuous?
  • Noise-like solutions are just thatnoise
  • Discontinuities indicate instrumental glitches
  • Any additional editing required?
  • Are calibrator data fully described by
    antenna-based effects?
  • Phase and amplitude closure errors are the
    baseline-based residuals
  • Are calibrators sufficiently point-like? If not,
  • Any evidence of unsampled variation? Is
    interpolation of solutions appropriate?
  • Reduce calibration timescale, if SNR (and data)
  • Evidence of gain errors in your final image?
  • Phase errors give asymmetric features in the
  • Amplitude errors give symmetric features in the

Typical calibration sequence, spectral line
  • Preliminary solve for G on bandpass calibrator
  • Solve for bandpass on bandpass calibrator
  • Solve for G (using B) on gain calibrator
  • Flux density scaling
  • Correct the data
  • Image!

Non-closing errors
  • Baseline-based errors are non-closing errors
    (they do not obey the closure relationships)
  • The three main sources of non-closing errors
    arise from
  • Source structure!
  • Frequency averaging
  • Time averaging
  • Frequency averaging
  • Instrument has a telescope-based bandpass
    response as a function of frequency
  • If all telescopes have the same response then
    averaging in frequency will preserve the closure
  • Different bandpass responses will introduce
    baseline-based gain errors (e.g., VLA-EVLA

Non-closing bandpass errors
  • Solutions
  • Design your instrument to match bandpasses as
    closely as possible
  • Divide the bandpass into many channels, so that
    the closure relationships are obeyed on a
    per-channel basis
  • Apply a baseline-based calibration

Time averaging tropospheric phase fluctuations
  • Averaging over time-variable phase and amplitude
    fluctuations also introduces non-closing errors
  • Particularly important in the submm, where
    variations in the water vapour content of the
    troposphere introduce phase fluctuations on very
    short timescales
  • Precipitable water vapour, pwv (typically of
    order 1mm), results in excess electrical path

    and phase change
  • Variations in the amount of pwv cause
  • pointing offsets, both predictable and anomalous
  • delay offsets
  • phase fluctuations, worse at shorter wavelengths,
    resulting in low coherence and radio seeing,
    typically 1-3² at l 1 mm

Phase fluctuations loss of coherence
  • Imag. thermal noise only
    Imag. phase noise thermal noise

  • Þ
    low vector average
  • (high s/n)

  • Real
  • Measured visibility V V0eif
  • áVñ V0 áeifñ V0 e-f2rms/2 (assuming
    Gaussian phase fluctuations)
  • If frms 1 radian,

Solutions to tropospheric phase fluctuations
  • Use short integration times OK for bright
    sources that can be detected in a few seconds
  • Fast switching calibrate in the normal way using
    a calibration cycle time, tcyc, short enough to
    reduce frms to an acceptable level effective for
    tcyc lt B/vwind
  • Radiometry measure fluctuations in water vapour
    emission from the troposphere above each
    telescope with a radiometer, derive the
    fluctuations in pwv, and convert into a phase
    correction using
  • Measure the amplitude decorrelation using a
    strong calibrator and very short integration
    times, assume áfñ0, and apply a baseline-based
    coherence correction to the amplitudes

Final remarks
  • I have not covered polarimetry or many other
    subtleties for further reading see Synthesis
    Imaging in Radio Astronomy II, ASP Vol. 180
  • Presentations from NRAO Synthesis Imaging Summer
    Schools, 2002, 2004, 2006
  • http//
  • Interferometry and synthesis imaging requires you
    to think in FT space! Dont despair, this takes
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